
9 wiersze
228 B
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

Issue 219 calculated rates base class (#230) * add test for get_shipping_cost with a basket rate * add fields to allow us to tie shipping rate to a basket & address * add test for testing specified address and basket * add migration for new shipping rate fields * add missing import * fix name errors * add shipping possibilities based on shipping address and basket id * test basket, shipping address, & basket+shipping address rate assignment * return correct rates for basket and address rate cases * rename shipping rate address for clarity (origin/destination) * send basket modified signal when basket is modified via api endpoints * test address only rate * remove basket rates when the basket_modified signal is sent * show response content on error * print response content on failure for more tests and include more 200 statuses for put * getting different status codes back from our endpoints, check success * clear shipping rates based on destination address when address modified * allow get params * return cost and rate options for more cases (test not complete) * fix mock * return applicable shipping options and test some combinations * stub the rate processor interface * add fk from rate to processor that created it * set rate basket and destination * shipping processor instance can apply to more than one country * run processor get_rates if configured * let child models handle assignment * add some initial testing for processor * rename _get_rates() to process_rates() * allow disabling the success check * test country shipping option with processor requires destination * test that the endpoint calls get_rate on the processor * test that multiple processors are called once * add shipping_origin fk to site settings * add default cache key based on origin, destination, & basket items * test a trivial rate processor implementation is used * test cost endpoint returns the processed rate * pin version requirement * fix wagtail version * start vagrant config * get tox to run * install nvm for vagrant user * add instructions to move npm deps off shared folder for speed * compact into a shell script for ease of use * add some more examples as temporary documentation * tests require dev reqs * clean this up a little * add migrations for productrequest app to fix test runner * raise exception on error instead of returning error response * test exception raised when country and country code specified * test for destination address does not exist * test exception when country and country code are not supplied * set request.site as it is expected * test get_shipping_cost_kwargs with only country code * check the basket id and the settings * value passed for country is supposed to be PK * test with country specified * write test so we can test with iso as string of known value * tes destination is respected * test with destination and country code * test shipping_rate_name is set as name * move models * rename models.py * rename to be consistent with rates being plural * move serializers * move models * ignore private vagrant subdir * move code around to fix circular imports to allow top level imports * move address serializer import to top level * ws * ws
2019-11-06 12:46:07 +00:00
from rest_framework import serializers
from longclaw.shipping.models.rates import ShippingRate
class ShippingRateSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = ShippingRate
fields = "__all__"