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.. api:
Using the API client
Longclaw comes with a handy API javascript client to simplify making HTTP requests.
To load the client into your HTML templates, you can use the template tags:
.. code-block:: django
{% load longclawcore_tags %}
{% longclaw_vendors_bundle %}
{% longclaw_client_bundle %}
This will render the ``<script>`` tags necessary to load the javascript. The api client
will be available as a global object called ``longclawclient``.
You can access the methods by calling the request name (e.g. ``basketList``) and the desired method::
longclawclient.basketList.get({ ... })
longclawclient.basketList.post({ ... })
API Reference
supports GET methods. Requires an ``id`` url parameter
``longclawclient.orderDetail.get({ urlParams: { id: ... } })``
supports POST methods. Requires an ``id`` url param.
``longclawclient.fulfillOrder.post({ urlParams: { id: ... } })``
supports POST method. requires JSON data.
``longclawclient.checkout.post({ data: { ... } })``
supports GET method.
supports GET and POST methods
supports GET methods
supports GET method. Requires ``id`` url param.
supports DEL method. Requires ``id`` url param.
supports GET method. requires ``country_code`` query param
``longclawclient.shippingCost.get({ queryParams: { country_code: 'gb' } })``
supports GET method
supports GET and POST methods
supports GET, PUT, DEL methods
All methods take a ``config`` object of options which can optionally contain:
:config.url: - Completely override the URL to use
:config.prefix: - Use a different prefix or host for calling the endpoint.
:config.urlParams: - replacement parameters for the endpoint.
for example, if the endpoint is specified as `booking/{id}/`, urlParams should
be an object containing an `id` key and the string to replace it with, e.g:
{ id: '123' } would result in the endpoint being modified to `booking/123/`
:config.queryParams: - An object containing key-value pairs which
will be mapped to a query string. E.g.
first_name: 'John',
last_name: 'Smith'
would result in the endpoint being modified to `booking/123/?first_name=John&last_name=Smith`
:config.data: - Data object to send with the POST/PUT request. Will be converted to JSON.
It is important to note the ``config.prefix`` option. You will almost always need to specify this
to match the ``API_URL_PREFIX`` setting in your django settings. This can be done by including it in
your template view as e.g. a data attribute on a element and then accessing it through the ``dataset``
attribute in javascript, e.g.::
Usage with ES6 modules
To use the client with other ES6+ modules, install the client library from npm::
npm i longclawclient --save
Then import the api library::
import api from 'longclawclient'