/* This file is part of VP-DigiConfig. VP-Digi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. VP-Digi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with VP-DigiConfig. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #include "drivers/uart.h" #include "usbd_cdc_if.h" #include "digipeater.h" #include "drivers/uart.h" #include "ax25.h" #include "beacon.h" #include "stm32f1xx.h" #include "drivers/modem.h" #define CONFIG_ADDRESS 0x800F000 #define CONFIG_PAGE_COUNT 2 #define CONFIG_PAGE_SIZE 1024 //1024 words (2048 bytes) #define CONFIG_FLAG_WRITTEN 0x6B //these are relative addresses, absolute address is calculated as relative address + MEM_CONFIG //all fields are 16-bit or n*16-bit long, as data in flash is stored in 16-bit words #define CONFIG_FLAG 0 //configuration written flag #define CONFIG_CALL 2 #define CONFIG_SSID 8 #define CONFIG_TXDELAY 10 #define CONFIG_TXTAIL 12 #define CONFIG_TXQUIET 14 #define CONFIG_RS1BAUD 16 #define CONFIG_RS2BAUD 20 #define CONFIG_BEACONS 24 #define CONFIG_BCIV 26 //beacon intervals #define CONFIG_BCDL 42 //beacon delays #define CONFIG_BC0 58 //beacon information fields, null terminated #define CONFIG_BC1 158 #define CONFIG_BC2 258 #define CONFIG_BC3 358 #define CONFIG_BC4 458 #define CONFIG_BC5 558 #define CONFIG_BC6 658 #define CONFIG_BC7 758 #define CONFIG_BCP0 858 //beacon paths, 14 bytes each #define CONFIG_BCP1 872 #define CONFIG_BCP2 886 #define CONFIG_BCP3 900 #define CONFIG_BCP4 914 #define CONFIG_BCP5 928 #define CONFIG_BCP6 942 #define CONFIG_BCP7 956 #define CONFIG_DIGION 970 #define CONFIG_DIGIEN 972 #define CONFIG_DIGIVISC 974 //viscous-delay settings in higher half, direct-only in lower half #define CONFIG_DIGIAL0 976 #define CONFIG_DIGIAL1 982 #define CONFIG_DIGIAL2 988 #define CONFIG_DIGIAL3 994 #define CONFIG_DIGIAL4 1000 #define CONFIG_DIGIAL5 1008 #define CONFIG_DIGIAL6 1016 #define CONFIG_DIGIAL7 1024 #define CONFIG_DIGIMAX0 1032 #define CONFIG_DIGIMAX1 1034 #define CONFIG_DIGIMAX2 1036 #define CONFIG_DIGIMAX3 1038 #define CONFIG_DIGIREP0 1040 #define CONFIG_DIGIREP1 1042 #define CONFIG_DIGIREP2 1044 #define CONFIG_DIGIREP3 1046 #define CONFIG_DIGITRACE 1048 #define CONFIG_DIGIDEDUPE 1050 #define CONFIG_DIGICALLFILEN 1052 #define CONFIG_DIGIFILLIST 1054 #define CONFIG_DIGIFILTYPE 1194 #define CONFIG_DIGISSID4 1196 #define CONFIG_DIGISSID5 1198 #define CONFIG_DIGISSID6 1200 #define CONFIG_DIGISSID7 1202 #define CONFIG_PWM_FLAT 1204 #define CONFIG_KISSMONITOR 1206 #define CONFIG_DEST 1208 #define CONFIG_ALLOWNONAPRS 1214 #define CONFIG_XXX 1216 //next address (not used) /** * @brief Write word to configuration part in flash * @param[in] address Relative address * @param[in] data Data to write * @warning Flash must be unlocked first */ static void write(uint32_t address, uint16_t data) { FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_PG; //programming mode *((volatile uint16_t*)(address + CONFIG_ADDRESS)) = data; //store data while (FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_BSY);; //wait for completion if(!(FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_EOP)) //an error occurred FLASH->CR &= ~FLASH_CR_PG; else FLASH->SR |= FLASH_SR_EOP; } /** * @brief Write data array to configuration part in flash * @param[in] address Relative address * @param[in] *data Data to write * @param[in] len Data length * @warning Flash must be unlocked first */ static void writeString(uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { uint16_t i = 0; for(; i < (len / 2); i++) { write(address + (i << 1), *(data + (i << 1)) | (*(data + 1 + (i << 1)) << 8)); //program memory } if((len % 2) > 0) { write(address + (i << 1), *(data + (i << 1))); //store last byte if number of bytes is odd } } /** * @brief Read single word from configuration part in flash * @param[in] address Relative address * @return Data (word) */ static uint16_t read(uint32_t address) { return *(volatile uint16_t*)((address + CONFIG_ADDRESS)); } /** * @brief Read array from configuration part in flash * @param[in] address Relative address * @param[out] *data Data * @param[in] len Byte count */ static void readString(uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { uint16_t i = 0; for(; i < (len >> 1); i++) { *(data + (i << 1)) = (uint8_t)read(address + (i << 1)); *(data + 1 + (i << 1)) = (uint8_t)read(address + 1 + (i << 1)); } if((len % 2) > 0) { *(data + (i << 1)) = (uint8_t)read(address + (i << 1)); } } void ConfigErase(void) { FLASH->KEYR = 0x45670123; //unlock memory FLASH->KEYR = 0xCDEF89AB; while (FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_BSY) ; FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_PER; //erase mode for(uint8_t i = 0; i < CONFIG_PAGE_COUNT; i++) { FLASH->AR = CONFIG_ADDRESS + (CONFIG_PAGE_SIZE * i); FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_STRT; //start erase while (FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_BSY) ; if(!(FLASH->SR & FLASH_SR_EOP)) { FLASH->CR &= ~FLASH_CR_PER; return; } else FLASH->SR |= FLASH_SR_EOP; } FLASH->CR &= ~FLASH_CR_PER; } /** * @brief Store configuration from RAM to Flash */ void ConfigWrite(void) { ConfigErase(); writeString(CONFIG_CALL, GeneralConfig.call, sizeof(GeneralConfig.call)); write(CONFIG_SSID, GeneralConfig.callSsid); writeString(CONFIG_DEST, GeneralConfig.dest, sizeof(GeneralConfig.dest)); write(CONFIG_TXDELAY, Ax25Config.txDelayLength); write(CONFIG_TXTAIL, Ax25Config.txTailLength); write(CONFIG_TXQUIET, Ax25Config.quietTime); writeString(CONFIG_RS1BAUD, (uint8_t*)&Uart1.baudrate, 4); writeString(CONFIG_RS2BAUD, (uint8_t*)&Uart2.baudrate, 4); write(CONFIG_BEACONS, (beacon[0].enable > 0) | ((beacon[1].enable > 0) << 1) | ((beacon[2].enable > 0) << 2) | ((beacon[3].enable > 0) << 3) | ((beacon[4].enable > 0) << 4) | ((beacon[5].enable > 0) << 5) | ((beacon[6].enable > 0) << 6) | ((beacon[7].enable > 0) << 7)); for(uint8_t s = 0; s < 8; s++) { write(CONFIG_BCIV + (2 * s), beacon[s].interval / 6000); } for(uint8_t s = 0; s < 8; s++) { write(CONFIG_BCDL + (2 * s), beacon[s].delay / 60); } writeString(CONFIG_BC0, beacon[0].data, 100); writeString(CONFIG_BC1, beacon[1].data, 100); writeString(CONFIG_BC2, beacon[2].data, 100); writeString(CONFIG_BC3, beacon[3].data, 100); writeString(CONFIG_BC4, beacon[4].data, 100); writeString(CONFIG_BC5, beacon[5].data, 100); writeString(CONFIG_BC6, beacon[6].data, 100); writeString(CONFIG_BC7, beacon[7].data, 100); writeString(CONFIG_BCP0, beacon[0].path, 14); writeString(CONFIG_BCP1, beacon[1].path, 14); writeString(CONFIG_BCP2, beacon[2].path, 14); writeString(CONFIG_BCP3, beacon[3].path, 14); writeString(CONFIG_BCP4, beacon[4].path, 14); writeString(CONFIG_BCP5, beacon[5].path, 14); writeString(CONFIG_BCP6, beacon[6].path, 14); writeString(CONFIG_BCP7, beacon[7].path, 14); write(CONFIG_DIGION, DigiConfig.enable); write(CONFIG_DIGIEN, DigiConfig.enableAlias); write(CONFIG_DIGIVISC, ((uint16_t)DigiConfig.viscous << 8) | (uint16_t)DigiConfig.directOnly); writeString(CONFIG_DIGIAL0, DigiConfig.alias[0], 5); writeString(CONFIG_DIGIAL1, DigiConfig.alias[1], 5); writeString(CONFIG_DIGIAL2, DigiConfig.alias[2], 5); writeString(CONFIG_DIGIAL3, DigiConfig.alias[3], 5); writeString(CONFIG_DIGIAL4, DigiConfig.alias[4], 6); writeString(CONFIG_DIGIAL5, DigiConfig.alias[5], 6); writeString(CONFIG_DIGIAL6, DigiConfig.alias[6], 6); writeString(CONFIG_DIGIAL7, DigiConfig.alias[7], 6); write(CONFIG_DIGISSID4, DigiConfig.ssid[0]); write(CONFIG_DIGISSID5, DigiConfig.ssid[1]); write(CONFIG_DIGISSID6, DigiConfig.ssid[2]); write(CONFIG_DIGISSID7, DigiConfig.ssid[3]); write(CONFIG_DIGIMAX0, DigiConfig.max[0]); write(CONFIG_DIGIMAX1, DigiConfig.max[1]); write(CONFIG_DIGIMAX2, DigiConfig.max[2]); write(CONFIG_DIGIMAX3, DigiConfig.max[3]); write(CONFIG_DIGIREP0, DigiConfig.rep[0]); write(CONFIG_DIGIREP1, DigiConfig.rep[1]); write(CONFIG_DIGIREP2, DigiConfig.rep[2]); write(CONFIG_DIGIREP3, DigiConfig.rep[3]); write(CONFIG_DIGITRACE, DigiConfig.traced); write(CONFIG_DIGIDEDUPE, DigiConfig.dupeTime); write(CONFIG_DIGICALLFILEN, DigiConfig.callFilterEnable); write(CONFIG_DIGIFILTYPE, DigiConfig.filterPolarity); writeString(CONFIG_DIGIFILLIST, DigiConfig.callFilter[0], sizeof(DigiConfig.callFilter)); write(CONFIG_PWM_FLAT, ModemConfig.usePWM | (ModemConfig.flatAudioIn << 1)); write(CONFIG_KISSMONITOR, GeneralConfig.kissMonitor); write(CONFIG_ALLOWNONAPRS, Ax25Config.allowNonAprs); write(CONFIG_FLAG, CONFIG_FLAG_WRITTEN); FLASH->CR &= ~FLASH_CR_PG; FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_LOCK; } uint8_t ConfigRead(void) { if(read(CONFIG_FLAG) != CONFIG_FLAG_WRITTEN) //no configuration stored { return 0; } readString(CONFIG_CALL, GeneralConfig.call, sizeof(GeneralConfig.call)); GeneralConfig.callSsid = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_SSID); uint8_t temp[6]; readString(CONFIG_DEST, temp, sizeof(temp)); if((temp[0] >= ('A' << 1)) && (temp[0] <= ('Z' << 1)) && ((temp[0] & 1) == 0)) //check if stored destination address is correct (we just assume it by reading the first byte) { memcpy(GeneralConfig.dest, temp, sizeof(temp)); } Ax25Config.txDelayLength = read(CONFIG_TXDELAY); Ax25Config.txTailLength = read(CONFIG_TXTAIL); Ax25Config.quietTime = read(CONFIG_TXQUIET); readString(CONFIG_RS1BAUD, (uint8_t*)&Uart1.baudrate, 4); readString(CONFIG_RS2BAUD, (uint8_t*)&Uart2.baudrate, 4); uint8_t bce = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_BEACONS); beacon[0].enable = (bce & 1) > 0; beacon[1].enable = (bce & 2) > 0; beacon[2].enable = (bce & 4) > 0; beacon[3].enable = (bce & 8) > 0; beacon[4].enable = (bce & 16) > 0; beacon[5].enable = (bce & 32) > 0; beacon[6].enable = (bce & 64) > 0; beacon[7].enable = (bce & 128) > 0; for(uint8_t s = 0; s < (sizeof(beacon) / sizeof(*beacon)); s++) { beacon[s].interval = read(CONFIG_BCIV + (2 * s)) * 6000; } for(uint8_t s = 0; s < (sizeof(beacon) / sizeof(*beacon)); s++) { beacon[s].delay = read(CONFIG_BCDL + (2 * s)) * 60; } for(uint8_t g = 0; g < (sizeof(beacon) / sizeof(*beacon)); g++) { readString(CONFIG_BC0 + (g * 100), beacon[g].data, 100); } for(uint8_t g = 0; g < (sizeof(beacon) / sizeof(*beacon)); g++) { readString(CONFIG_BCP0 + (g * 14), beacon[g].path, 14); } DigiConfig.enable = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGION); DigiConfig.enableAlias = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGIEN); uint16_t t = read(CONFIG_DIGIVISC); DigiConfig.viscous = (t & 0xFF00) >> 8; DigiConfig.directOnly = t & 0xFF; readString(CONFIG_DIGIAL0, DigiConfig.alias[0], 5); readString(CONFIG_DIGIAL1, DigiConfig.alias[1], 5); readString(CONFIG_DIGIAL2, DigiConfig.alias[2], 5); readString(CONFIG_DIGIAL3, DigiConfig.alias[3], 5); readString(CONFIG_DIGIAL4, DigiConfig.alias[4], 6); readString(CONFIG_DIGIAL5, DigiConfig.alias[5], 6); readString(CONFIG_DIGIAL6, DigiConfig.alias[6], 6); readString(CONFIG_DIGIAL7, DigiConfig.alias[7], 6); DigiConfig.ssid[0] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGISSID4); DigiConfig.ssid[1] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGISSID5); DigiConfig.ssid[2] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGISSID6); DigiConfig.ssid[3] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGISSID7); DigiConfig.max[0] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGIMAX0); DigiConfig.max[1] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGIMAX1); DigiConfig.max[2] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGIMAX2); DigiConfig.max[3] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGIMAX3); DigiConfig.rep[0] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGIREP0); DigiConfig.rep[1] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGIREP1); DigiConfig.rep[2] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGIREP2); DigiConfig.rep[3] = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGIREP3); DigiConfig.traced = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGITRACE); DigiConfig.dupeTime = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGIDEDUPE); DigiConfig.callFilterEnable = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGICALLFILEN); DigiConfig.filterPolarity = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_DIGIFILTYPE); readString(CONFIG_DIGIFILLIST, DigiConfig.callFilter[0], 140); t = (uint8_t)read(CONFIG_PWM_FLAT); ModemConfig.usePWM = t & 1; ModemConfig.flatAudioIn = (t & 2) > 0; GeneralConfig.kissMonitor = (read(CONFIG_KISSMONITOR) == 1); Ax25Config.allowNonAprs = (read(CONFIG_ALLOWNONAPRS) == 1); return 1; }