{% extends "base.html" %} {% load wagtailimages_tags %} {% block content %} {% include "base/include/header-hero.html" %}
{% if page.introduction %}

{{ page.introduction }}

{% endif %}
{{ page.body }}
{% if page.origin %}


{{ page.origin }}

{% endif %} {% if page.bread_type %}


{{ page.bread_type }}

{% endif %} {% with ingredients=page.ingredients.all %} {% if ingredients %}


    {% for ingredient in ingredients %}
  • {% if ingredient.live %} {# If it's live, show as-is #} {{ ingredient.name }} {% else %} {# EXAMPLE: we can show a placeholder element for instances that are not live #} Draft ingredient (draft) {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endwith %}
{{ page.body }}
{% endblock content %}