=========================== Wagtail 0.8.5 release notes =========================== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 What's new ========== Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ * On adding a new page, the available page types are ordered by the displayed verbose name * Active admin submenus were not properly closed when activating another * ``get_sitemap_urls`` is now called on the specific page class so it can now be overridden * (Firefox and IE) Fixed preview window hanging and not refocusing when "Preview" button is clicked again * Storage backends that return raw ContentFile objects are now handled correctly when resizing images * Punctuation characters are no longer stripped when performing search queries * When adding tags where there were none before, it is now possible to save a single tag with multiple words in it * ``richtext`` template tag no longer raises ``TypeError`` if ``None`` is passed into it * Serving documents now uses a streaming HTTP response and will no longer break Django's cache middleware * User admin area no longer fails in the presence of negative user IDs (as used by django-guardian's default settings) * Password reset emails now use the ``BASE_URL`` setting for the reset URL * ``BASE_URL`` is now included in the project template's default settings file