Add custom image operation example to docs

Coen van der Kamp 2022-10-31 21:30:47 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez LB (Ben Johnston)
rodzic 4fbccd1c88
commit 1fb588c314
1 zmienionych plików z 35 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -414,6 +414,41 @@ Note that this will have no effect on PNG or GIF files. If you want all images t
{% image width-400 format-webp webpquality-50 %}
### Custom image filter
In `` register your custom image filter.
This example assumes Willow in combination with Pillow. If you use another image library, or like to support multiple image libraries, you need to update the code inside the run method. See the [Willow documentation]( for more information.
from PIL import ImageFilter
from wagtail import hooks
from wagtail.images.image_operations import FilterOperation
class BlurOperation(FilterOperation):
def construct(self, radius):
self.radius = int(radius)
def run(self, willow, image, env):
willow.image = willow.image.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=self.radius))
return willow
def register_image_operations():
return [
("blur", BlurOperation),
In your template:
{% image width-400 blur-7 %}
### Generating image renditions in Python
All of the image transformations mentioned above can also be used directly in Python code.