''' Default settings for longclaw apps ''' from django.conf import settings # The payment gateway backend to use # Can be 'longclaw.longclawcheckout.gateways.braintree.BraintreePayment', # 'longclaw.longclawcheckout.gateways.braintree.PaypalVZeroPayment', # 'longclaw.longclawcheckout.gateways.stripe.StripePayment' or 'longclaw.longclawcheckout.gateways.BasePayment' # Or a custom implementation PAYMENT_GATEWAY = getattr(settings, 'PAYMENT_GATEWAY', 'longclaw.longclawcheckout.gateways.base.BasePayment') # The product variant model to use. This allows custom implementations of # product models. PRODUCT_VARIANT_MODEL = getattr( settings, 'PRODUCT_VARIANT_MODEL', 'longclawproducts.ProductVariant') # Only required if using Stripe as the payment gateway STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE = getattr(settings, 'STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE', '') STRIPE_SECRET = getattr(settings, 'STRIPE_SECRET', '') # Only required if using Braintree as the payment gateway BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID = getattr(settings, 'BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID', '') BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY = getattr(settings, 'BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY', '') BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY = getattr(settings, 'BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY', '') # Only required for using paypal as the payment gateway through braintree v.zero VZERO_ACCESS_TOKEN = getattr(settings, 'VZERO_ACCESS_TOKEN', '') API_URL_PREFIX = getattr(settings, 'LONGCLAW_API_URL_PREFIX', 'api/')