Move into an external package

Matt Westcott 2021-02-10 14:52:36 +00:00
rodzic 31a6e5b0a8
commit ba9487b753
2 zmienionych plików z 2 dodań i 309 usunięć

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ install_requires = [
"telepath @ git+",
# Testing dependencies

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@ -1,317 +1,9 @@
from django import forms
from django.forms import MediaDefiningClass
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from telepath import Adapter, AdapterRegistry, JSContextBase # noqa
from wagtail.admin.staticfiles import versioned_static
DICT_RESERVED_KEYS = ['_type', '_args', '_dict', '_list', '_val', '_id', '_ref']
STRING_REF_MIN_LENGTH = 20 # do not turn strings shorter than this into references
class UnpackableTypeError(TypeError):
class Node:
Intermediate representation of a packed value. Subclasses represent a particular value
type, and implement emit_verbose (returns a dict representation of a value that can have
an _id attached) and emit_compact (returns a compact representation of the value, in any
JSON-serialisable type).
If this node is assigned an id, emit() will return the verbose representation with the
id attached on first call, and a reference on subsequent calls. To disable this behaviour
(e.g. for small primitive values where the reference representation adds unwanted overhead),
set self.use_id = False.
def __init__(self): = None
self.seen = False
self.use_id = True
def emit(self):
if self.use_id and self.seen and is not None:
# Have already emitted this value, so emit a reference instead
return {'_ref':}
self.seen = True
if self.use_id and is not None:
# emit this value in long form including an ID
result = self.emit_verbose()
result['_id'] =
return result
return self.emit_compact()
class ValueNode(Node):
"""Represents a primitive value; int, bool etc"""
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.use_id = False
def emit_verbose(self):
return {'_val': self.value}
def emit_compact(self):
return self.value
class StringNode(Node):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.use_id = len(value) >= STRING_REF_MIN_LENGTH
def emit_verbose(self):
return {'_val': self.value}
def emit_compact(self):
return self.value
class ListNode(Node):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def emit_verbose(self):
return {'_list': [item.emit() for item in self.value]}
def emit_compact(self):
return [item.emit() for item in self.value]
class DictNode(Node):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def emit_verbose(self):
return {'_dict': {key: val.emit() for key, val in self.value.items()}}
def emit_compact(self):
if any(reserved_key in self.value for reserved_key in DICT_RESERVED_KEYS):
# compact representation is not valid as this dict contains reserved keys
# that would clash with the verbose representation
return self.emit_verbose()
return {key: val.emit() for key, val in self.value.items()}
class ObjectNode(Node):
def __init__(self, constructor, args):
self.constructor = constructor
self.args = args
def emit_verbose(self):
return {
'_type': self.constructor,
'_args': [arg.emit() for arg in self.args]
def emit_compact(self):
# objects always use verbose representation
return self.emit_verbose()
class BaseAdapter:
"""Handles serialisation of a specific object type"""
def pack(self, obj, context):
Translates obj into serialisable form. Any media declarations that will be required for
deserialisation of the object should be passed to context.add_media().
This base implementation handles simple JSON-serialisable values such as strings, and
returns them unchanged.
return ValueNode(obj)
class StringAdapter(BaseAdapter):
def pack(self, obj, context):
return StringNode(obj)
class DictAdapter(BaseAdapter):
"""Handles serialisation of dicts"""
def pack(self, obj, context):
return DictNode({
str(key): context.pack(val)
for key, val in obj.items()
class Adapter(BaseAdapter, metaclass=MediaDefiningClass):
Handles serialisation of custom types.
Subclasses should define:
- js_constructor: namespaced identifier for the JS constructor function that will unpack this
- js_args(obj): returns a list of (telepath-packable) arguments to be passed to the constructor
- get_media(obj) or class Media: media definitions necessary for unpacking
The adapter should then be registered with register(adapter, cls).
def get_media(self, obj):
def pack(self, obj, context):
return ObjectNode(
[context.pack(arg) for arg in self.js_args(obj)]
class JSContextBase:
Base class for JSContext classes obtained through AdapterRegistry.js_context_class.
Subclasses of this are assigned the following class attributes:
registry - points to the associated AdapterRegistry
telepath_js_path - path to telepath.js (as per standard Django staticfiles conventions)
A JSContext handles packing a set of values to be used in the same request; calls to
JSContext.pack will return the packed representation and also update the JSContext's media
property to include all JS needed to unpack the values seen so far.
def __init__(self): = self.base_media
# Keep track of media declarations that have already added to - ones that
# exactly match a previous one can be ignored, as they will not affect the result
self.media_fragments = set([str(])
def base_media(self):
return forms.Media(js=[self.telepath_js_path])
def add_media(self, media):
media_str = str(media)
if media_str not in self.media_fragments: += media
def pack(self, obj):
return ValueContext(self).pack(obj).emit()
class AdapterRegistry:
Manages the mapping of Python types to their corresponding adapter implementations.
js_context_base_class = JSContextBase
def __init__(self, telepath_js_path='telepath/js/telepath.js'):
self.telepath_js_path = telepath_js_path
self.adapters = {
# Primitive value types that are unchanged on serialisation
type(None): BaseAdapter(),
bool: BaseAdapter(),
int: BaseAdapter(),
float: BaseAdapter(),
str: StringAdapter(),
# Container types to be serialised recursively
dict: DictAdapter(),
# Iterable types (list, tuple, odict_values...) do not have a reliably recognisable
# superclass, so will be handled as a special case
def register(self, adapter, cls):
self.adapters[cls] = adapter
def find_adapter(self, cls):
for base in cls.__mro__:
adapter = self.adapters.get(base)
if adapter is not None:
return adapter
def js_context_class(self):
return type('JSContext', (self.js_context_base_class,), {
'registry': self,
'telepath_js_path': self.telepath_js_path
class ValueContext:
A context instantiated for each top-level value that JSContext.pack is called on.
Values packed in this context will be kept in a lookup table; if over the course of
packing the top level value we encounter multiple references to the same value, a
reference to the previously-packed value will be generated rather than packing it
again. Calls to add_media are passed back to the parent context so that multiple
calls to pack() will have their media combined in a single bundle.
def __init__(self, parent_context):
self.parent_context = parent_context
self.registry = parent_context.registry
self.raw_values = {}
self.packed_values = {}
self.next_id = 0
def add_media(self, media):
def pack(self, val):
obj_id = id(val)
existing_packed_val = self.packed_values[obj_id]
except KeyError:
# not seen this value before, so pack it and store in packed_values
packed_val = self._pack_as_value(val)
self.packed_values[obj_id] = packed_val
# Also keep a reference to the original value to stop it from getting deallocated
# and the ID being recycled
self.raw_values[obj_id] = val
return packed_val
if is None:
# Assign existing_packed_val an ID so that we can create references to it = self.next_id
self.next_id += 1
return existing_packed_val
def _pack_as_value(self, obj):
adapter = self.registry.find_adapter(type(obj))
if adapter:
return adapter.pack(obj, self)
# as fallback, try handling as an iterable
items = iter(obj)
except TypeError: # obj is not iterable
raise UnpackableTypeError("don't know how to pack object: %r" % obj)
return ListNode([self.pack(item) for item in items])
# ------ cut ------
# TEMP: this is how telepath as a standalone package is going to define a default registry
# define a default registry of adapters. Typically this will be the only instance of
# AdapterRegistry in use, although packages may define their own 'private' registry if they
# have a set of adapters customised for their own use (e.g. with a custom JS path).
# registry = AdapterRegistry()
# JSContext = registry.js_context_class
# def register(adapter, cls):
# registry.register(adapter, cls)
# ------ cut ------
# Wagtail-specific customisation to use versioned_static and wagtail-specific JS path
class WagtailJSContextBase(JSContextBase):
def base_media(self):