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# Storing and serving
Wagtail follows [Djangos conventions for managing uploaded files](inv:django#topics/files). For configuration of `FileSystemStorage` and more information on handling user uploaded files, see [](user_uploaded_files).
## File storage location
Wagtail uses the [`STORAGES["default"]`](inv:django#STORAGES) setting to determine where and how user-uploaded files are stored. By default, Wagtail stores files in the local filesystem.
## Serving documents
Document serving is controlled by the [WAGTAILDOCS_SERVE_METHOD](wagtaildocs_serve_method) method. It provides a number of serving methods which trade some of the strictness of the permission check that occurs when normally handling a document request for performance.
The serving methods provided are `direct`, `redirect` and `serve_view`, with `redirect` method being the default when `WAGTAILDOCS_SERVE_METHOD` is unspecified or set to `None`. For example:
## Content types
Wagtail provides the [WAGTAILDOCS_CONTENT_TYPES](wagtaildocs_content_types) setting to specify which document content types are allowed to be uploaded. For example:
'pdf': 'application/pdf',
'txt': 'text/plain',
## Inline content types
Inline content types can be specified using [WAGTAILDOCS_INLINE_CONTENT_TYPES](wagtaildocs_inline_content_types), are displayed within the rich text editor.
For example:
WAGTAILDOCS_INLINE_CONTENT_TYPES = ['application/pdf', 'text/plain']
## File extensions
Wagtail allows you to specify the permitted file extensions for document uploads using the [WAGTAILDOCS_EXTENSIONS](wagtaildocs_extensions) setting.
It also validates the extensions using Django's {class}`~django.core.validators.FileExtensionValidator`. For example:
## Document password required template
Wagtail provides the `WAGTAILDOCS_PASSWORD_REQUIRED_TEMPLATE` setting to use a custom template when a password is required to access a protected document. Read more about [](private_pages).
Here's an example:
WAGTAILDOCS_PASSWORD_REQUIRED_TEMPLATE = 'myapp/document_password_required.html'