
245 wiersze
9.5 KiB

#include "udpcivdata.h"
#include "logcategories.h"
// Class that manages all Civ Data to/from the rig
udpCivData::udpCivData(QHostAddress local, QHostAddress ip, quint16 civPort, bool splitWf, quint16 localPort = 0)
qInfo(logUdp()) << "Starting udpCivData";
localIP = local;
port = civPort;
radioIP = ip;
splitWaterfall = splitWf;
udpBase::init(localPort); // Perform connection
QUdpSocket::connect(udp, &QUdpSocket::readyRead, this, &udpCivData::dataReceived);
sendControl(false, 0x03, 0x00); // First connect packet
Connect various timers
pingTimer = new QTimer(this);
idleTimer = new QTimer(this);
areYouThereTimer = new QTimer(this);
startCivDataTimer = new QTimer(this);
watchdogTimer = new QTimer(this);
connect(pingTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &udpBase::sendPing);
connect(watchdogTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &udpCivData::watchdog);
connect(idleTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&udpBase::sendControl, this, true, 0, 0));
connect(startCivDataTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&udpCivData::sendOpenClose, this, false));
connect(areYouThereTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, std::bind(&udpBase::sendControl, this, false, 0x03, 0));
// Start sending are you there packets - will be stopped once "I am here" received
// send ping packets every 100 ms (maybe change to less frequent?)
// Send idle packets every 100ms, this timer will be reset every time a non-idle packet is sent.
void udpCivData::watchdog()
static bool alerted = false;
if (lastReceived.msecsTo(QTime::currentTime()) > 2000)
if (!alerted) {
qInfo(logUdp()) << " CIV Watchdog: no CIV data received for 2s, requesting data start.";
if (startCivDataTimer != Q_NULLPTR)
alerted = true;
alerted = false;
void udpCivData::send(QByteArray d)
//qInfo(logUdp()) << "Sending: (" << d.length() << ") " << d;
data_packet p;
memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00!
p.len = (quint32)sizeof(p) + d.length();
p.sentid = myId;
p.rcvdid = remoteId;
p.reply = (char)0xc1;
p.datalen = d.length();
p.sendseq = qToBigEndian(sendSeqB); // THIS IS BIG ENDIAN!
QByteArray t = QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p));
void udpCivData::sendOpenClose(bool close)
uint8_t magic = 0x04;
if (close)
magic = 0x00;
openclose_packet p;
memset(p.packet, 0x0, sizeof(p)); // We can't be sure it is initialized with 0x00!
p.len = sizeof(p);
p.sentid = myId;
p.rcvdid = remoteId; = 0x01c0; // Not sure what other values are available:
p.sendseq = qToBigEndian(sendSeqB);
p.magic = magic;
sendTrackedPacket(QByteArray::fromRawData((const char*)p.packet, sizeof(p)));
void udpCivData::dataReceived()
while (udp->hasPendingDatagrams())
QNetworkDatagram datagram = udp->receiveDatagram();
//qInfo(logUdp()) << "Received: " <<;
QByteArray r =;
switch (r.length())
case (CONTROL_SIZE): // Control packet
control_packet_t in = (control_packet_t)r.constData();
if (in->type == 0x04)
else if (in->type == 0x06)
// Update remoteId
remoteId = in->sentid;
// Manually send a CIV start request and start the timer if it isn't received.
// The timer will be stopped as soon as valid CIV data is received.
if (startCivDataTimer != Q_NULLPTR) {
if (r.length() > 21) {
data_packet_t in = (data_packet_t)r.constData();
if (in->type != 0x01) {
// Process this packet, any re-transmit requests will happen later.
//uint16_t gotSeq = qFromLittleEndian<quint16>(r.mid(6, 2));
// We have received some Civ data so stop sending Start packets!
if (startCivDataTimer != Q_NULLPTR) {
lastReceived = QTime::currentTime();
if (quint16(in->datalen + 0x15) == (quint16)in->len)
//if (r.mid(0x15).length() != 157)
// Find data length
int pos = r.indexOf(QByteArrayLiteral("\x27\x00\x00")) + 2;
int len = r.mid(pos).indexOf(QByteArrayLiteral("\xfd"));
//splitWaterfall = false;
if (splitWaterfall && pos > 1 && len > 100) {
// We need to split waterfall data into its component parts
// There are only 2 types that we are currently aware of
int numDivisions = 0;
if (len == 490) // IC705, IC9700, IC7300(LAN)
numDivisions = 11;
else if (len == 704) // IC7610, IC7851, ICR8600
numDivisions = 15;
else {
qInfo(logUdp()) << "Unknown spectrum size" << len;
// (sequence #1) includes center/fixed mode at [05]. No pixels.
// "INDEX: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 "
// "DATA: 27 00 00 01 11 01 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 35 14 00 00 fd "
// (sequences 2-10, 50 pixels)
// "INDEX: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 "
// "DATA: 27 00 00 07 11 27 13 15 01 00 22 21 09 08 06 19 0e 20 23 25 2c 2d 17 27 29 16 14 1b 1b 21 27 1a 18 17 1e 21 1b 24 21 22 23 13 19 23 2f 2d 25 25 0a 0e 1e 20 1f 1a 0c fd "
// ^--^--(seq 7/11)
// ^-- start waveform data 0x00 to 0xA0, index 05 to 54
// (sequence #11)
// "INDEX: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 "
// "DATA: 27 00 00 11 11 0b 13 21 23 1a 1b 22 1e 1a 1d 13 21 1d 26 28 1f 19 1a 18 09 2c 2c 2c 1a 1b fd "
int divSize = (len / numDivisions) + 6;
QByteArray wfPacket;
for (int i = 0; i < numDivisions; i++) {
wfPacket = r.mid(pos - 6, 9); // First part of packet
wfPacket = r.mid(pos - 6, 9); // First part of packet
char tens = ((i + 1) / 10);
char units = ((i + 1) - (10 * tens));
wfPacket[7] = units | (tens << 4);
tens = (numDivisions / 10);
units = (numDivisions - (10 * tens));
wfPacket[8] = units | (tens << 4);
if (i == 0) {
//Just send initial data, first BCD encode the max number:
wfPacket.append(r.mid(pos + 3, 12));
wfPacket.append(r.mid((pos + 15) + ((i - 1) * divSize), divSize));
if (i < numDivisions - 1) {
//printHex(wfPacket, false, true);
emit receive(wfPacket);
//qDebug(logUdp()) << "Waterfall packet len" << len << "Num Divisions" << numDivisions << "Division Size" << divSize;
else {
// Not waterfall data or split not enabled.
emit receive(r.mid(0x15));
//qDebug(logUdp()) << "Got incoming CIV datagram" << r.mid(0x15).length();
udpBase::dataReceived(r); // Call parent function to process the rest.