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from collections import OrderedDict
import django.forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.html import conditional_escape
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from wagtail.admin.forms import WagtailAdminPageForm
class BaseForm(django.forms.Form):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault("label_suffix", "")
self.user = kwargs.pop("user", None)
self.page = kwargs.pop("page", None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class FormBuilder:
def __init__(self, fields):
self.fields = fields
def create_singleline_field(self, field, options):
# TODO: This is a default value - it may need to be changed
options["max_length"] = 255
return django.forms.CharField(**options)
def create_multiline_field(self, field, options):
return django.forms.CharField(widget=django.forms.Textarea, **options)
def create_date_field(self, field, options):
return django.forms.DateField(**options)
def create_datetime_field(self, field, options):
return django.forms.DateTimeField(**options)
def create_email_field(self, field, options):
return django.forms.EmailField(**options)
def create_url_field(self, field, options):
return django.forms.URLField(**options)
def create_number_field(self, field, options):
return django.forms.DecimalField(**options)
def create_dropdown_field(self, field, options):
options["choices"] = self.get_formatted_field_choices(field)
return django.forms.ChoiceField(**options)
def create_multiselect_field(self, field, options):
options["choices"] = self.get_formatted_field_choices(field)
return django.forms.MultipleChoiceField(**options)
def create_radio_field(self, field, options):
options["choices"] = self.get_formatted_field_choices(field)
return django.forms.ChoiceField(widget=django.forms.RadioSelect, **options)
def create_checkboxes_field(self, field, options):
options["choices"] = self.get_formatted_field_choices(field)
options["initial"] = self.get_formatted_field_initial(field)
return django.forms.MultipleChoiceField(
widget=django.forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple, **options
def create_checkbox_field(self, field, options):
return django.forms.BooleanField(**options)
def create_hidden_field(self, field, options):
return django.forms.CharField(widget=django.forms.HiddenInput, **options)
def get_create_field_function(self, type):
Takes string of field type and returns a Django Form Field Instance.
Assumes form field creation functions are in the format:
create_field_function = getattr(self, "create_%s_field" % type, None)
if create_field_function:
return create_field_function
import inspect
method_list = [
for f in inspect.getmembers(self.__class__, inspect.isfunction)
if f[0].startswith("create_") and f[0].endswith("_field")
raise AttributeError(
"Could not find function matching format \
create_<fieldname>_field for type: "
+ type,
"Must be one of: " + ", ".join(method_list),
def get_formatted_field_choices(self, field):
Returns a list of choices [(string, string),] for the field.
Split the provided choices into a list, separated by new lines.
If no new lines in the provided choices, split by commas.
if "\n" in field.choices:
choices = (
for x in field.choices.split("\r\n")
choices = ((x.strip(), x.strip()) for x in field.choices.split(","))
return choices
def get_formatted_field_initial(self, field):
Returns a list of initial values [string,] for the field.
Split the supplied default values into a list, separated by new lines.
If no new lines in the provided default values, split by commas.
if "\n" in field.default_value:
values = [
x.strip().rstrip(",").strip() for x in field.default_value.split("\r\n")
values = [x.strip() for x in field.default_value.split(",")]
return values
def formfields(self):
formfields = OrderedDict()
for field in self.fields:
options = self.get_field_options(field)
create_field = self.get_create_field_function(field.field_type)
# If the field hasn't been saved to the database yet (e.g. we are previewing
# a FormPage with unsaved changes) it won't have a clean_name as this is
# set in FormField.save.
clean_name = field.clean_name or field.get_field_clean_name()
formfields[clean_name] = create_field(field, options)
return formfields
def get_field_options(self, field):
options = {}
options["label"] = field.label
if getattr(settings, "WAGTAILFORMS_HELP_TEXT_ALLOW_HTML", False):
options["help_text"] = field.help_text
options["help_text"] = conditional_escape(field.help_text)
options["required"] = field.required
options["initial"] = field.default_value
return options
def get_form_class(self):
return type(str("WagtailForm"), (BaseForm,), self.formfields)
class SelectDateForm(django.forms.Form):
date_from = django.forms.DateTimeField(
widget=django.forms.DateInput(attrs={"placeholder": _("Date from")}),
date_to = django.forms.DateTimeField(
widget=django.forms.DateInput(attrs={"placeholder": _("Date to")}),
class WagtailAdminFormPageForm(WagtailAdminPageForm):
def clean(self):
# Check for duplicate form fields by comparing their internal clean_names
if "form_fields" in self.formsets:
forms = self.formsets["form_fields"].forms
for form in forms:
# Use existing clean_name or generate for new fields.
# clean_name is set in FormField.save
clean_names = [
f.instance.clean_name or f.instance.get_field_clean_name()
for f in forms
duplicate_clean_name = next(
(n for n in clean_names if clean_names.count(n) > 1), None
if duplicate_clean_name:
duplicate_form_field = next(
for f in self.formsets["form_fields"].forms
if f.instance.get_field_clean_name() == duplicate_clean_name
"There is another field with the label %(label_name)s, please change one of them."
% {"label_name": duplicate_form_field.instance.label}