# Useful regexes to fix lint errors # SpaceBeforeBrace: search "([^\ ])\{" replace "$1 {" # SpaceAfterPropertyColon: search "([^\&]):([^\ \n]*);" replace "$1: $2;" scss_files: - wagtail/**/static_src/**/scss/**/*.scss - client/**/*.scss linters: BorderZero: enabled: true Indentation: severity: warning width: 4 # because https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint/issues/409 allow_non_nested_indentation: true character: space ColorKeyword: enabled: true ColorVariable: enabled: false BangFormat: space_before_bang: true space_after_bang: false PropertySortOrder: enabled: false Comment: enabled: true DeclarationOrder: enabled: true DuplicateProperty: enabled: true ElsePlacement: enabled: true EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: enabled: true EmptyRule: enabled: true FinalNewline: present: true HexLength: style: short HexNotation: style: lowercase HexValidation: enabled: true IdSelector: enabled: true exclude: - '**/choose_parent_page.scss' ImportantRule: enabled: false exclude: - '**/_datetimepicker.scss' ImportPath: enabled: true LeadingZero: enabled: false MergeableSelector: enabled: false NameFormat: allow_leading_underscore: true NestingDepth: max_depth: 5 PseudoElement: enabled: false SelectorDepth: enabled: false # There is currently no de facto standard for selector format in Wagtail, due to: # a) the conversion of django field/widget names to underscored class names # b) the use of third party code such as Hallo.js which uses classes with snakeCaseClasses. SelectorFormat: convention: '.*' # allow anything PlaceholderInExtend: enabled: false PropertyCount: enabled: false QualifyingElement: allow_element_with_attribute: true allow_element_with_class: true allow_element_with_id: false Shorthand: enabled: true SingleLinePerProperty: enabled: true allow_single_line_rule_sets: true SingleLinePerSelector: enabled: true SpaceAfterComma: enabled: true SpaceAfterPropertyColon: style: at_least_one_space SpaceAfterPropertyName: enabled: true SpaceBeforeBrace: enabled: true allow_single_line_padding: true style: space SpaceBetweenParens: enabled: true StringQuotes: style: single_quotes TrailingSemicolon: enabled: true TrailingZero: enabled: true UnnecessaryMantissa: enabled: true UnnecessaryParentReference: enbabled: true UrlFormat: enabled: false UrlQuotes: enabled: true VariableForProperty: enabled: false VendorPrefix: enabled: false ZeroUnit: enabled: true