Added 'Miscellaneous' section to deprecated features

Karl Hobley 2014-07-08 14:54:26 +01:00
rodzic 67fbf86bd1
commit 608b8ccc4f
1 zmienionych plików z 7 dodań i 11 usunięć

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@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ New search field configuration format
``indexed_fields`` is now deprecated and has been replaced by a new search field configuration format called ``search_fields``.
Page.route method should now return a RouteResult
``Page.route`` method should now return a ``RouteResult``
Previously, the ``route`` method called ``serve`` and returned a ``HttpResponse`` object. This has now been split up so ``serve`` is called separately and ``route`` must now return a RouteResult object.
@ -167,13 +167,9 @@ If you use any ```` files in your project, you may have an impor
Change this to: ``from wagtail.wagtailcore import hooks``
Page.show_as_mode replaced with Page.serve_preview
Page.get_other_siblings deprecated
Please use ``my_page.get_siblings(inclusive=False)`` instead.
* ``Page.show_as_mode`` replaced with ``Page.serve_preview``
* ``Page.get_page_modes`` method replaced with ``Page.preview_modes`` property
* ``Page.get_other_siblings`` replaced with ``Page.get_siblings(inclusive=False)``