kopia lustrzana https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail
Async search docs done
@ -84,7 +84,9 @@ Parents
Parent nodes on the Wagtail tree probably want to organize and display a browsable index of their descendents. A blog, for instance, needs a way to show a list of individual posts.
A Parent node could provide its own function returning its descendant objects. ::
A Parent node could provide its own function returning its descendant objects.
.. code-block:: python
class EventPageIndex(Page):
@ -104,7 +106,9 @@ Leaves are the pieces of content itself, a page which is consumable, and might j
It might be helpful for a leaf to provide a way to back up along the tree to a parent, such as in the case of breadcrumbs navigation. The tree might also be deep enough that a leaf's parent won't be included in general site navigation.
The model for the leaf could provide a function that traverses the tree in the opposite direction and returns an appropriate ancestor::
The model for the leaf could provide a function that traverses the tree in the opposite direction and returns an appropriate ancestor:
.. code-block:: python
class BlogPage(Page):
@ -131,7 +135,9 @@ Overriding the Serve() Method
Wagtail defaults to serving ``Page``-derived models by passing ``self`` to a Django HTML template matching the model's name, but suppose you wanted to serve something other than HTML? You can override the ``serve()`` method provided by the ``Page`` class and handle the Django request and response more directly.
Consider this example from the Wagtail demo site's ``models.py``, which serves an ``EventPage`` object as an iCal file if the ``format`` variable is set in the request::
Consider this example from the Wagtail demo site's ``models.py``, which serves an ``EventPage`` object as an iCal file if the ``format`` variable is set in the request:
.. code-block:: python
class EventPage(Page):
@ -161,7 +167,9 @@ Tagging
Wagtail provides tagging capability through the combination of two django modules, ``taggit`` and ``modelcluster``. ``taggit`` provides a model for tags which is extended by ``modelcluster``, which in turn provides some magical database abstraction which makes drafts and revisions possible in Wagtail. It's a tricky recipe, but the net effect is a many-to-many relationship between your model and a tag class reserved for your model.
Using an example from the Wagtail demo site, here's what the tag model and the relationship field looks like in ``models.py``::
Using an example from the Wagtail demo site, here's what the tag model and the relationship field looks like in ``models.py``:
.. code-block:: python
from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
from modelcluster.tags import ClusterTaggableManager
@ -181,7 +189,9 @@ Using an example from the Wagtail demo site, here's what the tag model and the r
Wagtail's admin provides a nice interface for inputting tags into your content, with typeahead tag completion and friendly tag icons.
Now that we have the many-to-many tag relationship in place, we can fit in a way to render both sides of the relation. Here's more of the Wagtail demo site ``models.py``, where the index model for ``BlogPage`` is extended with logic for filtering the index by tag::
Now that we have the many-to-many tag relationship in place, we can fit in a way to render both sides of the relation. Here's more of the Wagtail demo site ``models.py``, where the index model for ``BlogPage`` is extended with logic for filtering the index by tag:
.. code-block:: python
class BlogIndexPage(Page):
@ -199,7 +209,9 @@ Now that we have the many-to-many tag relationship in place, we can fit in a way
'blogs': blogs,
Here, ``blogs.filter(tags__name=tag)`` invokes a reverse Django queryset filter on the ``BlogPageTag`` model to optionally limit the ``BlogPage`` objects sent to the template for rendering. Now, lets render both sides of the relation by showing the tags associated with an object and a way of showing all of the objects associated with each tag. This could be added to the ``blog_page.html`` template::
Here, ``blogs.filter(tags__name=tag)`` invokes a reverse Django queryset filter on the ``BlogPageTag`` model to optionally limit the ``BlogPage`` objects sent to the template for rendering. Now, lets render both sides of the relation by showing the tags associated with an object and a way of showing all of the objects associated with each tag. This could be added to the ``blog_page.html`` template:
.. code-block:: django
{% for tag in self.tags.all %}
<a href="{% pageurl self.blog_index %}?tag={{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a>
@ -268,7 +280,9 @@ Template Tags
Takes a ``Page``-derived object and returns its URL as relative (``/foo/bar/``) if it's within the same site as the current page, or absolute (``http://example.com/foo/bar/``) if not. ::
Takes a ``Page``-derived object and returns its URL as relative (``/foo/bar/``) if it's within the same site as the current page, or absolute (``http://example.com/foo/bar/``) if not.
.. code-block:: django
{% load pageurl %}
@ -276,7 +290,9 @@ Template Tags
Takes a ``slug`` string and returns the URL for the ``Page``-derived object with that slug. Like ``pageurl``, will try to provide a relative link if possible, but will default to an absolute link if on a different site. ::
Takes a ``slug`` string and returns the URL for the ``Page``-derived object with that slug. Like ``pageurl``, will try to provide a relative link if possible, but will default to an absolute link if on a different site.
.. code-block:: django
{% load slugurl %}
@ -284,7 +300,9 @@ Template Tags
This tag provides a Wagtail icon and flyout menu on the top-right of a page for a logged-in user with editing capabilities, with the option of editing the current Page-derived object or adding a new sibling object. ::
This tag provides a Wagtail icon and flyout menu on the top-right of a page for a logged-in user with editing capabilities, with the option of editing the current Page-derived object or adding a new sibling object.
.. code-block:: django
{% load wagtailuserbar %}
@ -292,7 +310,9 @@ Template Tags
This template tag provides a way to process an image with a method and dimensions. ::
This template tag provides a way to process an image with a method and dimensions.
.. code-block:: django
{% load image_tags %}
@ -312,7 +332,9 @@ Template Filters
This filter is required for use with any ``RichTextField``. It will expand internal shorthand references to embeds and links made in the Wagtail editor into fully-baked HTML ready for display. **Note that the template tag loaded differs from the name of the filter.** ::
This filter is required for use with any ``RichTextField``. It will expand internal shorthand references to embeds and links made in the Wagtail editor into fully-baked HTML ready for display. **Note that the template tag loaded differs from the name of the filter.**
.. code-block:: django
{% load rich_text %}
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ exclude_patterns = ['_build']
#show_authors = False
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'
#pygments_style = 'sphinx'
# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
#modindex_common_prefix = []
@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ Default Page Search
Wagtail provides a default frontend search interface which indexes the ``title`` field common to all ``Page``-derived models. Lets take a look at all the components of the search interface.
The most basic search functionality just needs a search box which submits a request. Since this will be reused throughout the site, lets put it in ``mysite/includes/search_box.html`` and then use ``{% include ... %}`` to weave it into templates::
The most basic search functionality just needs a search box which submits a request. Since this will be reused throughout the site, lets put it in ``mysite/includes/search_box.html`` and then use ``{% include ... %}`` to weave it into templates:
.. code-block:: django
<form action="{% url 'wagtailsearch_search' %}" method="get">
<input type="text" name="q"{% if query_string %} value="{{ query_string }}"{% endif %}>
@ -17,11 +19,15 @@ The most basic search functionality just needs a search box which submits a requ
The form is submitted to the url of the ``wagtailsearch_search`` view, with the search terms variable ``q``. The view will use its own (very) basic search results template.
Lets use our own template for the results, though. First, in your project's ``settings.py``, define a path to your template::
Lets use our own template for the results, though. First, in your project's ``settings.py``, define a path to your template:
.. code-block:: python
WAGTAILSEARCH_RESULTS_TEMPLATE = 'mysite/search_results.html'
Next, lets look at the template itself::
Next, lets look at the template itself:
.. code-block:: django
{% extends "mysite/base.html" %}
{% load pageurl %}
@ -48,7 +54,7 @@ Next, lets look at the template itself::
{% endblock %}
The search view returns a context with a few useful variables.
The search view provides a context with a few useful variables.
The terms (string) used to make the search.
@ -62,13 +68,95 @@ The search view returns a context with a few useful variables.
A Wagtail Query object matching the terms. The query model provides several class methods for viewing the statistics of all queries, but exposes only one property for single objects, ``query.hits``, which tracks the number of time the search string has been used over the lifetime of the site.
Asyncronous Search with JSON and AJAX
Wagtail's provides JSON search results when queries are made to the ``wagtailsearch_suggest`` view. To take advantage of it, we need a way to make that URL available to a static script. Instead of hard-coding it, lets set a global variable in our ``base.html``:
.. code-block:: django
Default Page Search with AJAX
var wagtailJSONSearchURL = "{% url 'wagtailsearch_suggest' %}";
Lets also add a simple interface for the search with an ``<input>`` element and ``<div>`` for the results:
.. code-block:: html
<input id="json-search" type="text">
<div id="json-results"></div>
Finally, we'll use JQuery to make the aynchronous requests and handle the interactivity:
.. code-block:: guess
$(function() {
// cache the elements
var searchBox = $('#json-search'),
resultsBox = $('#json-results');
// when there's something in the input box, make the query
searchBox.on('input', function() {
if( searchBox.val() == ''){
// make the request to the Wagtail JSON search view
url: wagtailJSONSearchURL + "?q=" + searchBox.val(),
dataType: "json"
.done(function(data) {
if( data == undefined ){
// we're in business! let's format the results
var htmlOutput = '';
data.forEach(function(element, index, array){
htmlOutput += '<p><a href="' + element.url + '">' + element.title + '</a></p>';
// and display them
Results are returned as a JSON object with this structure:
.. code-block:: guess
title: "Lumpy Space Princess",
url: "/oh-my-glob/"
title: "Lumpy Space",
url: "/no-smooth-posers/"
What if you wanted access to the rest of the results context or didn't feel like using JSON? Wagtail also provides a generalized AJAX interface where you can use your own template to serve results asyncronously.
The AJAX interface uses the same view as the normal HTML search, ``wagtailsearch_search``, but will serve different results if Django classifies the request as AJAX (``request.is_ajax()``). Another entry in your project settings will let you override the template used to serve this response:
.. code-block:: python
WAGTAILSEARCH_RESULTS_TEMPLATE_AJAX = 'mirrorstage/includes/search_listing.html'
You could provide a template in JSON format with extra properties, such as ``query.hits``, or render an HTML snippet that can go directly into your results ``<div>``. If you need more flexibility, such as multiple formats/templates based on differing requests, you can set up a custom search view.
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