Contributing to Wagtail ======================= Issues ~~~~~~ The easiest way to contribute to Wagtail is to tell us how to improve it! First, check to see if your bug or feature request has already been submitted at ` `_. If it has, and you have some supporting information which may help us deal with it, comment on the existing issue. If not, please `create a new one `_, providing as much relevant context as possible. For example, if you're experiencing problems with installation, detail your environment and the steps you've already taken. If something isn't displaying correctly, tell us what browser you're using, and include a screenshot if possible. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 issue_tracking Pull requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you're a Python or Django developer, `fork it `_ and read the :ref:`developing docs ` to get stuck in! We welcome all contributions, whether they solve problems which are specific to you or they address existing issues. If you're stuck for ideas, pick something from the `issue list `_, or email us directly on ` `_ if you'd like us to suggest something! .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 developing committing Translations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wagtail has internationalisation support so if you are fluent in a non-English language you can contribute by localising the interface. Translation work should be submitted through `Transifex `_. Other contributions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We welcome contributions to all aspects of Wagtail. If you would like to improve the design of the user interface, or extend the documentation, please submit a pull request as above. If you're not familiar with Github or pull requests, `contact us directly `_ and we'll work something out. More information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 styleguide python_guidelines css_guidelines javascript_guidelines release_process