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Wagtail 0.7 release notes - IN DEVELOPMENT
.. contents::
:depth: 1
What's new
New interface for choosing image focal point
When editing images, users can now specify a 'focal point' region that cropped versions of the image will be centred on. Previously the focal point could only be set automatically, through image feature detection.
Groups and Sites administration interfaces
The main navigation menu has been reorganised, placing site configuration options in a 'Settings' submenu. This includes two new items, which were previously only available through the Django admin backend: 'Groups', for setting up user groups with a specific set of permissions, and 'Sites', for managing the list of sites served by this Wagtail instance.
Minor features
* The ``content_type`` template filter has been removed from the project template, as the same thing can be accomplished with ``self.get_verbose_name|slugify``.
* Page copy operations now also copy the page revision history.
* Page models now support a ``parent_page_types`` property in addition to ``subpage types``, to restrict the types of page they can be created under.
* ``register_snippet`` can now be invoked as a decorator.
* The project template (used when running ``wagtail start``) has been updated to Django 1.7.
* The 'boost' applied to the title field on searches has been reduced from 100 to 2.
* The ``type`` method of ``PageQuerySet`` (used to filter the queryset to a specific page type) now includes subclasses of the given page type.
Bug fixes
* The 'wagtail start' command now works on Windows and other environments where the ``django-admin.py`` executable is not readily accessible.
* The external image URL generator no longer stores generated images in Django's cache; this was an unintentional side-effect of setting cache control headers.
* The Elasticsearch backend can now search querysets that have been filtered with an 'in' clause of a non-list type (such as a ``ValuesListQuerySet``).
Upgrade considerations
Addition of ``wagtailsites`` app
The Sites administration interface is contained within a new app, ``wagtailsites``. To enable this on an existing Wagtail project, add the line::
to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` list in your project's settings file.
Title boost on search reduced to 2
Wagtail's search interface applies a 'boost' value to give extra weighting to matches on the title field. The original boost value of 100 was found to be excessive, and in Wagtail 0.7 this has been reduced to 2. If you have used comparable boost values on other fields, to give them similar weighting to title, you may now wish to reduce these accordingly. See :ref:`wagtailsearch_for_python_developers`.
Deprecated features