Add new headings for workflow and task edit handlers

jacobtoppm 2020-03-03 14:40:11 +00:00 zatwierdzone przez Matt Westcott
rodzic 5f2dbc3ce6
commit c55447c48a
1 zmienionych plików z 4 dodań i 4 usunięć

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@ -788,13 +788,13 @@ Page.base_form_class = WagtailAdminPageForm
# Similarly, set up wagtailcore.Workflow to have edit handlers
Workflow.panels = [
InlinePanel("workflow_tasks", heading="Tasks"),
FieldPanel("name", heading=gettext_lazy("Give your workflow a name")),
InlinePanel("workflow_tasks", heading=gettext_lazy("Add tasks to your workflow")),
Task.panels = [
FieldPanel("name", heading=gettext_lazy("Give your task a name")),
GroupApprovalTask.panels = Task.panels + [FieldPanel('groups')]
GroupApprovalTask.panels = Task.panels + [FieldPanel('groups', heading=gettext_lazy("Choose approval groups"))]
# do not allow editing of group post creation - this could lead to confusing history if a group is changed after tasks
# are started/completed
GroupApprovalTask.exclude_on_edit = {'groups'}