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import json
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.core.validators import MaxLengthValidator
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.fields.json import KeyTransform
from django.utils.encoding import force_str
from wagtail.blocks import Block, BlockField, StreamBlock, StreamValue
from wagtail.rich_text import (
class RichTextField(models.TextField):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# 'editor' and 'features' are popped before super().__init__ has chance to capture them
# for use in deconstruct(). This is intentional - they would not be useful in migrations
# and retrospectively adding them would generate unwanted migration noise
self.editor = kwargs.pop("editor", "default")
self.features = kwargs.pop("features", None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def clone(self):
name, path, args, kwargs = self.deconstruct()
# add back the 'features' and 'editor' kwargs that were not preserved by deconstruct()
kwargs["features"] = self.features
kwargs["editor"] = self.editor
return self.__class__(*args, **kwargs)
def formfield(self, **kwargs):
from wagtail.admin.rich_text import get_rich_text_editor_widget
defaults = {
"widget": get_rich_text_editor_widget(self.editor, features=self.features)
field = super().formfield(**defaults)
# replace any MaxLengthValidators with RichTextMaxLengthValidators to ignore tags
for i, validator in enumerate(field.validators):
if isinstance(validator, MaxLengthValidator):
field.validators[i] = RichTextMaxLengthValidator(
validator.limit_value, message=validator.message
return field
def get_searchable_content(self, value):
# Strip HTML tags to prevent search backend from indexing them
source = force_str(value)
return [get_text_for_indexing(source)]
def extract_references(self, value):
yield from extract_references_from_rich_text(force_str(value))
# https://github.com/django/django/blob/64200c14e0072ba0ffef86da46b2ea82fd1e019a/django/db/models/fields/subclassing.py#L31-L44
class Creator:
A placeholder class that provides a way to set the attribute on the model.
def __init__(self, field):
self.field = field
def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
if obj is None:
return self
field_name = self.field.name
if field_name not in obj.__dict__:
# Field is deferred. Fetch it from db.
return obj.__dict__[field_name]
def __set__(self, obj, value):
obj.__dict__[self.field.name] = self.field.to_python(value)
class StreamField(models.Field):
def __init__(self, block_types, use_json_field=True, **kwargs):
# use_json_field no longer has any effect but is recognised to support historical
# migrations
# extract kwargs that are to be passed on to the block, not handled by super
block_opts = {}
for arg in ["min_num", "max_num", "block_counts", "collapsed"]:
if arg in kwargs:
block_opts[arg] = kwargs.pop(arg)
# for a top-level block, the 'blank' kwarg (defaulting to False) always overrides the
# block's own 'required' meta attribute, even if not passed explicitly; this ensures
# that the field and block have consistent definitions
block_opts["required"] = not kwargs.get("blank", False)
if isinstance(block_types, Block):
# use the passed block as the top-level block
self.stream_block = block_types
elif isinstance(block_types, type):
# block passed as a class - instantiate it
self.stream_block = block_types()
# construct a top-level StreamBlock from the list of block types
self.stream_block = StreamBlock(block_types)
def json_field(self):
return models.JSONField(encoder=DjangoJSONEncoder)
def get_internal_type(self):
return "JSONField"
def get_lookup(self, lookup_name):
return self.json_field.get_lookup(lookup_name)
def get_transform(self, lookup_name):
return self.json_field.get_transform(lookup_name)
def deconstruct(self):
name, path, _, kwargs = super().deconstruct()
block_types = list(self.stream_block.child_blocks.items())
args = [block_types]
return name, path, args, kwargs
def to_python(self, value):
result = self.stream_block.to_python(value)
# The top-level StreamValue is passed a reference to the StreamField, to support
# pickling. This is necessary because unpickling needs access to the StreamBlock
# definition, which cannot itself be pickled; instead we store a pointer to the
# field within the model, which gives us a path to retrieve the StreamBlock definition.
result._stream_field = self
return result
def get_prep_value(self, value):
if (
isinstance(value, StreamValue)
and not (value)
and value.raw_text is not None
# An empty StreamValue with a nonempty raw_text attribute should have that
# raw_text attribute written back to the db. (This is probably only useful
# for reverse migrations that convert StreamField data back into plain text
# fields.)
return value.raw_text
elif isinstance(value, StreamValue):
# StreamValue instances must be prepared first.
return json.dumps(
self.stream_block.get_prep_value(value), cls=DjangoJSONEncoder
# When querying with JSONField features, the rhs might not be a StreamValue.
# Note: when Django 4.2 is the minimum supported version, this can be removed
# as the serialisation is handled in get_db_prep_value instead.
return self.json_field.get_prep_value(value)
def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False):
if not isinstance(value, StreamValue):
# When querying with JSONField features, the rhs might not be a StreamValue.
# As of Django 4.2, JSONField value serialisation is handled in
# get_db_prep_value instead of get_prep_value.
return self.json_field.get_db_prep_value(value, connection, prepared)
return super().get_db_prep_value(value, connection, prepared)
def from_db_value(self, value, expression, connection):
if isinstance(expression, KeyTransform):
# This could happen when using JSONField key transforms,
# e.g. Page.object.values('body__0').
# We might be able to properly resolve to the appropriate StreamValue
# based on `expression` and `self.stream_block`, but it might be too
# complicated to do so. For now, just deserialise the value.
return json.loads(value)
except ValueError:
# Just in case the extracted value is not valid JSON.
return value
return self.to_python(value)
def formfield(self, **kwargs):
Override formfield to use a plain forms.Field so that we do no transformation on the value
(as distinct from the usual fallback of forms.CharField, which transforms it into a string).
defaults = {"form_class": BlockField, "block": self.stream_block}
return super().formfield(**defaults)
def value_to_string(self, obj):
value = self.value_from_object(obj)
return self.get_prep_value(value)
def get_searchable_content(self, value):
return self.stream_block.get_searchable_content(value)
def extract_references(self, value):
yield from self.stream_block.extract_references(value)
def get_block_by_content_path(self, value, path_elements):
Given a list of elements from a content path, retrieve the block at that path
as a BoundBlock object, or None if the path does not correspond to a valid block.
return self.stream_block.get_block_by_content_path(value, path_elements)
def check(self, **kwargs):
errors = super().check(**kwargs)
errors.extend(self.stream_block.check(field=self, **kwargs))
return errors
def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name, **kwargs):
super().contribute_to_class(cls, name, **kwargs)
# Add Creator descriptor to allow the field to be set from a list or a
# JSON string.
setattr(cls, self.name, Creator(self))