Setting Up ========== Installation ------------ Start off by creating a virtual environment for your project: .. code-block:: bash $ cd my_project_folder $ virtualenv my_project $ source my_project/bin/activate Install Longclaw into it: .. code-block:: bash (my_project) $ pip install longclaw We also need to install the client library for our payment gateway integration. We are going to use Braintree as our payment gateway in this walkthrough. .. code-block:: bash (my_project) $ pip install braintree Finally, use the longclaw CLI to setup your django project: .. code-block:: bash (my_project) $ longclaw start my_shop Settings -------- Now we have a django project which looks like this:: my_shop/ home/ my_shop/ products/ search/ requirements.txt The ``home`` and ``search`` folders are default folders used in Wagtail projects. Users of Wagtail will be familiar with these. The ``products`` folder contains a skeleton model for our product `variants` which we will come to later. Before proceeding, we need to setup our ``settings`` file, in ``my_shop/settings/``. We need to configure which payment gateway we are using. Change the entry for ``PAYMENT_GATEWAY`` from ``'longclaw.checkout.gateways.BasePayment'`` to ``'longclaw.checkout.gateways.braintree.BraintreePayment'`` We also need to set the access tokens for the braintree backend. Add the following settings: .. codeblock:: python BRAINTREE_SANDBOX = False BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID = os.environ['BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID'] BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY = os.environ['BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY'] BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY = os.environ['BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY'] For development/testing, you will probably want to set ``BRAINTREE_SANDBOX`` to ``True``. The above settings assume that you have set environment variables on your OS with the access tokens. .. note: Don't forget that Longclaw is a Wagtail project. You may need to configure additional settings for wagtail. .. note: If you have a problem with the initial migration (`python migrate`) relating to `InvalidBasesError`, try commenting out all longclaw apps (and your shop apps, `home`, `search` and the project name app), plus the `ROOT_URLCONF` line and run the migrations again. Next, add back the apps and `ROOT_URLCONF` and run the migrations one more time. If you encounter problems at runtime, such as `OperationalError: no such table`, try running `migrate` again with the `--run-syncdb` option. Great! Now we are setup, we can start :ref:`adding products `