Fix minor typo in 2.10 changelog (#6140)

Timothy Bautista 2020-06-12 02:30:39 -06:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic 06303c7169
commit cfc2bc8470
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 zmienionych plików z 2 dodań i 2 usunięć

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Changelog
* Remove markup around rich text rendering by default, provide a way to use old behaviour via `wagtail.contrib.legacy.richtext` (Coen van der Kamp, Dan Braghis)
* Apply title length normalisation to improve ranking on PostgreSQL search (Karl Hobley)
* Add `WAGTAIL_TIME_FORMAT` setting (Jacob Topp-Mugglestone)
* Add ability to import redirects from an uploaded file (CSV, TSV, XLX, and XLXS) (Martin Sandström)
* Add ability to import redirects from an uploaded file (CSV, TSV, XLS, and XLSX) (Martin Sandström)
* Fix: Support IPv6 domain (Alex Gleason, Coen van der Kamp)
* Fix: Ensure link to add a new user works when no users are visible in the users list (LB (Ben Johnston))
* Fix: `AbstractEmailForm` saved submission fields are now aligned with the email content fields, `form.cleaned_data` will be used instead of `form.fields` (Haydn Greatnews)

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Other features
* Remove markup around rich text rendering by default, provide a way to use old behaviour via ``wagtail.contrib.legacy.richtext``. See :ref:`legacy_richtext`. (Coen van der Kamp, Dan Braghis)
* Add ``WAGTAIL_TIME_FORMAT`` setting (Jacob Topp-Mugglestone)
* Apply title length normalisation to improve ranking on PostgreSQL search (Karl Hobley)
* Add ability to import redirects from an uploaded file (CSV, TSV, XLX, and XLXS) (Martin Sandström)
* Add ability to import redirects from an uploaded file (CSV, TSV, XLS, and XLSX) (Martin Sandström)
Bug fixes