Add section about BoundBlocks and values

Matt Westcott 2015-10-30 23:00:04 +00:00
rodzic 2c765a7462
commit 0e34282646
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@ -471,6 +471,130 @@ To pass additional context variables to the template, block subclasses can overr
In this example, the variable ``is_happening_today`` will be made available within the block template.
BoundBlocks and values
As you've seen above, it's possible to assign a particular template rendering to a block. This can be done on any block type, not just StructBlocks - however, there are some extra details to be aware of. Consider the following block definition:
.. code-block:: python
class HeadingBlock(blocks.CharBlock):
class Meta:
template = 'blocks/heading.html'
where blocks/heading.html consists of:
.. code-block:: html+django
<h1>{{ value }}</h1>
This gives us a block that behaves as an ordinary text field, but wraps its output in ``<h1>`` tags whenever it is rendered:
.. code-block:: python
class BlogPage(Page):
body = StreamField([
# ...
'heading': HeadingBlock(),
# ...
.. code-block:: html+django
{% for block in page.body %}
{% if block.block_type == 'heading' %}
{{ block }} {# this block will output its own <h1>...</h1> tags #}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
This is a powerful feature, but it involves some complexity behind the scenes to make it work. Effectively, HeadingBlock has a double identity - logically it represents a plain Python string value, but in circumstances such as this it needs to yield a 'magic' object that knows its own custom HTML representation. This 'magic' object is an instance of ``BoundBlock`` - an object that represents the pairing of a value and its block definition. (Django developers may recognise this as the same principle behind ``BoundField`` in Django's forms framework.)
Most of the time, you won't need to worry about whether you're dealing with a plain value or a BoundBlock; you can trust Wagtail to do the right thing. However, there are certain cases where the distinction becomes important. For example, consider the following setup:
.. code-block:: python
class EventBlock(blocks.StructBlock):
heading = HeadingBlock()
description = blocks.TextBlock()
# ...
class Meta:
template = 'blocks/event.html'
where blocks/event.html is:
.. code-block:: html+django
<div class="event {% if value.heading == 'Party!' %}lots-of-balloons{% endif %}">
{{ value.heading }}
- {{ value.description }}
In this case, ``value.heading`` returns the plain string value; if this weren't the case, the comparison in ``{% if value.heading == 'Party!' %}`` would never succeed. This in turn means that ``{{ value.heading }}`` renders as the plain string, without the ``<h1>`` tags.
Interactions between BoundBlocks and plain values work according to the following rules:
1. When iterating over the value of a StreamField or StreamBlock (as in ``{% for block in page.body %}``), you will get back a sequence of BoundBlocks.
This means that ``{{ block }}`` will always render using the block's own template, if one is supplied. More specifically, these ``block`` objects will be instances of StreamChild, which additionally provides the ``block_type`` property.
2. If you have a BoundBlock instance, you can access the plain value as ``block.value``.
For example, if you had a particular page template where you wanted HeadingBlock to display as ``<h2>`` rather than ``<h1>``, you could write:
.. code-block:: html+django
{% for block in page.body %}
{% if block.block_type == 'heading' %}
<h2>{{ block.value }}</h2>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
3. Accessing a child of a StructBlock (as in ``value.heading``) will return a plain value; to retrieve the BoundBlock instead, use ``value.bound_blocks.heading``.
This ensures that template tags such as ``{% if value.heading == 'Party!' %}`` and ``{% image fill-320x200 %}`` work as expected. The event template above could be rewritten as follows to access the HeadingBlock content as a BoundBlock and use its own HTML representation (with ``<h1>`` tags included):
.. code-block:: html+django
<div class="event {% if value.heading == 'Party!' %}lots-of-balloons{% endif %}">
{{ value.bound_block.heading }}
{{ value.description }}
However, in this case it's probably more readable to make the ``<h1>`` tag explicit in the EventBlock's template:
.. code-block:: html+django
<div class="event {% if value.heading == 'Party!' %}lots-of-balloons{% endif %}">
<h1>{{ value.heading }}</h1>
{{ value.description }}
4. The value of a ListBlock is a plain Python list; iterating over it returns plain child values.
5. StructBlock and StreamBlock values always know how to render their own templates, even if you only have the plain value rather than the BoundBlock.
This is possible because the HTML rendering behaviour of these blocks does not interfere with their main role as a container for data - there's no "double identity" as there is for blocks like CharBlock. For example, if a StructBlock is nested in another StructBlock, as in:
.. code-block:: python
class EventBlock(blocks.StructBlock):
heading = HeadingBlock()
description = blocks.TextBlock()
guest_speaker = blocks.StructBlock([
('first_name', blocks.CharBlock()),
('surname', blocks.CharBlock()),
('photo', ImageChooserBlock()),
], template='blocks/speaker.html')
then writing ``{{ value.guest_speaker }}`` within the EventBlock's template will use the template rendering from blocks/speaker.html for that field.
Custom block types