Fixed up scrolling with the scope.

Elliott Liggett 2023-09-25 10:03:31 -07:00
rodzic b97d35f2a1
commit ba7900d607
3 zmienionych plików z 40 dodań i 17 usunięć

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@ -65,12 +65,6 @@ spectrumScope::spectrumScope(QWidget *parent)
dummySlider = new QSlider();
tickInterval = dummySlider->tickInterval();
pageStep = dummySlider->pageStep();
qInfo() << "------ EHL INFO: ------ tickInterval: " << tickInterval << ", pageStep: " << pageStep;
qInfo() << "singleStep: " << dummySlider->singleStep();
spectrum = new QCustomPlot();
waterfall = new QCustomPlot();
@ -1234,14 +1228,43 @@ void spectrumScope::waterfallClick(QMouseEvent *me)
void spectrumScope::scroll(QWheelEvent *we)
// angleDelta is supposed to be eights of a degree of mouse wheel rotation
int clicks = we->angleDelta().y() / scrollYperClick;
int deltaY = we->angleDelta().y();
int deltaX = we->angleDelta().x();
int delta = (deltaX==0)?deltaY:deltaX;
qreal offset = qreal(delta) / qreal((deltaX==0)?scrollYperClick:scrollXperClick);
//qreal offset = qreal(delta) / 120;
qreal stepsToScroll = QApplication::wheelScrollLines() * offset;
// Did we change direction?
if( (scrollWheelOffsetAccumulated > 0) && (offset > 0) ) {
scrollWheelOffsetAccumulated += stepsToScroll;
} else if ((scrollWheelOffsetAccumulated < 0) && (offset < 0)) {
scrollWheelOffsetAccumulated += stepsToScroll;
} else {
// Changed direction, zap the old accumulation:
scrollWheelOffsetAccumulated = stepsToScroll;
//qInfo() << "Scroll changed direction";
int clicks = int(scrollWheelOffsetAccumulated);
if (!clicks) {
qInfo() << "Rejecting minor scroll motion, too small. Clicks: " << clicks << ", angleDelta: " << we->angleDelta().y();
qInfo() << "ScrollY per click: " << scrollYperClick;
// qInfo() << "Rejecting minor scroll motion, too small. Wheel Clicks: " << clicks << ", angleDelta: " << delta;
// qInfo() << "Accumulator value: " << offsetAccumulated;
// qInfo() << "stepsToScroll: " << stepsToScroll;
// qInfo() << "Storing scroll motion for later use.";
} else {
// qInfo() << "Accepted scroll motion. Wheel Clicks: " << clicks << ", angleDelta: " << delta;
// qInfo() << "Accumulator value: " << offsetAccumulated;
// qInfo() << "stepsToScroll: " << stepsToScroll;
// If we made it this far, it's time to scroll and to ultimately
// clear the scroll accumulator.
unsigned int stepsHz = stepSize;
Qt::KeyboardModifiers key = we->modifiers();
@ -1261,8 +1284,8 @@ void spectrumScope::scroll(QWheelEvent *we)
freq = f; // Do we need to do this?
//ui->freqLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(f.MHzDouble, 0, 'f'));
qInfo() << "Moving to freq:" << f.Hz << "step" << stepsHz;
//qInfo() << "Moving to freq:" << f.Hz << "step" << stepsHz;
scrollWheelOffsetAccumulated = 0;

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@ -179,8 +179,10 @@ private:
QSlider* configFilterWidth;
qreal tickInterval;
qreal pageStep;
// These parameters relate to scroll wheel response:
int scrollYperClick = 24;
int scrollXperClick = 24;
float scrollWheelOffsetAccumulated=0;
QCheckBox* rxCheckBox;
@ -226,8 +228,6 @@ private:
double oldPlotCeiling = 999;
double mousePressFreq = 0.0;
double mouseReleaseFreq = 0.0;
int scrollYperClick = 24;
int scrollXperClick = 24;
passbandActions passbandAction = passbandStatic;

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@ -1802,8 +1802,8 @@ void wfmain::setDefPrefs()
defPrefs.wftheme = static_cast<int>(QCPColorGradient::gpJet);
defPrefs.plotFloor = 0;
defPrefs.plotCeiling = 160;
defPrefs.scopeScrollX = 16;
defPrefs.scopeScrollY = 16;
defPrefs.scopeScrollX = 120;
defPrefs.scopeScrollY = 120;
defPrefs.confirmExit = true;
defPrefs.confirmPowerOff = true;
defPrefs.meter2Type = meterNone;