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Editing existing pages
Here is how you can access the edit screen of an existing page:
* Clicking the title of the page in an :doc:`Explorer page <finding_your_way_around/the_explorer_page>` or in :doc:`search results <finding_your_way_around/using_search>`.
* Clicking the *Edit* link below the title in either of the situations above.
* Clicking the *Edit* icon for a page in the explorer menu.
.. image:: ../_static/images/screen12_edit_screen_overview.png
* When editing an existing page the title of the page being edited is displayed at the top of the page.
* The current status of the page is displayed in the top-right.
* You can change the title of the page by clicking into the title field.
* When you are typing into a field, help text is often displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.
If the page is currently in moderation, you'll see a banner at the top of the screen. If the moderation workflow for the current page has more than
one step, it will tell you which step the page is on. You'll also see an indicator to the right of the page title, showing the name of the moderation workflow,
and a set of icons representing completed and incomplete tasks. The name can be clicked to show more information about the current workflow's progress.
.. image:: ../_static/images/screen12.5_edit_screen_in_moderation.png
If you can perform moderation actions (for example, approval or rejection) on the current task, you'll see an additional menu at the bottom of the page
to the right of the action menu, providing these options.