# The scripts for building the base images can be found in scripts/drone-images build: flake8: image: python:3.5 commands: - XDG_CACHE_HOME=/drone/pip-cache pip install flake8 - flake8 wagtail isort: image: python:3.5 commands: - XDG_CACHE_HOME=/drone/pip-cache pip install wheel - XDG_CACHE_HOME=/drone/pip-cache pip install isort -e .[testing,docs] - isort --check-only --diff --recursive wagtail js: image: node:4.2.4 commands: - npm install --quiet - npm run lint - npm run test:unit scss-lint: image: wagtail-scss-lint commands: - scss-lint unittest: image: python:3.5 commands: - XDG_CACHE_HOME=/drone/pip-cache pip install wheel - XDG_CACHE_HOME=/drone/pip-cache pip install -e .[testing,docs] - python runtests.py cache: mount: - node_modules - /drone/pip-cache notify: slack: webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/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 channel: builds username: drone when: success: true failure: true change: true