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A generic HTML whitelisting engine, designed to accommodate subclassing to override
specific rules.
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Comment, NavigableString, Tag
from django.utils.html import escape
ALLOWED_URL_SCHEMES = ["http", "https", "ftp", "mailto", "tel"]
PROTOCOL_RE = re.compile("^[a-z0-9][-+.a-z0-9]*:")
def check_url(url_string):
# Remove control characters and other disallowed characters
# Browsers sometimes ignore these, so that 'jav\tascript:alert("XSS")'
# is treated as a valid javascript: link
unescaped = url_string.lower()
unescaped = unescaped.replace("&lt;", "<")
unescaped = unescaped.replace("&gt;", ">")
unescaped = unescaped.replace("&amp;", "&")
unescaped = re.sub(r"[`\000-\040\177-\240\s]+", "", unescaped)
unescaped = unescaped.replace("\ufffd", "")
if PROTOCOL_RE.match(unescaped):
protocol = unescaped.split(":", 1)[0]
if protocol not in ALLOWED_URL_SCHEMES:
return None
return url_string
def attribute_rule(allowed_attrs):
Generator for functions that can be used as entries in Whitelister.element_rules.
These functions accept a tag, and modify its attributes by looking each attribute
up in the 'allowed_attrs' dict defined here:
* if the lookup fails, drop the attribute
* if the lookup returns a callable, replace the attribute with the result of calling
it - for example `{'title': uppercase}` will replace 'title' with the result of
uppercasing the title. If the callable returns None, the attribute is dropped.
* if the lookup returns a truthy value, keep the attribute; if falsy, drop it
def fn(tag):
for attr, val in list(tag.attrs.items()):
rule = allowed_attrs.get(attr)
if rule:
if callable(rule):
new_val = rule(val)
if new_val is None:
del tag[attr]
tag[attr] = new_val
# rule is not callable, just truthy - keep the attribute
# rule is falsy or absent - remove the attribute
del tag[attr]
return fn
allow_without_attributes = attribute_rule({})
"[document]": allow_without_attributes,
"a": attribute_rule({"href": check_url}),
"b": allow_without_attributes,
"br": allow_without_attributes,
"div": allow_without_attributes,
"em": allow_without_attributes,
"h1": allow_without_attributes,
"h2": allow_without_attributes,
"h3": allow_without_attributes,
"h4": allow_without_attributes,
"h5": allow_without_attributes,
"h6": allow_without_attributes,
"hr": allow_without_attributes,
"i": allow_without_attributes,
"img": attribute_rule(
{"src": check_url, "width": True, "height": True, "alt": True}
"li": allow_without_attributes,
"ol": allow_without_attributes,
"p": allow_without_attributes,
"strong": allow_without_attributes,
"sub": allow_without_attributes,
"sup": allow_without_attributes,
"ul": allow_without_attributes,
class Whitelister:
def clean(self, html):
"""Clean up an HTML string to contain just the allowed elements /
doc = BeautifulSoup(html, "html5lib")
self.clean_node(doc, doc)
# Pass strings through django.utils.html.escape when generating the final HTML.
# This differs from BeautifulSoup's default EntitySubstitution.substitute_html formatter
# in that it escapes " to &quot; as well as escaping < > & - if we don't do this, then
# BeautifulSoup will try to be clever and use single-quotes to wrap attribute values,
# which confuses our regexp-based db-HTML-to-real-HTML conversion.
return doc.decode(formatter=escape)
def clean_node(self, doc, node):
"""Clean a BeautifulSoup document in-place"""
if isinstance(node, NavigableString):
self.clean_string_node(doc, node)
elif isinstance(node, Tag):
self.clean_tag_node(doc, node)
# This branch is here in case node is a BeautifulSoup object that does
# not inherit from NavigableString or Tag. I can't find any examples
# of such a thing at the moment, so this branch is untested.
else: # pragma: no cover
self.clean_unknown_node(doc, node)
def clean_string_node(self, doc, node):
# Remove comments
if isinstance(node, Comment):
# by default, nothing needs to be done to whitelist string nodes
def clean_tag_node(self, doc, tag):
# first, whitelist the contents of this tag
# NB tag.contents will change while this iteration is running, so we need
# to capture the initial state into a static list() and iterate over that
# to avoid losing our place in the sequence.
for child in list(tag.contents):
self.clean_node(doc, child)
# see if there is a rule in element_rules for this tag type
rule = self.element_rules[tag.name]
except KeyError:
# don't recognise this tag name, so KILL IT WITH FIRE
# apply the rule
def clean_unknown_node(self, doc, node):
# don't know what type of object this is, so KILL IT WITH FIRE