Use gettext_lazy for images IndexView class attributes

Sage Abdullah 2024-02-26 16:48:28 +00:00
rodzic 420723c174
commit a35b2f5bff
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ID klucza GPG: EB1A33CC51CC0217
1 zmienionych plików z 6 dodań i 6 usunięć

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@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ class ImagesFilterSet(BaseMediaFilterSet):
class IndexView(generic.IndexView):
ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_CHOICES = sorted({10, 30, 60, 100, 250, INDEX_PAGE_SIZE})
"-created_at": _("Newest"),
"created_at": _("Oldest"),
"title": _("Title: (A -> Z)"),
"-title": _("Title: (Z -> A)"),
"file_size": _("File size: (low to high)"),
"-file_size": _("File size: (high to low)"),
"-created_at": gettext_lazy("Newest"),
"created_at": gettext_lazy("Oldest"),
"title": gettext_lazy("Title: (A -> Z)"),
"-title": gettext_lazy("Title: (Z -> A)"),
"file_size": gettext_lazy("File size: (low to high)"),
"-file_size": gettext_lazy("File size: (high to low)"),
default_ordering = "-created_at"
context_object_name = "images"