.. image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/torchbox/wagtail.png?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/torchbox/wagtail Wagtail CMS =========== .. image:: http://i.imgur.com/4pbWQ35.png Wagtail is a Django content management system built originally for the `Royal College of Art `_ and focused on flexibility and user experience. Its features include: * A fast, attractive editor interface * Complete control over design with standard Django templates * Configure content types through standard Django models * Tightly integrated search (with an `Elasticsearch `_ backend for production) * Strong document and image management * Wide support for embedded content * Simple, configurable permissions * Support for tree-based content organisation * Optional preview->submit->approve workflow * Fast out of the box. `Varnish `_-friendly if you need it * Tests! But not enough; we're working hard to improve this Find out more at `wagtail.io `_. Got a question? Ask it on our `Google Group `_. Getting started ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To get you up and running quickly, we've provided a demonstration site with all the configuration in place, at `github.com/torchbox/wagtaildemo `_; see the `README `_ for installation instructions. `Serafeim Papastefanos `_ has written a `tutorial `_ with all the steps to build a simple Wagtail site from scratch. Contributing ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you're a Python or Django developer, fork the repo and get stuck in! Send us a useful pull request and we'll post you a `t-shirt `_. Our immediate priorities are better docs, more tests, internationalisation and localisation.