.. _signals: Signals ======= Wagtail's :ref:`page-revision-model-ref` and :ref:`page-model-ref` implement :doc:`Signals ` from ``django.dispatch``. Signals are useful for creating side-effects from page publish/unpublish events. For example, you could use signals to send publish notifications to a messaging service, or ``POST`` messages to another app that's consuming the API, such as a static site generator. ``page_published`` ------------------ This signal is emitted from a ``PageRevision`` when a revision is set to `published`. :sender: The page ``class``. :instance: The specific ``Page`` instance. :revision: The ``PageRevision`` that was published. :kwargs: Any other arguments passed to ``page_published.send()``. To listen to a signal, implement ``page_published.connect(receiver, sender, **kwargs)``. Here's a simple example showing how you might notify your team when something is published: .. code-block:: python from wagtail.core.signals import page_published import requests # Let everyone know when a new page is published def send_to_slack(sender, **kwargs): instance = kwargs['instance'] url = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' values = { "text" : "%s was published by %s " % (instance.title, instance.owner.username), "channel": "#publish-notifications", "username": "the squid of content", "icon_emoji": ":octopus:" } response = requests.post(url, values) # Register a receiver page_published.connect(send_to_slack) Receiving specific model events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes you're not interested in receiving signals for every model, or you want to handle signals for specific models in different ways. For instance, you may wish to do something when a new blog post is published: .. code-block:: python from wagtail.core.signals import page_published from mysite.models import BlogPostPage # Do something clever for each model type def receiver(sender, **kwargs): # Do something with blog posts pass # Register listeners for each page model class page_published.connect(receiver, sender=BlogPostPage) Wagtail provides access to a list of registered page types through the ``get_page_models()`` function in ``wagtail.core.models``. Read the :ref:`Django documentation ` for more information about specifying senders. ``page_unpublished`` -------------------- This signal is emitted from a ``Page`` when the page is unpublished. :sender: The page ``class``. :instance: The specific ``Page`` instance. :kwargs: Any other arguments passed to ``page_unpublished.send()`` ``pre_page_move`` and ``post_page_move`` ------------------------------------------ .. versionadded:: 2.10 These signals are emitted from a ``Page`` immediately before and after it is moved. Subscribe to ``pre_page_move`` if you need to know values BEFORE any database changes are applied. For example: Getting the page's previous URL, or that of its descendants. Subscribe to ``post_page_move`` if you need to know values AFTER database changes have been applied. For example: Getting the page's new URL, or that of its descendants. The following arguments are emitted for both signals: :sender: The page ``class``. :instance: The specific ``Page`` instance. :parent_page_before: The parent page of ``instance`` **before** moving. :parent_page_after: The parent page of ``instance`` **after** moving. :url_path_before: The value of ``instance.url_path`` **before** moving. :url_path_after: The value of ``instance.url_path`` **after** moving. :kwargs: Any other arguments passed to ``pre_page_move.send()`` or ``post_page_move.send()``. Distinguishing between a 'move' and a 'reorder' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The signal can be emitted as a result of a page being moved to a different section (a 'move'), or as a result of a page being moved to a different position within the same section (a 'reorder'). Knowing the difference between the two can be particularly useful, because only a 'move' affects a page's URL (and that of its descendants), whereas a 'reorder' only affects the natural page order; which is probably less impactful. The best way to distinguish between a 'move' and 'reorder' is to compare the ``url_path_before`` and ``url_path_after`` values. For example: .. code-block:: python from wagtail.core.signals import pre_page_move from wagtail.contrib.frontend_cache.utils import purge_page_from_cache # Clear a page's old URLs from the cache when it moves to a different section def clear_page_url_from_cache_on_move(sender, **kwargs): if kwargs['url_path_before'] == kwargs['url_path_after']: # No URLs are changing :) nothing to do here! return # The page is moving to a new section (possibly even a new site) # so clear old URL(s) from the cache purge_page_from_cache(kwargs['instance']) # Register a receiver pre_page_move.connect(clear_old_page_urls_from_cache)