Changelog/release note for #2041

Karl Hobley 2015-12-16 16:18:25 +00:00
rodzic 53fb42f275
commit ac2a6cac23
2 zmienionych plików z 2 dodań i 0 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Changelog
* Notification emails are now sent per user (Matthew Downey)
* Added the ability to override the default manager on Page models
* Added an optional human-friendly `site_name` field to sites (Timo Rieber)
* Added a system check to warn developers who use a custom Wagtail build but forgot to build the admin css
* Added success message after updating image from the image upload view (Christian Peters)
* Added a `request.is_preview` variable for templates to distinguish between previewing and live (Denis Voskvitsov)
* New translations for Arabic and Latvian

Wyświetl plik

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ Minor features
* Notification emails are now sent per user (Matthew Downey)
* Added the ability to override the default manager on Page models
* Added an optional human-friendly ``site_name`` field to sites (Timo Rieber)
* Added a system check to warn developers who use a custom Wagtail build but forgot to build the admin css
* Added success message after updating image from the image upload view (Christian Peters)
* Added a ``request.is_preview`` variable for templates to distinguish between previewing and live (Denis Voskvitsov)
* 'Pages' link on site stats dashboard now links to the site homepage when only one site exists, rather than the root level