Clarify explanation of ParentalKey within InlinePanel (#5070)

Make it clear that the relationship to relate a cluster of objects to a page is called ParentalKey.
DanAtShenTech 2019-02-11 10:34:25 -05:00 zatwierdzone przez Matt Westcott
rodzic a0d6dbb5f4
commit 56f29a0825
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@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ Without a panel definition, a default form field (without label) will be used to
Inline Panels and Model Clusters
The ``django-modelcluster`` module allows for streamlined relation of extra models to a Wagtail page. For instance, you can create objects related through a ``ForeignKey`` relationship on the fly and save them to a draft revision of a ``Page`` object. Normally, your related objects "cluster" would need to be created beforehand (or asynchronously) before linking them to a Page.
The ``django-modelcluster`` module allows for streamlined relation of extra models to a Wagtail page via a ForeignKey-like relationship called ``ParentalKey``. Normally, your related objects "cluster" would need to be created beforehand (or asynchronously) before being linked to a Page; however, objects related to a Wagtail page via ``ParentalKey`` can be created on-the-fly and saved to a draft revision of a ``Page`` object.
Let's look at the example of adding related links to a :class:`~wagtail.core.models.Page`-derived model. We want to be able to add as many as we like, assign an order, and do all of this without leaving the page editing screen.