Merge pull request #437 from kaedroho/release-notes

[WIP] Release notes for 0.4
Karl Hobley 2014-07-08 14:56:16 +01:00
commit eb96ac97cd
3 zmienionych plików z 194 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ Other Relationships
Your ``Page``-derived models might have other interrelationships which extend the basic Wagtail tree or depart from it entirely. You could provide functions to navigate between siblings, such as a "Next Post" link on a blog page (``post->post->post``). It might make sense for subtrees to interrelate, such as in a discussion forum (``forum->post->replies``) Skipping across the hierarchy might make sense, too, as all objects of a certain model class might interrelate regardless of their ancestors (``events = EventPage.objects.all``). It's largely up to the models to define their interrelations, the possibilities are really endless.
.. _anatomy_of_a_wagtail_request:
Anatomy of a Wagtail Request

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@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
.. _management_commands:
Management commands
.. _publish_scheduled_pages:
@ -8,6 +13,9 @@ publish_scheduled_pages
This command publishes or unpublishes pages that have had these actions scheduled by an editor. It is recommended to run this command once an hour.
.. _fixtree:
@ -15,6 +23,9 @@ fixtree
This command scans for errors in your database and attempts to fix any issues it finds.
.. _move_pages:
@ -30,6 +41,9 @@ Options:
- **to**
This is the **id** of the page to move pages to.
.. _update_index:
@ -44,6 +58,9 @@ It is recommended to run this command once a week and at the following times:
The search may not return any results while this command is running, so avoid running it at peak times.
.. _search_garbage_collect:

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
Wagtail 0.4 release notes
Whats new
Private Pages
Wagtail now supports password protecting pages on the frontend allowing sections of your website to be made private.
Python 3 support
Wagtail now supports Python 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.
Scheduled publishing
Editors can now schedule pages to be published or unpublished at specified times.
A new management command has been added (:ref:`publish_scheduled_pages`) to publish pages that have been scheduled by an Editor.
Search on QuerySet with Elasticsearch
Its now possible to perform searches with Elasticsearch on ``PageQuerySet``s:
>>> from wagtail.wagtailcore.models import Page
[<Page: Event 1>, <Page: Event 2>]
Sitemap generation
A new module has been added (``wagtail.contrib.wagtailsitemaps``) which produces XML sitemaps for Wagtail sites.
Front-end cache invalidation
A new module has been added (``wagtail.contrib.wagtailfrontendcache``) which invalidates pages in a frontend cache when they are updated or deleted in Wagtail.
Notification preferences
Users can now decide which notifications they recieve from Wagtail using a new "Notification preferences" section located in the account settings.
Minor features
* Any extra arguments given to ``Page.serve`` are now passed through to ``get_context`` and ``get_template``
* Added ``in_menu`` and ``not_in_menu`` methods to ``PageQuerySet``
* Added ``get_next_siblings`` and ``get_prev_siblings`` to ``Page``
* Added ``page_published`` signal
* Added ``copy`` method to ``Page`` to allow copying of pages
* Added ``construct_whitelister_element_rules`` hook for customising the HTML whitelist used when saving ``RichText`` fields
* Support for setting a ``subpage_types`` property on ``Page`` models, to define which page types are allowed as subpages
* Removed the "More" section from the menu
* Added pagination to page listings
* Added a new datetime picker widget
* Updated hallo.js to version 1.0.4
* Aesthetic improvements to preview experience
* Login screen redirects to dashboard if user is already logged in
* Snippets are now ordered alphabetically
* Added ``init_new_page`` signal
* Added ``original`` as a resizing rule supported by the ``{% image %}`` tag
* ``image`` tag now accepts extra keyword arguments to be output as attributes on the img tag
* Added an ``attrs`` property to image rendition objects to output ``src``, ``width``, ``height`` and ``alt`` attributes all in one go
* Added styleguide (mainly for wagtail developers)
Bug fixes
* Animated GIFs are now coalesced before resizing
* Wand backend clones images before modifying them
* Admin breadcrumb now positioned correctly on mobile
* Page chooser breadcrumb now updates the chooser modal instead of linking to Explorer
* Embeds - Fixed crash when no HTML field is sent back from the embed provider
* Multiple sites with same hostname but different ports are now allowed
* No longer possible to create multiple sites with ``is_default_site = True``
Backwards incompatible changes
ElasticUtils replaced with elasticsearch-py
If you are using the elasticsearch backend, you must install the ``elasticsearch`` module into your environment.
.. note::
If you are using an older version of Elasticsearch (< 1.0) you must install ``elasticsearch`` version 0.4.x.
Deprecated features
Template tag libraries renamed
The following template tag libraries have been renamed:
* ``pageurl`` => ``wagtailcore_tags``
* ``rich_text`` => ``wagtailcore_tags``
* ``embed_filters`` => ``wagtailembeds_tags``
* ``image_tags`` => ``wagtailimages_tags``
New search field configuration format
``indexed_fields`` is now deprecated and has been replaced by a new search field configuration format called ``search_fields``.
``Page.route`` method should now return a ``RouteResult``
Previously, the ``route`` method called ``serve`` and returned a ``HttpResponse`` object. This has now been split up so ``serve`` is called separately and ``route`` must now return a RouteResult object.
Wagtailadmins ``hooks`` module has moved to wagtailcore
If you use any ```` files in your project, you may have an import like: ``from wagtail.wagtailadmin import hooks``
Change this to: ``from wagtail.wagtailcore import hooks``
* ``Page.show_as_mode`` replaced with ``Page.serve_preview``
* ``Page.get_page_modes`` method replaced with ``Page.preview_modes`` property
* ``Page.get_other_siblings`` replaced with ``Page.get_siblings(inclusive=False)``