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import uuid
from asgiref.local import Local
from django.utils.functional import LazyObject
from wagtail import hooks
from wagtail.utils.registry import ObjectTypeRegistry
class LogFormatter:
Defines how to format log messages / comments for a particular action type. Messages that depend on
log entry data should override format_message / format_comment; static messages can just be set as the
'message' / 'comment' attribute.
To be registered with log_registry.register_action.
label = ""
message = ""
comment = ""
def format_message(self, log_entry):
return self.message
def format_comment(self, log_entry):
return self.comment
_active = Local()
class LogContext:
Stores data about the environment in which a logged action happens -
e.g. the active user - to be stored in the log entry for that action.
def __init__(self, user=None, generate_uuid=True):
self.user = user
if generate_uuid:
self.uuid = uuid.uuid4()
self.uuid = None
def __enter__(self):
self._old_log_context = getattr(_active, "value", None)
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
if self._old_log_context:
empty_log_context = LogContext(generate_uuid=False)
def activate(log_context):
_active.value = log_context
def deactivate():
del _active.value
def get_active_log_context():
return getattr(_active, "value", empty_log_context)
class LogActionRegistry:
A central store for log actions.
The expected format for registered log actions: Namespaced action, Action label, Action message (or callable)
def __init__(self):
# Has the register_log_actions hook been run for this registry?
self.has_scanned_for_actions = False
# Holds the formatter objects, keyed by action
self.formatters = {}
# Holds a list of action, action label tuples for use in filters
self.choices = []
# Tracks which LogEntry model should be used for a given object class
self.log_entry_models_by_type = ObjectTypeRegistry()
# All distinct log entry models registered with register_model
self.log_entry_models = set()
def scan_for_actions(self):
if not self.has_scanned_for_actions:
for fn in hooks.get_hooks("register_log_actions"):
self.has_scanned_for_actions = True
def register_model(self, cls, log_entry_model):
self.log_entry_models_by_type.register(cls, value=log_entry_model)
def register_action(self, action, *args):
def register_formatter_class(formatter_cls):
formatter = formatter_cls()
self.formatters[action] = formatter
self.choices.append((action, formatter.label))
if args:
# register_action has been invoked as register_action(action, label, message); create a LogFormatter
# subclass and register that
label, message = args
formatter_cls = type(
"_LogFormatter", (LogFormatter,), {"label": label, "message": message}
# register_action has been invoked as a @register_action(action) decorator; return the function that
# will register the class
return register_formatter_class
def get_choices(self):
return self.choices
def get_formatter(self, log_entry):
return self.formatters.get(log_entry.action)
def action_exists(self, action):
return action in self.formatters
def get_log_entry_models(self):
return self.log_entry_models
def get_action_label(self, action):
return self.formatters[action].label
def get_log_model_for_model(self, model):
return self.log_entry_models_by_type.get_by_type(model)
def get_log_model_for_instance(self, instance):
if isinstance(instance, LazyObject):
# for LazyObject instances such as request.user, ensure we're looking up the real type
instance = instance._wrapped
return self.get_log_model_for_model(type(instance))
def log(self, instance, action, user=None, uuid=None, **kwargs):
# find the log entry model for the given object type
log_entry_model = self.get_log_model_for_instance(instance)
if log_entry_model is None:
# no logger registered for this object type - silently bail
user = user or get_active_log_context().user
uuid = uuid or get_active_log_context().uuid
return log_entry_model.objects.log_action(
instance, action, user=user, uuid=uuid, **kwargs
def get_logs_for_instance(self, instance):
log_entry_model = self.get_log_model_for_instance(instance)
if log_entry_model is None:
# this model has no logs; return an empty queryset of the basic log model
from wagtail.models import ModelLogEntry
return ModelLogEntry.objects.none()
return log_entry_model.objects.for_instance(instance)
registry = LogActionRegistry()
def log(instance, action, **kwargs):
return registry.log(instance, action, **kwargs)