Changelog ========= 0.3 (xx.xx.20xx) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added toolbar to allow logged-in users to add and edit pages from the site front-end * Support for alternative image processing backends such as Wand, via the WAGTAILIMAGES_BACKENDS setting * Added custom Query set for Pages with some handy methods for querying pages * Editor's guide documentation * Editor interface now outputs form media CSS / JS, to support custom widgets with assets * Migrations and user management now correctly handle custom AUTH_USER_MODEL settings * Added 'slugurl' template tag to output the URL of a page with a given slug * MultiFieldPanel definitions now accept a 'classname' attribute, including a special classname of 'collapsible' to allow showing / hiding them on click * Added 'insert_editor_css' and 'insert_editor_js' hooks for passing in custom CSS / JS to the editor interface * Made JPEG compression level configurable through the IMAGE_COMPRESSION_QUALITY setting, and increased default to 85 * Added document_served signal which gets fired when a document is downloaded * Added translation for Portuguese Brazil * Made compatible with Python 2.6 * 'richtext' template filter now wraps output in
, to assist in styling * Embeds now save author_name and provider_name if set by oEmbed provider * Fix: non-ASCII characters in image filenames are now converted into ASCII equivalents rather than becoming all underscores * Fix: paths to fonts and images within CSS are no longer hard-coded to /static/ * Fix: Localization files for the JQuery UI datepicker are stored locally and only imported when a localization is known to be available * Fix: Page slugs are now validated on page edit * Fix: Filter objects are cached to avoid a database hit every time an {% image %} tag is compiled * Fix: Moving or changing a site root page no longer causes URLs for subpages to change to 'None' 0.2 (11.03.2014) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * SQLite support added * Internationalisation of the admin backend * Translations for Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Galician, German, Greek, Polish, Romanian and Spanish. Partial translations for Basque and Mongolian. * Stylesheets ported from Less to Sass, to eliminate dependency on an external CSS compiler * Coffeescript replaced by vanilla Javascript * OEmbed supported as an alternative backend for wagtailembeds, eliminating dependency on Embedly * Database supported as an alternative search backend, eliminating dependency on ElasticSearch * Background tasks now fall back on in-process handling if Celery is not available (also eliminating Redis as a dependency) * Users decoupled from Django default user model, to allow custom user models * Added explicit 'Can access Wagtail admin' permission, rather than treating all logged-in users as Wagtail users * Date fields now work with USE_L10N=True * "Your most recent edits" only shows the latest edit per page * Unified search view configurable in * Support for searching within a subtree * Added initial documentation * Added Ubuntu / Debian installation scripts * Extensive tests and test runner infrastructure * Numerous bugfixes 0.1 (07.02.2014) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Initial release.