You should now be able to browse to ``/sitemap.xml`` and see the sitemap working. By default, all published pages in your website will be added to the site map.
For tools like Google Search Tools to properly index your site, you need to set a valid, crawlable hostname. If you change the site's hostname from ``localhost`` to ````, ``sitemap.xml``
The ``Page`` class defines a ``get_sitemap_urls`` method which you can override to customise sitemaps per ``Page`` instance. This method must return a list of dictionaries, one dictionary per URL entry in the sitemap. You can exclude pages from the sitemap by returning an empty list.
By default, sitemaps are cached for 100 minutes. You can change this by setting ``WAGTAILSITEMAPS_CACHE_TIMEOUT`` in your Django settings to the number of seconds you would like the cache to last for.