Implement signal handlers for redirect creation

Andy Babic 2022-01-07 13:08:25 +00:00 zatwierdzone przez Matt Westcott
rodzic 29a7f70161
commit 51164ef2a1
2 zmienionych plików z 174 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -7,3 +7,12 @@ class WagtailRedirectsAppConfig(AppConfig):
label = 'wagtailredirects'
verbose_name = _("Wagtail redirects")
default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.AutoField'
def ready(self):
from wagtail.core.signals import page_slug_changed, post_page_move
from .signal_handlers import (
autocreate_redirects_on_page_move, autocreate_redirects_on_slug_change)

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
import logging
from typing import Iterable, Set, Tuple
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Q
from wagtail.core.models import Page, Site
from wagtail.core.utils import BatchCreator, get_dummy_request
from .models import Redirect
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BatchRedirectCreator(BatchCreator):
A specialized ``BatchCreator`` class for saving ``Redirect`` objects.
model = Redirect
def pre_process(self):
# delete any existing automatically-created redirects that might clash
# with the items in `self.items`
clashes_q = Q()
for item in self.items:
clashes_q |= Q(old_path=item.old_path, site_id=item.site_id)
def autocreate_redirects_on_slug_change(
instance_before: Page,
instance: Page,
if not getattr(settings, "WAGTAILREDIRECTS_AUTO_CREATE", True):
return None
# Determine sites to create redirects for
sites = Site.objects.exclude(root_page=instance).filter(id__in=[
option.site_id for option in instance._get_site_root_paths(request=instance)
if instance.url_path.startswith(option.root_path)
create_redirects(page=instance, page_old=instance_before, sites=sites)
def autocreate_redirects_on_page_move(
instance: Page,
url_path_after: str,
url_path_before: str,
) -> None:
if not getattr(settings, "WAGTAILREDIRECTS_AUTO_CREATE", True):
return None
if url_path_after == url_path_before:
# Redirects are not needed for a page 'reorder'
return None
# NB: create_redirects expects specific instances
instance = instance.specific
# Simulate an 'old_page' by copying the specific instance and resetting
# the in-memory `url_path` value to what it was before the move
page_old = type(instance)()
page_old.url_path = url_path_before
# This value is used to prevent creation redirects that link
# from one site to another
new_site_ids = set(
item.site_id for item in instance._get_relevant_site_root_paths(cache_object=instance)
# Determine sites to create redirects for
sites = Site.objects.exclude(root_page=instance).filter(id__in=[
item.site_id for item in page_old._get_relevant_site_root_paths(cache_object=instance)
if item.site_id in new_site_ids
create_redirects(page=instance, page_old=page_old, sites=sites)
def _page_urls_for_sites(page: Page, sites: Tuple[Site], cache_target: Page) -> Set[Tuple[Site, str, str]]:
urls = set()
for site in sites:
# use a `HttpRequest` to influence the return value
request = get_dummy_request(site=site)
# resuse cached site root paths if available
if hasattr(cache_target, '_wagtail_cached_site_root_paths'):
request._wagtail_cached_site_root_paths = cache_target._wagtail_cached_site_root_paths
site_id, root_url, page_path = page.get_url_parts(request)
if page_path:
for route_path in page.get_route_paths():
urls.add((site, Redirect.normalise_path(page_path), Redirect.normalise_page_route_path(route_path)))
# copy cached site root paths to `cache_target` to retain benefits
cache_target._wagtail_cached_site_root_paths = request._wagtail_cached_site_root_paths
return urls
def create_redirects(page: Page, page_old: Page, sites: Iterable[Site]) -> None:
url_path_length = len(page.url_path)
sites = tuple(sites)
if not sites:
return None"Creating redirects for page: '{page}' id={}")
# For bulk-creating redirects in batches
batch = BatchRedirectCreator(max_size=2000, ignore_conflicts=True)
# Treat the page that was updated / moved separately to it's decendants,
# because there may be changes to fields other than `slug` or `url_path`
# that impact the URL.
old_urls = _page_urls_for_sites(page_old, sites, cache_target=page)
new_urls = _page_urls_for_sites(page, sites, cache_target=page)
# Add redirects for urls that have changed
changed_urls = old_urls - new_urls
for site, page_path, route_path in changed_urls:
# Now, repeat the process for each descendant page.
# Only the `url_path` value of descendants should have been affected by the
# change, so we can use in-memory manipulation of `url_path` to figure out what
# the old URLS were
for descendant in (
new_urls = _page_urls_for_sites(descendant, sites, cache_target=page)
# Restore old 'url_path' value on in-memory instance
descendant.url_path = page_old.url_path + descendant.url_path[url_path_length:]
old_urls = _page_urls_for_sites(descendant, sites, cache_target=page)
# Add redirects for urls that have changed
changed_urls = old_urls - new_urls
for site, page_path, route_path in changed_urls:
# Process the final batch