
468 wiersze
14 KiB

This file is part of VP-DigiConfig.
VP-Digi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
VP-Digi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with VP-DigiConfig. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "digipeater.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "drivers/modem.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "ax25.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "drivers/systick.h"
struct _DigiConfig DigiConfig;
#define VISCOUS_MAX_FRAME_COUNT 10 //max frames in viscous-delay buffer
struct ViscousData
uint32_t hash;
uint32_t timeLimit;
uint8_t frame[VISCOUS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE];
uint16_t size;
static struct ViscousData viscous[VISCOUS_MAX_FRAME_COUNT];
#define VISCOUS_HOLD_TIME 5000 //viscous-delay hold time in ms
struct DeDupeData
uint32_t hash;
uint32_t timeLimit;
#define DEDUPE_SIZE (50) //duplicate protection buffer size (number of hashes)
static struct DeDupeData deDupe[DEDUPE_SIZE]; //duplicate protection hash buffer
static uint8_t deDupeCount = 0; //duplicate protection buffer index
#define DIGI_BUFFER_SIZE 308 //308 is the theoretical max under some assumptions, see ax25.c
static uint8_t buf[DIGI_BUFFER_SIZE];
* @brief Check if frame with specified hash is already in viscous-delay buffer and delete it if so
* @param[in] hash Frame hash
* @return 0 if not in buffer, 1 if in buffer
static uint8_t viscousCheckAndRemove(uint32_t hash)
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < VISCOUS_MAX_FRAME_COUNT; i++)
if(viscous[i].hash == hash) //matching hash
viscous[i].hash = 0; //clear slot
viscous[i].timeLimit = 0;
viscous[i].size = 0;
TermSendToAll(MODE_MONITOR, (uint8_t*)"Digipeated frame received, dropping old frame from viscous-delay buffer\r\n", 0);
return 1;
return 0;
void DigiViscousRefresh(void)
if(DigiConfig.viscous == 0) //viscous digipeating disabled on every alias
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < VISCOUS_MAX_FRAME_COUNT; i++)
if((viscous[i].timeLimit > 0) && (SysTickGet() >= viscous[i].timeLimit)) //it's time to transmit this frame
void *handle = NULL;
if(NULL != (handle = Ax25WriteTxFrame(viscous[i].frame, viscous[i].size)))
if(GeneralConfig.kissMonitor) //monitoring mode, send own frames to KISS ports
TermSendToAll(MODE_KISS, viscous[i].frame, viscous[i].size);
TermSendToAll(MODE_MONITOR, (uint8_t*)"(AX.25) Transmitting viscous-delayed frame: ", 0);
SendTNC2(viscous[i].frame, viscous[i].size);
TermSendToAll(MODE_MONITOR, (uint8_t*)"\r\n", 0);
viscous[i].hash = 0; //clear slot
viscous[i].timeLimit = 0;
viscous[i].size = 0;
* @brief Compare callsign with specified call in call filter table - helper function.
* @param *call Callsign
* @param index Callsign filter table index
* @return 1 if matched, 0 otherwise
static uint8_t compareFilterCall(uint8_t *call, uint8_t index)
uint8_t err = 0;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if((DigiConfig.callFilter[index][i] < 0xff) && ((call[i] >> 1) != DigiConfig.callFilter[index][i]))
err = 1;
if((DigiConfig.callFilter[index][6] < 0xff) && ((call[6] - 96) != DigiConfig.callFilter[index][6])) //special case for ssid
err = 1;
return (err == 0);
* @brief Check frame with call filter
* @param[in] *call Callsign in incoming frame
* @param[in] alias Digi alias index currently used
* @return 1 if accepted, 0 if rejected
static uint8_t filterFrameCheck(uint8_t *call, uint8_t alias)
//filter by call
if((DigiConfig.callFilterEnable >> alias) & 1) //check if enabled
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < (sizeof(DigiConfig.callFilter) / sizeof(DigiConfig.callFilter[0])); i++)
if(compareFilterCall(call, i)) //if callsigns match...
if(DigiConfig.filterPolarity == 0)
return 0; //...and blacklist is enabled, drop the frame
return 1; //...and whitelist is enabled, accept the frame
//if callsign is not on the list...
if((DigiConfig.filterPolarity) == 0)
return 1; //...and blacklist is enabled, accept the frame
return 0; //...and whitelist is enabled, drop the frame
//filter by call disabled
return 1;
* @brief Produce and push digipeated frame to transmit buffer
* @param[in] *frame Pointer to frame buffer
* @param[in] elStart Index of the current path element very first byte
* @param[in] len Frame length
* @param[in] hash Frame hash
* @param[in] alias Alias number: 0-3 - n-N aliases, 4-7 - simple aliases, 8 - own call
* @param[in] simple If 1, it is a simple alias or should be treated as a simple alias
* @param[in] n Number in n-N type alias, e.g. in WIDE2-1 n=2
static void makeFrame(uint8_t *frame, uint16_t elStart, uint16_t len, uint32_t hash, uint8_t alias, uint8_t simple, uint8_t n)
uint16_t _index = 0; //underlying index for buffer if not in viscous-delay mode
uint8_t *buffer; //buffer to store frame being prepared
uint16_t *index = &_index; //index in buffer
uint8_t viscousSlot = 0; //viscous delay frame slot we will use
if((alias < 8) && (DigiConfig.viscous & (1 << (alias)))) //viscous delay mode
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < VISCOUS_MAX_FRAME_COUNT; i++)
if(viscous[i].timeLimit == 0) //look for the first available slot
viscousSlot = i;
if((len + 7) > VISCOUS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE) //if frame length (+ 7 bytes for inserted call) is bigger than buffer size
return; //drop
buffer = viscous[viscousSlot].frame;
index = &(viscous[viscousSlot].size);
*index = 0;
else //normal mode
if((uint32_t)sizeof(buf) < (len + 7))
buffer = buf;
if(alias < 8)
if(!filterFrameCheck(&frame[7], alias)) //push source callsign through the filter
uint8_t ssid = (frame[elStart + 6] >> 1) - 48; //store SSID (N)
if(alias < 8)
if((DigiConfig.viscous & (1 << (alias))) || (DigiConfig.directOnly & (1 << alias))) //viscous-delay or direct-only enabled
if(elStart != 14)
return; //this is not the very first path element, frame not received directly
if((alias <= 3) && (ssid != n))
return; //n-N type alias, but n is not equal to N, frame not received directly
if(simple) //if this is a simple alias, our own call or we treat n-N as a simple alias
while(*index < len) //copy whole frame
buffer[*index] = frame[*index];
if((alias == 8) || ((DigiConfig.traced & (1 << alias)) == 0)) //own call or untraced
buffer[elStart + 6] += 128; //add h-bit
else //not our call, but treat it as a simple alias
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(GeneralConfig.call); i++) //replace with own call
buffer[elStart + i] = GeneralConfig.call[i];
buffer[elStart + 6] &= 1; //clear everything but path end bit
buffer[elStart + 6] |= ((GeneralConfig.callSsid << 1) + 0b11100000); //insert ssid and h-bit
else //standard n-N alias
while(*index < elStart) //copy all data before current path element
buffer[*index] = frame[*index];
uint16_t shift = 0;
//insert own callsign to path if:
//1. this is a traced alias OR
//2. this is an untraced alias, but it is the very first hop (heard directly)
if((DigiConfig.traced & (1 << alias)) || ((ssid == n) && (elStart == 14)))
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(GeneralConfig.call); i++) //insert own call
buffer[(*index)++] = GeneralConfig.call[i];
buffer[(*index)++] = ((GeneralConfig.callSsid << 1) + 0b11100000); //insert ssid and h-bit
shift = 7; //additional shift when own call is inserted
while(*index < (len + shift)) //copy rest of the frame
buffer[*index] = frame[*index - shift];
buffer[elStart + shift + 6] -= 2; //decrement SSID in alias (2 because ssid is shifted left by 1)
if((buffer[elStart + shift + 6] & 0b11110) == 0) //if SSID is 0
buffer[elStart + shift + 6] += 0x80; //add h-bit
if((alias < 8) && (DigiConfig.viscous & (1 << alias)))
viscous[viscousSlot].hash = hash;
viscous[viscousSlot].timeLimit = SysTickGet() + (VISCOUS_HOLD_TIME / SYSTICK_INTERVAL);
TermSendToAll(MODE_MONITOR, (uint8_t*)"Saving frame for viscous-delay digipeating\r\n", 0);
void *handle = NULL;
if(NULL != (handle = Ax25WriteTxFrame(buffer, *index)))
DigiStoreDeDupe(buffer, *index);
if(GeneralConfig.kissMonitor) //monitoring mode, send own frames to KISS ports
TermSendToAll(MODE_KISS, buffer, *index);
TermSendToAll(MODE_MONITOR, (uint8_t*)"(AX.25) Digipeating frame: ", 0);
SendTNC2(buffer, *index);
TermSendToAll(MODE_MONITOR, (uint8_t*)"\r\n", 0);
void DigiDigipeat(uint8_t *frame, uint16_t len)
uint16_t t = 13; //start from first byte that can contain path end bit
while((frame[t] & 1) == 0) //look for path end
if((t + 7) >= len)
t += 7;
//calculate frame "hash"
uint32_t hash = Crc32(CRC32_INIT, frame, 14); //use destination and source address, skip path
hash = Crc32(hash, &frame[t + 1], len - t); //continue through all remaining data
if(DigiConfig.viscous) //viscous-delay enabled on any slot
if(viscousCheckAndRemove(hash)) //check if this frame was received twice
return; //if so, drop it
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < DEDUPE_SIZE; i++) //check if frame is already in duplicate filtering buffer
if(deDupe[i].hash == hash)
if(SysTickGet() < (deDupe[i].timeLimit))
return; //filter out duplicate frame
if(t == 13) //path end bit in source address, no path in this frame
return; //drop it
while((frame[t] & 0x80) == 0) //look for h-bit
if(t == 13)
break; //no h-bit found and we are in source address, we can proceed with the first path element
t -= 7; //look backwards for h-bit
t++; //now t is the index for the first byte in path element we want to process
uint8_t ssid = ((frame[t + 6] >> 1) - 0b00110000); //current path element SSID
uint8_t err = 0;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(GeneralConfig.call); i++) //compare with our call
if(frame[t + i] != GeneralConfig.call[i])
err = 1;
if(ssid != GeneralConfig.callSsid) //compare SSID also
err = 1;
if(err == 0) //our callsign is in the path
makeFrame(frame, t, len, hash, 8, 1, 0);
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) //check for simple alias match
err = 0;
for(uint8_t j = 0; j < sizeof(DigiConfig.alias[0]); j++)
if(frame[t + j] != DigiConfig.alias[i + 4][j])
err = 1;
if(ssid != DigiConfig.ssid[i])
err = 1;
if(err == 0) //no error
makeFrame(frame, t, len, hash, i + 4, 1, 0);
//n-N style alias handling
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
err = 0;
uint8_t j = 0;
for(; j < strlen((const char *)DigiConfig.alias[i]); j++)
if(frame[t + j] != DigiConfig.alias[i][j]) //check for matching alias
err = 1; //alias not matching
if(err == 0) //alias matching, check further
uint8_t n = ((frame[t + j] >> 1) - 48); //get n from alias (e.g. WIDEn-N) - N is in ssid variable
//every path must meet several requirements
//say we have a WIDEn-N path. Then:
//N <= n
//0 < n < 8
//0 < N < 8
if(((ssid > 0) && (ssid < 8) && (n > 0) && (n < 8) && (ssid <= n)) == 0) //path is broken or already used (N=0)
//check if n and N <= digi max
if((n <= DigiConfig.max[i]) && (ssid <= DigiConfig.max[i]))
if(DigiConfig.enableAlias & (1 << i))
makeFrame(frame, t, len, hash, i, 0, n); //process as a standard n-N frame
else if((DigiConfig.rep[i] > 0) && (n >= DigiConfig.rep[i])) //else check if n and N >= digi replace
if(DigiConfig.enableAlias & (1 << i))
makeFrame(frame, t, len, hash, i, 1, n);
void DigiStoreDeDupe(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size)
uint32_t hash = Crc32(CRC32_INIT, buf, 14); //calculate for destination and source address
uint16_t i = 13;
while((buf[i] & 1) == 0) //look for path end bit (skip path)
hash = Crc32(hash, &buf[i], size - i);
deDupeCount %= DEDUPE_SIZE;
deDupe[deDupeCount].hash = hash;
deDupe[deDupeCount].timeLimit = SysTickGet() + (DigiConfig.dupeTime * 10 / SYSTICK_INTERVAL);