Development ----------- Using the demo site & Vagrant ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We recommend using the `Wagtail demo site `_ which uses Vagrant, as a basis for developing Wagtail itself. Install the wagtaildemo following the instructions in the `wagtaildemo README `_, then continue with the instructions below. Clone a copy of `the Wagtail codebase `_ alongside your demo site at the same level. So in the directory containing wagtaildemo, run:: git clone Enable the Vagrantfile included with the demo - this ensures you can edit the Wagtail codebase from outside Vagrant:: cd wagtaildemo cp Vagrantfile.local.example Vagrantfile.local If you clone Wagtail's codebase to somewhere other than one level above, edit ``Vagrantfile.local`` to specify the alternate path. Lastly, we tell Django to use your freshly cloned Wagtail codebase as the source of Wagtail CMS, not the pip-installed version that came with wagtaildemo:: cp wagtaildemo/settings/ wagtaildemo/settings/ Uncomment the lines from ``import sys`` onward, and edit the rest of ```` as appropriate. If your VM is currently running, you'll then need to run ``vagrant halt`` followed by ``vagrant up`` for the changes to take effect. Development dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Developing Wagtail requires additional Python modules for testing and documentation. The list of dependencies is in the Wagtail root directory in ``requirements-dev.txt`` and if you've used the Vagrant environment above, can be installed thus, from the Wagtail codebase root directory:: pip install -r requirements-dev.txt .. _testing: Testing ~~~~~~~ Wagtail has unit tests which should be run before submitting pull requests. **Testing virtual environment** (skip this if working in Vagrant box) If you are using Python 3.3 or above, run the following commands in your shell at the root of the Wagtail repo:: pyvenv venv source venv/bin/activate python develop pip install -r requirements-dev.txt For Python 2, you will need to install the ``virtualenv`` package and replace the first line above with: virtualenv venv **Running the tests** From the root of the Wagtail codebase, run the following command to run all the tests:: python **Running only some of the tests** At the time of writing, Wagtail has nearly 1000 tests which takes a while to run. You can run tests for only one part of Wagtail by passing in the path as an argument to ````:: python wagtail.wagtailcore **Testing against PostgreSQL** By default, Wagtail tests against SQLite. If you need to test against a different database, set the ``DATABASE_ENGINE`` environment variable to the name of the Django database backend to test against:: DATABASE_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2 python This will create a new database called ``test_wagtail`` in PostgreSQL and run the tests against it. If you need to use a different user, password or host. Use the ``PGUSER``, ``PGPASSWORD`` and ``PGHOST`` environment variables. **Testing Elasticsearch** To test Elasticsearch, you need to have the ``elasticsearch`` package installed. Once installed, Wagtail will attempt to connect to a local instance of Elasticsearch (``http://localhost:9200``) and use the index ``test_wagtail``. If your Elasticsearch instance is located somewhere else, you can set the ``ELASTICSEARCH_URL`` environment variable to point to its location:: ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://my-elasticsearch-instance:9200 python If you no longer want Wagtail to test against Elasticsearch, uninstall the ``elasticsearch`` package. Compiling static assets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All static assets such as JavaScript, CSS, images, and fonts for the Wagtail admin are compiled from their respective sources by ``gulp``. The compiled assets are not committed to the repository, and are compiled before packaging each new release. Compiled assets should not be submitted as part of a pull request. To compile the assets, Node.js and the compilation tool chain need to be installed. Instructions for installing Node.js can be found on the `Node.js download page `_. Once Node.js is installed, installing the tool chain is done via ``npm``: .. code-block:: bash $ cd /path/to/wagtail $ npm install To compile the assets, run: .. code-block:: bash $ npm run build This must be done after every change to the source files. To watch the source files for changes and then automatically recompile the assets, run: .. code-block:: bash $ npm start