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from django import forms
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, ValidationError
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy
from wagtail.admin import widgets
from wagtail.admin.forms import WagtailAdminModelForm
from wagtail.admin.panels import FieldPanel, InlinePanel, ObjectList
from wagtail.admin.widgets.workflows import AdminTaskChooser
from wagtail.coreutils import get_model_string
from wagtail.models import Page, Task, Workflow, WorkflowPage
class TaskChooserSearchForm(forms.Form):
q = forms.CharField(
label=gettext_lazy("Search term"), widget=forms.TextInput(), required=False
def __init__(self, *args, task_type_choices=None, **kwargs):
placeholder = kwargs.pop("placeholder", _("Search"))
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields["q"].widget.attrs = {"placeholder": placeholder}
# Add task type filter if there is more than one task type option
if task_type_choices and len(task_type_choices) > 1:
self.fields["task_type"] = forms.ChoiceField(
# Append an "All types" choice to the beginning
[(None, _("All types"))]
# The task type choices that are passed in use the models as values, we need
# to convert these to something that can be represented in HTML
+ [
(get_model_string(model), verbose_name)
for model, verbose_name in task_type_choices
# Save a mapping of task_type values back to the model that we can reference later
self.task_type_choices = {
get_model_string(model): model for model, verbose_name in task_type_choices
def is_searching(self):
Returns True if the user typed a search query
return self.is_valid() and bool(self.cleaned_data.get("q"))
def task_model(self):
Returns the selected task model.
This looks for the task model in the following order:
1) If there's only one task model option, return it
2) If a task model has been selected, return it
3) Return the generic Task model
models = list(self.task_type_choices.values())
if len(models) == 1:
return models[0]
elif self.is_valid():
model_name = self.cleaned_data.get("task_type")
if model_name and model_name in self.task_type_choices:
return self.task_type_choices[model_name]
return Task
def specific_task_model_selected(self):
return self.task_model is not Task
class WorkflowPageForm(forms.ModelForm):
page = forms.ModelChoiceField(
widget=widgets.AdminPageChooser(target_models=[Page], can_choose_root=True),
class Meta:
model = WorkflowPage
fields = ["page"]
def clean(self):
page = self.cleaned_data.get("page")
existing_workflow = page.workflowpage.workflow
if not self.errors and existing_workflow != self.cleaned_data["workflow"]:
# If the form has no errors, Page has an existing Workflow assigned, that Workflow is not
# the selected Workflow, and overwrite_existing is not True, add a new error. This should be used to
# trigger the confirmation message in the view. This is why this error is only added if there are no
# other errors - confirmation should be the final step.
"This page already has workflow '%(workflow_name)s' assigned."
% {"workflow_name": existing_workflow},
except AttributeError:
def save(self, commit=False):
page = self.cleaned_data["page"]
if commit:
defaults={"workflow": self.cleaned_data["workflow"]},
class BaseWorkflowPagesFormSet(forms.BaseInlineFormSet):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for form in self.forms:
form.fields["DELETE"].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
def empty_form(self):
empty_form = super().empty_form
empty_form.fields["DELETE"].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
return empty_form
def clean(self):
"""Checks that no two forms refer to the same page object"""
if any(self.errors):
# Don't bother validating the formset unless each form is valid on its own
pages = [
for form in self.forms
# need to check for presence of 'page' in cleaned_data,
# because a completely blank form passes validation
if form not in self.deleted_forms and "page" in form.cleaned_data
if len(set(pages)) != len(pages):
# pages list contains duplicates
raise forms.ValidationError(
_("You cannot assign this workflow to the same page multiple times.")
WorkflowPagesFormSet = forms.inlineformset_factory(
class BaseTaskForm(forms.ModelForm):
def get_task_form_class(task_model, for_edit=False):
Generates a form class for the given task model.
If the form is to edit an existing task, set for_edit to True. This applies
the readonly restrictions on fields defined in admin_form_readonly_on_edit_fields.
fields = task_model.admin_form_fields
form_class = forms.modelform_factory(
widgets=getattr(task_model, "admin_form_widgets", {}),
if for_edit:
for field_name in getattr(task_model, "admin_form_readonly_on_edit_fields", []):
if field_name not in form_class.base_fields:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
"`%s.admin_form_readonly_on_edit_fields` contains the field "
"'%s' that doesn't exist. Did you forget to add "
"it to `%s.admin_form_fields`?"
% (task_model.__name__, field_name, task_model.__name__)
form_class.base_fields[field_name].disabled = True
return form_class
def get_workflow_edit_handler():
Returns an edit handler which provides the "name" and "tasks" fields for workflow.
# Note. It's a bit of a hack that we use edit handlers here. Ideally, it should be
# made easier to reuse the inline panel templates for any formset.
# Since this form is internal, we're OK with this for now. We might want to revisit
# this decision later if we decide to allow custom fields on Workflows.
panels = [
FieldPanel("name", heading=_("Give your workflow a name")),
FieldPanel("task", widget=AdminTaskChooser(show_clear_link=False)),
heading=_("Add tasks to your workflow"),
edit_handler = ObjectList(panels, base_form_class=WagtailAdminModelForm)
return edit_handler.bind_to_model(Workflow)