Start to fix PBT

Phil Taylor 2023-01-19 16:16:47 +00:00
rodzic f224068ec1
commit 037f05297d
4 zmienionych plików z 132 dodań i 25 usunięć

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ struct colorPrefsType{
QColor plotBackground;
QColor tuningLine;
QColor passband;
QColor pbt;
// Waterfall:
QColor wfBackground;

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@ -773,6 +773,13 @@ void wfmain::setupPlots()
pbtIndicator = new QCPItemRect(plot);
freqIndicatorLine = new QCPItemLine(plot);
@ -816,6 +823,9 @@ void wfmain::setupPlots()
passbandIndicator->topLeft->setCoords(0.5, 0);
passbandIndicator->bottomRight->setCoords(0.5, 160);
pbtIndicator->topLeft->setCoords(0.5, 0);
pbtIndicator->bottomRight->setCoords(0.5, 160);
// Plot user interaction
connect(plot, SIGNAL(mouseDoubleClick(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(handlePlotDoubleClick(QMouseEvent*)));
connect(wf, SIGNAL(mouseDoubleClick(QMouseEvent*)), this, SLOT(handleWFDoubleClick(QMouseEvent*)));
@ -1666,6 +1676,7 @@ void wfmain::loadSettings()
p->plotBackground.setNamedColor(settings->value("plotBackground", p->;
p->tuningLine.setNamedColor(settings->value("tuningLine", p->;
p->passband.setNamedColor(settings->value("passband", p->;
p->pbt.setNamedColor(settings->value("pbt", p->;
p->wfBackground.setNamedColor(settings->value("wfBackground", p->;
p->wfGrid.setNamedColor(settings->value("wfGrid", p->;
p->wfAxis.setNamedColor(settings->value("wfAxis", p->;
@ -2558,6 +2569,7 @@ void wfmain::saveSettings()
settings->setValue("plotBackground", p->;
settings->setValue("tuningLine", p->;
settings->setValue("passband", p->;
settings->setValue("pbt", p->;
settings->setValue("wfBackground", p->;
settings->setValue("wfGrid", p->;
settings->setValue("wfAxis", p->;
@ -3286,6 +3298,7 @@ void wfmain::setDefaultColors(int presetNumber)
p->plotBackground = QColor(Qt::black);
p->tuningLine = QColor(Qt::blue);
p->passband = QColor(Qt::blue);
p->pbt = QColor("#32ff0000");
p->meterLevel = QColor("#148CD2").darker();
p->meterAverage = QColor("#3FB7CD");
@ -3320,6 +3333,7 @@ void wfmain::setDefaultColors(int presetNumber)
p->underlayFill = QColor(20+200/4.0*1,70*(1.6-1/4.0), 150, 150);
p->tuningLine = QColor("#ff55ffff");
p->passband = QColor("#32ffffff");
p->pbt = QColor("#32ff0000");
p->meterLevel = QColor("#148CD2").darker();
p->meterAverage = QColor("#3FB7CD");
@ -3349,6 +3363,7 @@ void wfmain::setDefaultColors(int presetNumber)
p->underlayLine = QColor(Qt::blue);
p->tuningLine = QColor(Qt::darkBlue);
p->passband = QColor("#64000080");
p->pbt = QColor("#32ff0000");
p->meterAverage = QColor("#3FB7CD");
p->meterPeakLevel = QColor("#3CA0DB");
@ -4423,14 +4438,10 @@ void wfmain::receiveSpectrumData(QByteArray spectrum, double startFreq, double e
freqIndicatorLine->start->setCoords(freq.MHzDouble, 0);
freqIndicatorLine->end->setCoords(freq.MHzDouble, rigCaps.spectAmpMax);
double tpbfDiff = qMax(TPBFInner, TPBFOuter);
double pbStart = 0.0;
double pbEnd = 0.0;
if (TPBFOuter < TPBFInner) {
tpbfDiff = qMin(TPBFInner, TPBFOuter);
switch (
case modeLSB:
@ -4467,6 +4478,33 @@ void wfmain::receiveSpectrumData(QByteArray spectrum, double startFreq, double e
passbandIndicator->topLeft->setCoords(pbStart, 0);
passbandIndicator->bottomRight->setCoords(pbEnd, rigCaps.spectAmpMax);
if (TPBFInner || TPBFOuter) {
if (TPBFInner < TPBFOuter)
double width = passbandWidth - TPBFOuter - TPBFInner;
pbtIndicator->topLeft->setCoords(pbStart + TPBFInner + TPBFOuter, 0);
pbtIndicator->bottomRight->setCoords(pbStart + passbandWidth, rigCaps.spectAmpMax);
else if (TPBFOuter > TPBFInner)
double width = passbandWidth - TPBFInner - TPBFOuter;
pbtIndicator->topLeft->setCoords(pbStart + TPBFInner+TPBFOuter, 0);
pbtIndicator->bottomRight->setCoords(pbEnd + width, rigCaps.spectAmpMax);
else if (passbandAction == passbandStatic) {
pbtIndicator->topLeft->setCoords(pbStart+TPBFInner, 0);
pbtIndicator->bottomRight->setCoords(pbEnd+TPBFOuter, rigCaps.spectAmpMax);
if (underlayMode == underlayPeakHold)
@ -4642,21 +4680,19 @@ void wfmain::handlePlotClick(QMouseEvent* me)
int leftPix = (int)passbandIndicator->left->pixelPoint().x();
int rightPix = (int)passbandIndicator->right->pixelPoint().x();
int pbtLeftPix = (int)pbtIndicator->left->pixelPoint().x();
int pbtRightPix = (int)pbtIndicator->right->pixelPoint().x();
int leftPix = (int)passbandIndicator->left->pixelPosition().x();
int rightPix = (int)passbandIndicator->right->pixelPosition().x();
int pbtLeftPix = (int)pbtIndicator->left->pixelPosition().x();
int pbtRightPix = (int)pbtIndicator->right->pixelPosition().x();
int centerPix = leftPix + ((rightPix - leftPix) / 2);
int pbtCenterPix = pbtLeftPix + ((pbtRightPix - pbtLeftPix) / 2);
int cursor = me->pos().x();
if (me->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
if (rectItem != nullptr && (me->pos().x() <= leftPix || me->pos().x() >= rightPix)) {
passbandAction = passbandResizing;
else if (rectItem != nullptr && (me->pos().x() > centerPix - 10 && me->pos().x() < centerPix + 10)) {
passbandAction = passbandMoving;
clickedFrequency = plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x());
else if (textItem != nullptr)
if (textItem != nullptr)
QMap<QString, spotData*>::iterator spot = clusterSpots.find(textItem->text());
if (spot != clusterSpots.end() && spot.key() == textItem->text())
@ -4668,13 +4704,22 @@ void wfmain::handlePlotClick(QMouseEvent* me)
issueCmdUniquePriority(cmdSetFreq, freqGo);
else if (passbandAction == passbandStatic && rectItem != nullptr)
if ((cursor <= leftPix && cursor > leftPix - 10) || (cursor >= rightPix && cursor < rightPix + 10))
passbandAction = passbandResizing;
else if (prefs.clickDragTuningEnable)
double x = plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x());
showStatusBarText(QString("Selected %1 MHz").arg(x));
this->mousePressFreq = x;
} else if (me->button() == Qt::RightButton) {
else if (me->button() == Qt::RightButton)
if (textItem != nullptr) {
QMap<QString, spotData*>::iterator spot = clusterSpots.find(textItem->text());
if (spot != clusterSpots.end() && spot.key() == textItem->text()) {
@ -4699,6 +4744,22 @@ void wfmain::handlePlotClick(QMouseEvent* me)
spotDialog->connect(bExit, SIGNAL(clicked()), spotDialog, SLOT(close()));
else if (passbandAction == passbandStatic && rectItem != nullptr)
if (cursor <= pbtLeftPix && cursor > pbtLeftPix - 10)
passbandAction = pbtInnerMove;
else if (cursor >= pbtRightPix && cursor < pbtRightPix + 10)
passbandAction = pbtOuterMove;
else if (cursor > pbtCenterPix - 20 && cursor < pbtCenterPix + 20)
passbandAction = pbtMoving;
clickedFrequency = plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x());
@ -4718,7 +4779,7 @@ void wfmain::handlePlotMouseRelease(QMouseEvent* me)
void wfmain::handlePlotMouseMove(QMouseEvent *me)
void wfmain::handlePlotMouseMove(QMouseEvent* me)
QCPAbstractItem* item = plot->itemAt(me->pos(), true);
QCPItemText* textItem = dynamic_cast<QCPItemText*> (item);
@ -4726,18 +4787,31 @@ void wfmain::handlePlotMouseMove(QMouseEvent *me)
int leftPix = (int)passbandIndicator->left->pixelPoint().x();
int rightPix = (int)passbandIndicator->right->pixelPoint().x();
int pbtLeftPix = (int)pbtIndicator->left->pixelPoint().x();
int pbtRightPix = (int)pbtIndicator->right->pixelPoint().x();
int leftPix = (int)passbandIndicator->left->pixelPosition().x();
int rightPix = (int)passbandIndicator->right->pixelPosition().x();
int pbtLeftPix = (int)pbtIndicator->left->pixelPosition().x();
int pbtRightPix = (int)pbtIndicator->right->pixelPosition().x();
int centerPix = leftPix + ((rightPix - leftPix) / 2);
if (passbandAction == passbandStatic && rectItem != nullptr && (me->pos().x() <= leftPix || me->pos().x() >= rightPix)) {
int pbtCenterPix = pbtLeftPix + ((pbtRightPix - pbtLeftPix) / 2);
int cursor = me->pos().x();
if (passbandAction == passbandStatic && rectItem != nullptr)
if ((cursor <= leftPix && cursor > leftPix - 10) ||
(cursor >= rightPix && cursor < rightPix + 10) ||
(cursor <= pbtLeftPix && cursor > pbtLeftPix - 10) ||
(cursor >= pbtRightPix && cursor < pbtRightPix + 10))
else if (me->pos().x() > pbtCenterPix - 20 && me->pos().x() < pbtCenterPix + 20) {
else if (passbandAction == passbandStatic && rectItem != nullptr && (me->pos().x() > centerPix - 10 && me->pos().x() < centerPix + 10)) {
else if (passbandAction == passbandResizing) {
else if (passbandAction == passbandResizing)
// We are currently resizing the passband.
double pb = 0.0;
double origin = 0.0;
@ -4764,7 +4838,7 @@ void wfmain::handlePlotMouseMove(QMouseEvent *me)
issueCmdUniquePriority(cmdSetPassband, (quint16)(pb * 1000000));
else if (passbandAction == passbandMoving) {
else if (passbandAction == pbtMoving) {
double movedFrequency = plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x()) - clickedFrequency;
double pbFreq = 0.0;
@ -4782,6 +4856,32 @@ void wfmain::handlePlotMouseMove(QMouseEvent *me)
issueCmdUniquePriority(cmdSetTPBFOuter, (unsigned char)newFreq);
else if (passbandAction == pbtInnerMove) {
double movedFrequency = plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x()) - clickedFrequency;
if (TPBFInner + movedFrequency < passbandCenterFrequency) {
double pbFreq = 0.0;
pbFreq = ((TPBFInner + movedFrequency) / passbandWidth) * 127;
qint16 newFreq = pbFreq + 128;
if (newFreq >= 0 && newFreq <= 255) {
issueCmdUniquePriority(cmdSetTPBFInner, (unsigned char)newFreq);
else if (passbandAction == pbtOuterMove) {
double movedFrequency = plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x()) - clickedFrequency;
if (movedFrequency + TPBFOuter > passbandCenterFrequency) {
double pbFreq = 0.0;
pbFreq = ((movedFrequency + TPBFOuter) / passbandWidth) * 127;
qint16 newFreq = pbFreq + 128;
if (newFreq >= 0 && newFreq <= 255) {
issueCmdUniquePriority(cmdSetTPBFOuter, (unsigned char)newFreq);
else if (passbandAction == passbandStatic && me->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton && textItem == nullptr && prefs.clickDragTuningEnable)
double delta = plot->xAxis->pixelToCoord(me->pos().x()) - mousePressFreq;
@ -7268,9 +7368,13 @@ void wfmain::useColorPreset(colorPrefsType *cp)
@ -7787,6 +7891,7 @@ void wfmain::on_colorSavePresetBtn_clicked()
settings->setValue("plotBackground", p->;
settings->setValue("tuningLine", p->;
settings->setValue("passband", p->;
settings->setValue("pbt", p->;
settings->setValue("wfBackground", p->;
settings->setValue("wfGrid", p->;
settings->setValue("wfAxis", p->;

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@ -738,6 +738,7 @@ private:
QCustomPlot *wf; // waterfall image
QCPItemLine * freqIndicatorLine;
QCPItemRect* passbandIndicator;
QCPItemRect* pbtIndicator;
void setAppTheme(bool isCustom);
void prepareWf();
void prepareWf(unsigned int wfLength);

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@ -61,6 +61,6 @@ struct errorType {
enum audioType {qtAudio,portAudio,rtAudio};
enum codecType { LPCM, PCMU, OPUS };
enum passbandActions {passbandStatic,passbandMoving,passbandResizing};
enum passbandActions {passbandStatic, pbtInnerMove, pbtOuterMove, pbtMoving, passbandResizing};