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2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
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<title>VK3CPU RF Toroid Calculator</title>
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2022-07-23 03:07:08 +00:00
<header>Miguel <a href="mailto:vk3cpu@gmail.com">VK3CPU</a> - RF Toroid Calculator v1.0<br></header>
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
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2021-10-19 09:39:07 +00:00
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2021-10-11 09:28:05 +00:00
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
<select name="modes" id="mode-select" onchange="setMode()">
2021-10-11 09:28:05 +00:00
<option value="Inductor">Inductor</option>
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
<option value="Suppressor">Suppressor</option>
<!--option value="Transformer" disabled="false">Transformer</option-->
2021-10-11 09:28:05 +00:00
<select name="toroids" id="toroid-select" onchange="setToroid()">
<!--option value="FT240">FT240</option>
2021-10-11 09:28:05 +00:00
<option value="FT140">FT140</option>
<option value="FT114">FT114</option>
<option value="FT82">FT82</option>
<option value="FT50">FT50</option>
<option value="FT37">FT37</option-->
2021-10-11 09:28:05 +00:00
<select name="materials" id="material-select" onchange="setMaterial()">
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
<!--option value="75">75 [&#956;i=5000]</option>
<option value="78">78 [&#956;i=2300]</option>
<option value="77">77 [&#956;i=2000]</option>
<option value="79">79 [&#956;i=1400]</option>
<option value="43" selected='true'>43 [&#956;i=800]</option>
<option value="80">80 [&#956;i=600]</option>
<option value="52">52 [&#956;i=250]</option>
<option value="61">61 [&#956;i=125]</option>
<option value="67">67 [&#956;i=40]</option-->
2021-10-11 09:28:05 +00:00
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
<div class="sliders">
2021-10-11 09:17:05 +00:00
<label for="conductor_diameter_slider">AWG:</label>
<input type="range" id="conductor_diameter_slider" min="2" max="38" value="20" step="1">
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
<div class="sliders">
<label for="loop_turns_slider">Nd:</label>
<input type="range" id="loop_turns_slider" min="0.0" max="1.0" value="0.15" step="0.005">
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
<div class="sliders">
<label for="voltage_slider">Vrms:</label>
<input type="range" id="voltage_slider" min="0.0" max="3.0" value="1.0" step="0.005">
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
2021-10-15 13:38:23 +00:00
<div class="sliders">
<label for="frequency_slider">f:</label>
<input type="range" id="frequency_slider" min="0.0" max="4.0" value="2.0" step="0.05">
2021-10-15 13:38:23 +00:00
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
<div id="notes" class="notes">
2021-11-08 01:00:07 +00:00
RF Toroid Calculator was developed to help users predict the RF characteristics of a ferrite or powdered-iron toroid wound as an inductor or suppressor.
It uses the manufacturer's (Fair-Rite & Micrometals) published data including the toroid's dimensions and complex permeability characteristics
to predict the component's characteristics.<br>
The calculator has 4 separate display areas. At the top is the chart display for showing frequency-dependent characteristics. Next is the
schematic display, where a scaled image of the toroid and windings is presented to help with intuitive design. Next is the control panel
2021-10-17 12:56:53 +00:00
section, where the user can select the application type, toroid material, toroid size, wire size, number of windings and excitation voltage.<br><br>
<b><u>Inputs via the select widgets:</u></b>
2021-10-16 07:22:04 +00:00
2021-10-17 12:56:53 +00:00
<li>Application : Selects the intended use of the toroid, either Inductor or Suppressor is currently supported. This limits the material selection as appropriate.</li>
2021-10-16 07:22:04 +00:00
<li>Size : Selects the size of the toroid. FT240 is 2.4" in diameter. FT80 is 0.8", etc...</li>
<li>Material : Manufacturers material mix code. Inductor mode shows initial permeability [&#956;i] in square brackets. (Pick lower &#956;i for higher frequency applications.)
Suppressor mode displays effective suppression frequency range in square brackets.</li>
2021-10-16 07:22:04 +00:00
<b><u>Inputs via the slider widgets:</u></b>
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
<li>AWG : Select the wire gauge. Sliding L-R changes AWG from 40-0. (Defaults to 20 AWG)</li>
2022-02-16 08:23:01 +00:00
<li>Nd : Winding density at the toroid inner-diameter. Controls how many single-layer turns can be achieved around the core.
Maximum (100%, slider to hard-right) is reached when the turns are adjacent at the toroid's inner radius. (Defaults to 15%)</li>
<li>Vrms : The RMS voltage applied to the inductor (Volts). Determines the flux-density (B) and field-intensity (H) within the ferrite toroid. (Defaults to 10Vrms)</li>
<li>f : Shifts the frequency of interest of the chart display from left-to-right. Left towards kHz, right towards GHz. </li>
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
2021-10-16 07:22:04 +00:00
<i>Note: Manufacturers recommend keeping the number of turns (N) to a minimum.</i><br><br>
<b><u>Chart display:</u></b>
2021-10-16 07:22:04 +00:00
The chart title contains manufacturer, size, material and part number of the device. <br>
Calculated parameters are displayed against frequency (log scale). Each parameter may be displayed or hidden
by tapping on the legend key. Tapping on a data point will display the parameters for a single frequency.
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
2021-10-18 09:21:52 +00:00
<li>L(&#956;H) : Inductance in microhenries. </li>
<li>|Z|(&#937;) : Impedance magnitude in Ohms. </li>
<li> X(&#937;) : Reactance in Ohms. </li>
<li> R(&#937;) : (F) - Resistance due to core losses in Ohms. </li>
<li> Rc(&#937;) : (PI) - Resistance due to core losses in Ohms. </li>
<li> Rw(&#937;) : (PI) - Resistance due to wire losses in Ohms. </li>
<li> Q : Quality factor. (X/R) </li>
<li> I(mA) : RMS current in milliamps. </li>
2021-11-02 13:28:03 +00:00
<li> &#956;' : (F) Complex permeability - reactive part. (Hidden by default.) </li>
<li> &#956;'' : (F) Complex permeability - resistive part. (Hidden by default.) </li>
<li> &#956; : (PI) Permeability (Hidden by default.) </li>
<li> H(Oe) : Core field intensity in Oersted. (Hidden by default.) </li>
<li> B(G) : Core flux density in Gauss. (Hidden by default.) </li>
<li> Pd(mW) : Sum of the power dissipation in the core, in milliwatts. For PI, it includes power dissipated in the wire also. </li>
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
2021-11-08 02:29:51 +00:00
<b><u>Schematic display:</u></b>
2021-10-16 07:22:04 +00:00
Scaled representation of the toroid and the windings. Wire gauge and toroid dimensions are provided.<br>
On the left of the display are the following:
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
2021-10-18 09:21:52 +00:00
<li>L&#7522; : Initial inductance in microhenries. This is based on the initial permeability figure found in data sheets. For accuracy, use the frequency-dependent inductance displayed in the chart.</li>
<li>Vrms : Excitation RMS voltage selected.</li>
<li>Rdc : Wire resistance in ohms.</li>
2022-02-16 08:23:01 +00:00
<li>Ceff : Experimental effective-capacitance calculation to determine SRF. (Under development so greyed-out. Based on David Knight's G3YNH
work on the self-capacitance of toroidal inductors detailed <a href="https://www.g3ynh.info/zdocs/magnetics/appendix/Toroid_selfC.html">HERE</a>).</li>
<li>SRF : Experimental self-resonant frequency prediction in MHz. (Under development so greyed-out. From the same paper detailed above.)</li>
In the middle of the display are the following:
<li>nn AWG : The wire gauge selected, based on the American Wire Gauge Standard.</li>
<li>&#8960; : Conductor diameter in mm and (inches).</li>
<li>Nd : The selected winding density in percent.</li>
<li>N : The number of turns, based on the selected Nd.</li>
<li>wire : Wire conductor length in centimeters and (feet).</li>
On the right are the manufacturers data for the selected material.
<li>&#956;i : Initial permeability @ B < 10 gauss.</li>
2021-11-02 13:29:47 +00:00
<li>B : (F) Flux density in gauss when applied with H oersted.</li>
<li>H : (F) Applied field strength in oersted.</li>
<li>Bsat : (PI) Saturation flux density in gauss.</li>
<li>Br : Residual flux density in gauss.</li>
<li>Hc : Coercive force at 0 gauss.</li>
<li>Tc : Curie temperature in Celsius.</li>
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
<li>ρ: Resistivity in &#937;-cm.</li>
<li>Type : Material composition. (NiZn, MnZn, Phenolic, Carbonyl)</li>
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
<li>P/N : Manufacturer's part number.</li>
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
<b>Powdered Iron:</b><br>
Inductance and reactance values correspond well with those predicted by online calculators such as toroids.info.
However, predictions for Q have mixed results when compared to the Micrometals Q-Curve Catalog found <a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/micrometals-production/filer_public/7e/d0/7ed096a0-fe6e-4df1-9da9-e129c1ee73d2/q_curve_catalog_issue_h.pdf">HERE</a>.
I suggest using their catalog for accurate Q prediction. It has been previously identified that Q values predicted using Micrometal's curve-fit equations do not reconcile with measured Q as discussed <a href="https://owenduffy.net/calc/toroid.htm">here</a>.
<li> Add a DC current bias slider.</li>
<li> Consider adding temperature slider.</li>
2021-11-08 02:29:51 +00:00
<b><u>Change history:</u></b><br>
2022-07-23 04:23:17 +00:00
<b>[23-Jul-22] - v1.0</b> <br>
* Added 2643251002 which I have called the "FT154B".<br>
<b>[16-Feb-22] - v0.9f</b> <br>
* Remove references to transformers. Transformers will be supported by a separate calculator.<br>
<b>[17-Jan-22] - v0.9f</b> <br>
* Added x2 and x3 stacking for 31, 43, 52 and 61 240-sized toroids.<br>
2021-11-24 09:54:39 +00:00
<b>[24-Nov-21] - v0.9e</b> <br>
* Justify tooltips.<br>
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
<b>[14-Nov-21] - v0.9d</b> <br>
* Updated manufacturers data section to more-closely match datasheets. Also justify to appear like tabular data.<br>
<b>[6-Nov-21] - v0.9c</b> <br>
* Re-enabled PI support.<br>
2021-11-06 07:24:12 +00:00
* Added support for PI Material 17.<br>
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
<b>[3-Nov-21] - v0.9b</b> <br>
2021-11-03 03:23:06 +00:00
* Disabled PI support due to bugs that need to be fixed.<br>
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
<b>[2-Nov-21] - v0.9a</b> <br>
2021-11-02 12:49:40 +00:00
* Release 0.9a - Major code refactor to support Powdered Iron toroids.<br>
<b>[26-Oct-21]</b> <br>
2021-10-26 12:57:09 +00:00
* Increased resolution of the f-slider, making it smoothly regenerate the dataset.<br>
<b>[24-Oct-21]</b> <br>
* Fixed frozen f-slider issue that was occurring in some browsers running on Windows.<br>
2021-10-26 12:57:09 +00:00
* Increased contrast for experimental Ceff and SRF calculations, based on David Knight's (G3YNH) paper.<br>
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
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2021-10-11 09:24:25 +00:00
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2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
<script src="inductor.js"></script>
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
function awgToMm(awg) {
// AWG to diameter in mm:
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
switch (awg) {
case 40: return [0.0787, 0.10414];
case 39: return [0.0889, 0.1143];
case 38: return [0.102, 0.12954];
case 37: return [0.114, 0.14478];
case 36: return [0.127, 0.16002];
case 35: return [0.142, 0.1778];
case 34: return [0.160, 0.19812];
case 33: return [0.180, 0.22098];
case 32: return [0.203, 0.24638];
case 31: return [0.226, 0.27432];
case 30: return [0.255, 0.30734];
case 29: return [0.287, 0.33782];
case 28: return [0.320, 0.37338];
case 27: return [0.361, 0.4191];
case 26: return [0.404, 0.46228];
case 25: return [0.455, 0.51562];
case 24: return [0.511, 0.57658];
case 23: return [0.574, 0.64262];
case 22: return [0.645, 0.71374];
case 21: return [0.724, 0.8001];
case 20: return [0.813, 0.89154];
case 19: return [0.912, 0.99314];
case 18: return [1.024, 1.10998];
case 17: return [1.150, 1.23952];
case 16: return [1.290, 1.3843];
case 15: return [1.450, 1.5494];
case 14: return [1.628, 1.73228];
case 13: return [1.829, 1.93548];
case 12: return [2.053, 2.16154];
case 11: return [2.304, 2.41808];
case 10: return [2.588, 2.70256];
case 9: return [2.906, 3.0226];
case 8: return [3.264, 3.38328];
case 7: return [3.665, 3.78968];
case 6: return [4.115, 4.24688];
case 5: return [4.621, 4.75742];
case 4: return [5.189, 5.32892];
case 3: return [5.827, 5.97154];
case 2: return [6.544, 6.69036];
case 1: return [7.348, 7.54888];
case 0: return [8.251, 8.45];
default: return [0.0, 0.0];
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
function Ferrite() {
// Current selected material type:
this.material = '43';
// Current selected ferrite size:
this.size = 'FT240';
// User-selected variables:
this.cond_diameter_meters = 0.0;
this.N = 0;
this.Vrms = 0.0;
// Calculated frequency-independent variables:
this.cond_length_meters = 0.0;
this.Rdc = 0.0;
this.N_max = 0;
this.L = 0.0;
// Calculated and charted frequency-dependent variables:
this.L_vs_f = [];
this.Z_vs_f = [];
this.R_vs_f = [];
this.X_vs_f = [];
this.Q_vs_f = [];
this.i_vs_f = [];
this.P_vs_f = [];
this.mu1_vs_f = [];
this.mu2_vs_f = [];
this.H_vs_f = [];
this.B_vs_f = [];
this.cores = {
'80' : {
size : {
'FT114' : { PN:'5980001001', A:29.00, B:19.00, C:7.50, W:21.0, CC:19.80, le:7.32, Ae:0.37, Ve:2.70, Al:350.0 },
'FT87' : { PN:'5980001801', A:22.10, B:13.7, C:6.35, W:5.2, CC:20.70, le:5.42, Ae:0.26, Ve:0.142, Al:330.0 },
'FT37' : { PN:'5980000201', A:9.50, B:4.70, C:3.30, W:0.83, CC:28.50, le:2.07, Ae:0.073, Ve:0.15, Al:245.0 },
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
mat : "MnZn",
mu_i : 600,
B : 4700,
H : 5,
Br : 500,
Hc : 0.4,
Tc : 300,
R : 200,
complex_mu : {
freq: [10000.0, 100000.0, 300000.0, 500000.0, 667000.0, 800000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2040000.0, 2090000.0, 2140000.0, 2190000.0, 2240000.0, 2290000.0, 2340000.0, 2400000.0, 2450000.0, 2510000.0, 2570000.0, 2630000.0, 2690000.0, 2750000.0, 2820000.0, 2880000.0, 2950000.0, 3020000.0, 3090000.0, 3160000.0, 3240000.0, 3310000.0, 3390000.0, 3470000.0, 3550000.0, 3630000.0, 3720000.0, 3800000.0, 3890000.0, 3980000.0, 4070000.0, 4170000.0, 4270000.0, 4370000.0, 4470000.0, 4570000.0, 4680000.0, 4790000.0, 4900000.0, 5010000.0, 5130000.0, 5250000.0, 5370000.0, 5500000.0, 5620000.0, 5750000.0, 5890000.0, 6030000.0, 6170000.0, 6310000.0, 6460000.0, 6610000.0, 6760000.0, 6920000.0, 7080000.0, 7240000.0, 7410000.0, 7590000.0, 7760000.0, 7940000.0, 8130000.0, 8320000.0, 8510000.0, 8710000.0, 8910000.0, 9120000.0, 9330000.0, 9550000.0, 9770000.0, 10000000.0, 10200000.0, 10500000.0, 10700000.0, 11000000.0, 11200000.0, 11500000.0, 11700000.0, 12000000.0, 12300000.0, 12600000.0, 12900000.0, 13200000.0, 13500000.0, 13800000.0, 14100000.0, 14500000.0, 14800000.0, 15100000.0, 15500000.0, 15800000.0, 16200000.0, 16600000.0, 17000000.0, 17400000.0, 17800000.0, 18200000.0, 18600000.0, 19100000.0, 19500000.0, 20000000.0, 20400000.0, 20900000.0, 21400000.0, 21900000.0, 22400000.0, 22900000.0, 23400000.0, 24000000.0, 24500000.0, 25100000.0, 25700000.0, 26300000.0, 26900000.0, 27500000.0, 28200000.0, 28800000.0, 29500000.0, 30200000.0, 30900000.0, 31600000.0, 32400000.0, 33100000.0, 33900000.0, 34700000.0, 35500000.0, 36300000.0, 37200000.0, 38000000.0, 38900000.0, 39800000.0, 40700000.0, 41700000.0, 42700000.0, 43700000.0, 44700000.0, 45700000.0, 46800000.0, 47900000.0, 49000000.0, 50100000.0, 51300000.0, 52500000.0, 53700000.0, 55000000.0, 56200000.0, 57500000.0, 58900000.0, 60300000.0, 61700000.0, 63100000.0, 64600000.0, 66100000.0, 67600000.0, 69200000.0, 70800000.0, 72400000.0, 74100000.0, 75900000.0, 77600000.0, 79400000.0, 81300000.0, 83200000.0, 85100000.0, 87100000.0, 89100000.0, 91200000.0, 93300000.0, 95500000.0, 97700000.0, 100000000.0] ,
mu_1: [552.5293373, 551.8353641, 551.7485492, 552.0082962, 552.8058814, 553.7193461, 552.7320041, 576.7065362, 578.16449, 579.6701607, 581.5634164, 583.3458896, 585.0316149, 586.864943, 589.0517811, 591.3347543, 593.120218, 595.3244732, 598.0256692, 600.4115685, 603.3914119, 606.4104715, 609.8122818, 613.3152321, 616.5004721, 620.3318893, 624.1874715, 628.1742612, 632.5550661, 637.3831485, 642.5114883, 647.7452009, 653.4235474, 659.5336823, 665.5433373, 672.7322003, 680.0993878, 688.0287583, 696.7352717, 706.0786223, 716.0689848, 726.5971847, 738.313893, 751.0129395, 764.8528686, 780.0733218, 796.4494587, 815.2404354, 834.8191246, 857.1206399, 882.0265771, 909.5173001, 940.3735841, 975.2661628, 1014.208789, 1059.063472, 1109.457948, 1167.162839, 1231.477696, 1302.602502, 1377.261326, 1445.496059, 1483.453054, 1441.572532, 1240.027627, 821.7123464, 280.0900126, -161.463971, -390.8270107, -452.3839303, -427.6338039, -368.8547616, -302.9694255, -241.3342552, -188.797456, -146.2660319, -113.5257068, -89.99241895, -74.29580358, -64.82477402, -59.81840292, -57.51010963, -56.76088184, -56.814224, -57.07040608, -57.42930609, -57.69547751, -57.74114269, -57.63837375, -57.40317876, -57.08823262, -56.68194973, -56.12916674, -55.51845246, -54.92332085, -54.20308253, -53.55237176, -52.84884535, -52.16993532, -51.48197934, -50.79025884, -50.09636006, -49.41869705, -48.69815414, -48.0752398, -47.43951487, -46.75561328, -46.11600183, -45.48493928, -44.8242942, -44.15447071, -43.54241343, -42.91292566, -42.28501298, -41.67530798, -41.02323705, -40.35247164, -39.6830753, -39.0184742, -38.32086167, -37.63258308, -36.92659005, -36.20447829, -35.50320056, -34.80637331, -34.10891596, -33.39995308, -32.70081648, -32.02218646, -31.34638472, -30.65456216, -29.98124368, -29.30336613, -28.67020496, -27.97301266, -27.32804174, -26.68851346, -26.03242315, -25.43234441, -24.78897718, -24.20805315, -23.63346464, -23.04328355, -22.43387581, -21.84967174, -21.30547567, -20.79749682, -20.24914529, -19.7045426, -19.19789941, -18.67802475, -18.17486627, -17.70084037, -17.20974228, -16.73414233, -16.26328553, -15.8057269, -15.37093672, -14.94312753, -14.50479774, -14.10080607, -13.69800883, -13.29768805, -12.90728014, -12.52724757, -12.14616373, -11.80040727, -11.43534958, -11.07737208, -10.75082832, -10.41957072, -10.09505637, -9.790459248, -9.480485647, -9.179966322, -8.897451637, -8.612714327, -8.338432873] ,
mu_2: [0.289303711, 0.385253824, 0.481491564, 0.867093317, 1.350762274, 1.739566353, 2.416427681, 7.721430072, 7.973516404, 8.211915795, 9.000578471, 9.525294184, 9.539358131, 9.985647983, 10.21317352, 10.9124654, 11.41459574, 11.92915091, 12.13222424, 12.97789753, 13.72904158, 14.26065941, 15.13724059, 16.09541422, 16.7102912, 17.71820085, 18.71122023, 19.49525004, 20.48658071, 21.74524484, 23.0640455, 24.7848944, 26.22850221, 27.97594052, 29.64695631, 31.90680981, 33.92890232, 36.59644102, 39.10737708, 41.86787182, 45.0658211, 48.77541547, 53.0750689, 57.45015629, 62.50272585, 68.15373893, 74.65275341, 81.90826162, 90.60225492, 100.8423824, 112.8009168, 126.9124574, 143.517934, 164.1092076, 189.6556519, 221.4211477, 261.2887724, 313.7025431, 382.2620274, 475.1209197, 602.2959658, 779.4137144, 1023.757354, 1345.612776, 1712.239766, 1995.009455, 2022.30722, 1783.651735, 1443.317974, 1137.490938, 907.7645787, 746.8613168, 638.0172567, 565.6402706, 517.8546566, 486.8367069, 466.763034, 453.2343538, 443.1904295, 434.2851329, 425.0558182, 415.0165515, 404.0869149, 392.4422242, 380.4012255, 368.3075283, 356.3459607, 344.4424301, 333.0438673, 321.8701137, 311.1108071, 300.7642878, 290.866019, 281.3240811, 272.2112127, 263.5413384, 255.1024179, 246.966844, 239.2042748, 231.7671826, 224.5464818, 217.5984796, 210.8794141, 204.3913395, 198.1026505, 192.1025947, 186.2302496, 180.6029462, 175.107119, 169.7837129, 164.6736254, 159.6346219, 154.7587518, 150.0331907, 145.4429647, 140.9625123, 136.6289636, 132.4415757, 128.3512765, 124.3878016, 120.5875242, 116.8721149, 113.293722, 109.7936776, 106.4169012, 103.148636, 99.97602469, 96.91757718, 93.92363002, 91.02253316, 88.21426803, 85.50721438, 82.86032447, 80.30070665, 77.83305378, 75.4422733, 73.13055534, 70.8844903, 68.72594029, 66.62088877, 64.58785225, 62.62626735, 60.70113617, 58.83188685, 57.02023332, 55.27327546, 53.58530131, 51.95356572, 50.36046931, 48.84091232, 47.33233133, 45.90476705, 44.49727149, 43.14865806, 41.8184313, 40.54886853, 39.31478716, 38.13533338, 36.97706789, 35.84327965, 34.75466551, 33.72000889, 32.69012875, 31.69350444, 30.75346018, 29.81618266, 28.92020338, 28.04094115, 27.21403855, 26.39507763, 25.60676388, 24.83984183, 24.1003866, 23.39371118, 22.69978386, 22.02932947, 21.37550228, 20.7479763] ,
color : 'grey',
'79' : {
size : {
'FT114' : { PN:'5979001001', A:29.00, B:19.00, C:7.50, W:21.0, CC:19.80, le:7.32, Ae:0.37, Ve:2.70, Al:860.0 },
'FT87' : { PN:'5979001801', A:22.10, B:13.7, C:6.35, W:5.2, CC:20.70, le:5.41, Ae:0.26, Ve:0.150, Al:840.0 },
'FT37' : { PN:'5979000201', A:9.50, B:4.70, C:3.20, W:0.83, CC:28.50, le:2.07, Ae:0.072, Ve:0.15, Al:600.0 },
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
mat : "MnZn",
mu_i : 1400,
B : 4600,
H : 5,
Br : 1500,
Hc : 0.34,
Tc : 225,
R : 200,
complex_mu : {
freq: [10000.0, 50000.0, 100000.0, 300000.0, 500000.0, 666000.0, 1000000.0, 1170000.0, 1360000.0, 1580000.0, 1840000.0, 2150000.0, 2500000.0, 2920000.0, 3400000.0, 3960000.0, 4620000.0, 5380000.0, 6270000.0, 7310000.0, 8510000.0, 9920000.0, 11600000.0, 13500000.0, 15700000.0, 18300000.0, 21300000.0, 24800000.0, 28900000.0, 33700000.0, 39300000.0, 45800000.0, 53400000.0, 62200000.0, 72500000.0, 84400000.0, 98400000.0, 115000000.0, 134000000.0, 156000000.0, 181000000.0, 211000000.0, 246000000.0, 287000000.0, 335000000.0, 390000000.0, 454000000.0, 529000000.0, 617000000.0, 719000000.0, 838000000.0, 976000000.0, 1140000000.0, 1330000000.0, 1540000000.0, 1800000000.0] ,
mu_1: [1382.4, 1379.2, 1377.5, 1382.7, 1396.5, 1417.2, 1500.0, 1560.0, 1630.0, 1710.0, 1740.0, 1710.0, 1620.0, 1490.0, 1310.0, 1080.0, 814.0, 532.0, 270.0, 67.4, -58.1, -116.0, -130.0, -123.0, -107.0, -90.3, -75.5, -63.1, -53.0, -44.7, -37.5, -31.3, -25.9, -21.2, -17.3, -14.1, -11.4, -9.2, -7.4, -5.9, -4.7, -3.7, -2.9, -2.3, -1.8, -1.4, -1.1, -0.8, -0.6, -0.4, -0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.6, 1.1, 1.8] ,
mu_2: [1.1, 2.4, 2.8, 5.2, 8.4, 11.9, 30.8, 50.9, 100.0, 207.0, 375.0, 565.0, 752.0, 925.0, 1080.0, 1200.0, 1270.0, 1250.0, 1160.0, 996.0, 809.0, 635.0, 492.0, 382.0, 300.0, 239.0, 192.0, 156.0, 127.0, 104.0, 84.1, 68.3, 55.5, 45.1, 36.8, 30.0, 24.6, 20.1, 16.6, 13.6, 11.3, 9.4, 7.8, 6.6, 5.5, 4.7, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.6, 2.3, 2.1, 2.0, 1.9, 1.9, 2.0] ,
color : 'grey',
'78' : {
size : {
'FT240' : { PN:'5978003801', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:12.70, W:106.0, CC:9.20, le:14.5, Ae:1.58, Ve:22.8, Al:3155.0 },
'FT140' : { PN:'5978002701', A:35.55, B:23.00, C:12.70, W:33.00, CC:11.20, le:8.90, Ae:0.79, Ve:7.00, Al:2545.0 },
'FT114' : { PN:'5978001201', A:29.00, B:19.00, C:13.85, W:26.00, CC:10.70, le:7.30, Ae:0.68, Ve:5.00, Al:2695.0 },
'FT90' : { PN:'5978007621', A:23.00, B:12.90, C:13.65, W:15.00, CC:10.30, le:5.40, Ae:0.52, Ve:2.83, Al:2795.0 },
'FT87' : { PN:'5978007601', A:22.10, B:13.70, C:12.70, W:15.00, CC:10.30, le:5.40, Ae:0.52, Ve:2.83, Al:2795.0 },
'FT19' : { PN:'5978002101', A:4.95, B:2.20, C:1.400, W:0.09, CC:69.20, le:1.04, Ae:0.015, Ve:0.157, Al:440.0 },
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
mat : "MnZn",
mu_i : 2300,
B : 4800,
H : 5,
Br : 1500,
Hc : 0.20,
Tc : 200,
R : 200,
complex_mu : {
freq: [10000.0, 100000.0, 300000.0, 500000.0, 700000.0, 900000.0, 1000000.0, 1170000.0, 1360000.0, 1580000.0, 1840000.0, 2150000.0, 2500000.0, 2920000.0, 3400000.0, 3960000.0, 4620000.0, 5380000.0, 6270000.0, 7310000.0, 8510000.0, 9920000.0, 11600000.0, 13500000.0, 15700000.0, 18300000.0, 21300000.0, 24800000.0, 28900000.0, 33700000.0, 39300000.0, 45800000.0, 53400000.0, 62200000.0, 72500000.0, 84400000.0, 98400000.0, 115000000.0, 134000000.0, 156000000.0, 181000000.0, 211000000.0, 246000000.0, 287000000.0, 335000000.0, 390000000.0, 454000000.0, 529000000.0, 617000000.0, 719000000.0, 838000000.0, 976000000.0, 1140000000.0, 1330000000.0, 1540000000.0, 1800000000.0] ,
mu_1: [2099.0, 2102.0, 2175.0, 2323.0, 2504.0, 2539.0, 2510.0, 2377.0, 2204.0, 1969.0, 1684.0, 1373.0, 1062.0, 769.0, 500.0, 266.0, 82.0, -43.0, -112.0, -138.0, -135.0, -118.0, -99.0, -81.0, -68.0, -58.0, -50.0, -43.0, -36.0, -30.0, -24.0, -20.0, -16.0, -13.0, -10.0, -8.0, -7.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -3.0, -2.0, -2.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0] ,
mu_2: [13.0, 14.0, 33.0, 91.0, 314.0, 666.0, 900.0, 1109.0, 1310.0, 1493.0, 1623.0, 1683.0, 1678.0, 1618.0, 1511.0, 1361.0, 1176.0, 977.0, 787.0, 622.0, 488.0, 385.0, 309.0, 252.0, 208.0, 172.0, 141.0, 115.0, 94.0, 77.0, 63.0, 52.0, 43.0, 35.0, 29.0, 24.0, 20.0, 17.0, 14.0, 12.0, 10.0, 9.0, 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0] ,
color : 'grey',
'77' : {
size : {
'FT240' : { PN:'5977003801', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:12.7, W:106.0, CC:9.20, le:14.5, Ae:1.58, Ve:22.8, Al:3155.0 },
'FT140' : { PN:'5977002701', A:35.55, B:23.00, C:12.7, W:33.00, CC:11.20, le:8.90, Ae:0.79, Ve:7.00, Al:2545.0 },
'FT114' : { PN:'5977001001', A:29.00, B:19.00, C:7.5, W:13.0, CC:19.80, le:7.30, Ae:0.37, Ve:2.70, Al:1365.0 },
'FT100' : { PN:'5977006401', A:25.40, B:15.50, C:12.7, W:19.0, CC:10.00, le:6.20, Ae:0.62, Ve:3.80, Al:2700.0 },
'FT50' : { PN:'5977000301', A:12.70, B:7.15, C:4.90, W:2.00, CC:22.90, le:2.95, Ae:0.129, Ve:0.38, Al:1180.0 },
'FT37' : { PN:'5977000201', A:9.50, B:4.75, C:3.30, W:0.83, CC:28.60, le:2.07, Ae:0.072, Ve:0.15, Al:945.0 },
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
mat : "MnZn",
mu_i : 2000,
B : 4900,
H : 5,
Br : 1800,
Hc : 0.30,
Tc : 200,
R : 100,
complex_mu : {
freq: [10000.0, 100000.0, 300000.0, 500000.0, 700000.0, 900000.0, 1000000.0, 1170000.0, 1360000.0, 1580000.0, 1840000.0, 2150000.0, 2500000.0, 2920000.0, 3400000.0, 3960000.0, 4620000.0, 5380000.0, 6270000.0, 7310000.0, 8510000.0, 9920000.0, 11600000.0, 13500000.0, 15700000.0, 18300000.0, 21300000.0, 24800000.0, 28900000.0, 33700000.0, 39300000.0, 45800000.0, 53400000.0, 62200000.0, 72500000.0, 84400000.0, 98400000.0, 115000000.0, 134000000.0, 156000000.0, 181000000.0, 211000000.0, 246000000.0, 287000000.0, 335000000.0, 390000000.0, 454000000.0, 529000000.0, 617000000.0, 719000000.0, 838000000.0, 976000000.0, 1140000000.0, 1330000000.0, 1540000000.0, 1800000000.0] ,
mu_1: [1989.0, 2001.0, 2045.0, 2142.0, 2193.0, 2097.0, 2074.0, 1892.0, 1668.0, 1423.0, 1174.0, 944.0, 738.0, 560.0, 407.0, 278.0, 171.0, 88.0, 27.0, -11.0, -31.0, -40.0, -41.0, -41.0, -39.0, -36.0, -33.0, -29.0, -26.0, -22.0, -19.0, -16.0, -13.0, -11.0, -9.0, -8.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -3.0, -2.0, -2.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0] ,
mu_2: [14.0, 37.0, 109.0, 250.0, 519.0, 791.0, 946.0, 1099.0, 1212.0, 1275.0, 1286.0, 1254.0, 1193.0, 1113.0, 1020.0, 920.0, 815.0, 708.0, 603.0, 506.0, 419.0, 346.0, 286.0, 237.0, 197.0, 163.0, 135.0, 111.0, 92.0, 76.0, 62.0, 51.0, 42.0, 35.0, 29.0, 24.0, 20.0, 17.0, 14.0, 12.0, 10.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, 4.0, 4.0, 3.0, 3.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0] ,
color : 'grey',
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
'75' : {
size : {
'FT240' : { PN:'5975003801', A:61.0, B:35.35, C:12.7, W:106.0, CC:9.20, le:14.5, Ae:1.58, Ve:22.8, Al:6850.0 },
'FT140' : { PN:'5975002701', A:35.55, B:23.00, C:12.7, W:33.00, CC:11.20, le:8.90, Ae:0.79, Ve:7.00, Al:5500.0 },
'FT100' : { PN:'5975006401', A:25.40, B:15.50, C:12.7, W:19.0, CC:10.00, le:6.20, Ae:0.62, Ve:3.80, Al:6250.0 },
'FT50' : { PN:'5975000301', A:12.70, B:7.15, C:4.90, W:2.00, CC:22.90, le:2.95, Ae:0.129, Ve:0.38, Al:2725.0 },
'FT37' : { PN:'5975000201', A:9.50, B:4.75, C:3.30, W:0.83, CC:28.60, le:2.06, Ae:0.072, Ve:0.15, Al:2200.0 },
2021-10-17 11:58:06 +00:00
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
mat : "MnZn",
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
mu_i : 5000,
B : 4800,
H : 5,
Br : 1000,
Hc : 0.11,
Tc : 140,
R : 300,
complex_mu : {
freq: [10000.0, 30000.0, 50000.0, 100000.0, 300000.0, 500000.0, 667000.0, 800000.0, 1000000.0, 1070000.0, 1150000.0, 1230000.0, 1320000.0, 1420000.0, 1520000.0, 1630000.0, 1750000.0, 1870000.0, 2010000.0, 2150000.0, 2310000.0, 2480000.0, 2660000.0, 2850000.0, 3050000.0, 3270000.0, 3510000.0, 3760000.0, 4040000.0, 4330000.0, 4640000.0, 4980000.0, 5340000.0, 5720000.0, 6140000.0, 6580000.0, 7050000.0, 7560000.0, 8110000.0, 8700000.0, 9330000.0, 10000000.0, 10700000.0, 11500000.0, 12300000.0, 13200000.0, 14200000.0, 15200000.0, 16300000.0, 17500000.0, 18700000.0, 20100000.0, 21500000.0, 23100000.0, 24800000.0, 26600000.0, 28500000.0, 30500000.0, 32700000.0, 35100000.0, 37600000.0, 40400000.0, 43300000.0, 46400000.0, 49800000.0, 53400000.0, 57200000.0, 61400000.0, 65800000.0, 70500000.0, 75600000.0, 81100000.0, 87000000.0, 93300000.0, 100000000.0, 107000000.0, 115000000.0, 123000000.0, 132000000.0, 142000000.0, 152000000.0, 163000000.0, 175000000.0, 187000000.0, 201000000.0, 215000000.0, 231000000.0, 248000000.0, 266000000.0, 285000000.0, 305000000.0, 327000000.0, 351000000.0, 376000000.0, 404000000.0, 433000000.0, 464000000.0, 498000000.0, 534000000.0, 572000000.0, 614000000.0, 658000000.0, 705000000.0, 756000000.0, 811000000.0, 870000000.0, 933000000.0, 1000000000.0],
mu_1: [4957.4, 4960.8, 4964.3, 5024.6, 5352.6, 5276.2, 4805.8, 4304.1, 3520.6, 3279.0, 3038.6, 2799.4, 2564.8, 2329.6, 2088.9, 1845.8, 1604.1, 1354.9, 1108.0, 864.5, 633.2, 420.2, 233.0, 77.9, -45.5, -135.8, -196.8, -234.1, -254.8, -262.2, -259.7, -253.8, -244.4, -232.8, -221.2, -209.1, -197.4, -185.8, -174.2, -163.5, -152.8, -142.6, -132.7, -123.3, -114.2, -105.6, -97.5, -89.9, -82.7, -76.0, -69.7, -63.9, -58.5, -53.4, -48.8, -44.5, -40.5, -36.9, -33.6, -30.5, -27.7, -25.1, -22.8, -20.6, -18.7, -16.9, -15.2, -13.7, -12.4, -11.1, -10.0, -9.0, -8.1, -7.3, -6.5, -5.8, -5.2, -4.7, -4.2, -3.7, -3.4, -3.0, -2.7, -2.4, -2.2, -1.9, -1.7, -1.6, -1.4, -1.3, -1.2, -1.0, -1.0, -0.9, -0.8, -0.7, -0.7, -0.6, -0.6, -0.6, -0.6, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.6, -0.6],
mu_2: [23.3, 29.0, 37.5, 77.6, 739.8, 1695.5, 2424.0, 2820.0, 3087.4, 3137.4, 3170.0, 3191.1, 3201.6, 3204.9, 3192.9, 3165.4, 3133.1, 3074.0, 2996.8, 2894.4, 2766.3, 2614.6, 2440.2, 2252.9, 2060.9, 1868.9, 1687.2, 1518.0, 1365.0, 1227.4, 1106.0, 999.0, 903.2, 819.2, 743.3, 675.8, 614.4, 559.3, 509.1, 463.5, 421.8, 383.9, 349.6, 318.3, 289.9, 264.2, 240.6, 219.2, 199.8, 182.2, 166.2, 151.6, 138.3, 126.2, 115.3, 105.3, 96.2, 88.0, 80.4, 73.6, 67.4, 61.6, 56.5, 51.7, 47.4, 43.5, 39.9, 36.6, 33.6, 30.9, 28.4, 26.1, 24.1, 22.2, 20.4, 18.8, 17.4, 16.0, 14.8, 13.7, 12.7, 11.7, 10.9, 10.1, 9.3, 8.7, 8.1, 7.5, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.6, 5.2, 4.9, 4.6, 4.3, 4.0, 3.7, 3.5, 3.3, 3.1, 2.9, 2.8, 2.6, 2.5, 2.4, 2.3, 2.2],
color : 'grey',
'67' : {
size : {
'FT240' : { PN:'5967003801', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:12.7, W:106.0, CC:9.20, le:14.5, Ae:1.58, Ve:22.8, Al:55.0 },
'FT140' : { PN:'5967002701', A:35.55, B:23.00, C:12.7, W:33.00, CC:11.20, le:8.90, Ae:0.79, Ve:7.00, Al:45.0 },
'FT114A': { PN:'5967001201', A:29.00, B:19.00, C:13.85, W:26.0, CC:10.70, le:7.30, Ae:0.68, Ve:5.0, Al:47.0 },
'FT114' : { PN:'5967001001', A:29.00, B:19.00, C:7.50, W:13.0, CC:19.80, le:7.30, Ae:0.37, Ve:2.70, Al:25.0 },
'FT82' : { PN:'5967000601', A:21.00, B:13.20, C:6.35, W:6.40, CC:21.30, le:5.20, Ae:0.243, Ve:1.26, Al:24.0 },
'FT50' : { PN:'5967000301', A:12.70, B:7.15, C:4.90, W:2.00, CC:22.90, le:2.95, Ae:0.129, Ve:0.38, Al:22 },
'FT37' : { PN:'5967000201', A:9.50, B:4.75, C:3.30, W:0.83, CC:28.60, le:2.07, Ae:0.072, Ve:0.15, Al:18.0 },
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
mat : "NiZn",
mu_i : 40,
B : 2300,
H : 20,
Br : 800,
Hc : 3.5,
Tc : 475,
R : 1.0e7,
complex_mu : {
freq: [1000000.0, 1040000.0, 1080000.0, 1130000.0, 1170000.0, 1220000.0, 1270000.0, 1320000.0, 1380000.0, 1430000.0, 1490000.0, 1550000.0, 1620000.0, 1680000.0, 1750000.0, 1820000.0, 1900000.0, 1970000.0, 2060000.0, 2140000.0, 2230000.0, 2320000.0, 2410000.0, 2510000.0, 2610000.0, 2720000.0, 2830000.0, 2950000.0, 3070000.0, 3190000.0, 3320000.0, 3460000.0, 3600000.0, 3750000.0, 3900000.0, 4060000.0, 4230000.0, 4400000.0, 4580000.0, 4760000.0, 4960000.0, 5160000.0, 5370000.0, 5590000.0, 5820000.0, 6060000.0, 6310000.0, 6560000.0, 6830000.0, 7110000.0, 7400000.0, 7700000.0, 8020000.0, 8350000.0, 8690000.0, 9040000.0, 9410000.0, 9790000.0, 10200000.0, 10600000.0, 11000000.0, 11500000.0, 12000000.0, 12500000.0, 13000000.0, 13500000.0, 14000000.0, 14600000.0, 15200000.0, 15800000.0, 16500000.0, 17200000.0, 17900000.0, 18600000.0, 19300000.0, 20100000.0, 21000000.0, 21800000.0, 22700000.0, 23600000.0, 24600000.0, 25600000.0, 26600000.0, 27700000.0, 28900000.0, 30000000.0, 31300000.0, 32500000.0, 33900000.0, 35300000.0, 36700000.0, 38200000.0, 39800000.0, 41100000.0, 42700000.0, 44300000.0, 45900000.0, 47500000.0, 49300000.0, 51400000.0, 53500000.0, 55600000.0, 57700000.0, 59800000.0, 62000000.0, 64100000.0, 66500000.0, 69300000.0, 72100000.0, 74900000.0, 77700000.0, 80500000.0, 83300000.0, 86500000.0, 90100000.0, 93700000.0, 97400000.0, 101000000.0, 105000000.0, 108000000.0, 112000000.0, 117000000.0, 122000000.0, 127000000.0, 132000000.0, 137000000.0, 141000000.0, 146000000.0, 152000000.0, 158000000.0, 164000000.0, 171000000.0, 177000000.0, 184000000.0, 190000000.0, 197000000.0, 206000000.0, 214000000.0, 223000000.0, 231000000.0, 239000000.0, 248000000.0, 256000000.0, 266000000.0, 277000000.0, 289000000.0, 300000000.0, 311000000.0, 322000000.0, 333000000.0, 346000000.0, 361000000.0, 375000000.0, 390000000.0, 404000000.0, 419000000.0, 433000000.0, 450000000.0, 469000000.0, 488000000.0, 508000000.0, 527000000.0, 546000000.0, 565000000.0, 585000000.0, 607000000.0, 633000000.0, 658000000.0, 684000000.0, 709000000.0, 735000000.0, 760000000.0, 789000000.0, 823000000.0, 857000000.0, 891000000.0, 924000000.0, 958000000.0, 992000000.0, 1030000000.0, 1070000000.0, 1110000000.0, 1150000000.0, 1200000000.0, 1240000000.0, 1290000000.0, 1330000000.0, 1380000000.0, 1440000000.0, 1500000000.0, 1560000000.0, 1620000000.0, 1680000000.0, 1740000000.0, 1800000000.0, 1740000000.0, 1800000000.0, 1800000000.0] ,
mu_1: [38.16, 38.14, 38.13, 38.16, 38.13, 38.14, 38.12, 38.12, 38.12, 38.13, 38.12, 38.11, 38.12, 38.11, 38.09, 38.09, 38.08, 38.08, 38.08, 38.08, 38.07, 38.07, 38.07, 38.07, 38.07, 38.06, 38.06, 38.05, 38.05, 38.06, 38.04, 38.04, 38.04, 38.03, 38.03, 38.02, 38.02, 38.01, 38.02, 38.01, 38.02, 38.03, 38.01, 38.01, 38.02, 38.02, 38.02, 38.02, 38.01, 38.03, 38.04, 38.03, 38.04, 38.05, 38.05, 38.06, 38.07, 38.09, 38.11, 38.12, 38.14, 38.16, 38.18, 38.2, 38.21, 38.23, 38.27, 38.31, 38.35, 38.38, 38.42, 38.48, 38.52, 38.57, 38.63, 38.7, 38.78, 38.86, 38.94, 39.03, 39.13, 39.25, 39.37, 39.51, 39.67, 39.83, 39.99, 40.19, 40.41, 40.63, 40.89, 41.19, 41.51, 41.15, 41.35, 41.56, 41.77, 42.01, 42.31, 42.66, 43.06, 43.5, 43.99, 44.5, 45.09, 45.75, 46.59, 47.72, 49.06, 50.65, 52.53, 54.61, 56.67, 58.48, 59.11, 58.06, 55.77, 53.06, 50.24, 47.54, 44.77, 41.98, 39.59, 37.55, 35.77, 34.19, 32.77, 31.5, 30.27, 28.92, 27.71, 26.64, 25.65, 24.75, 23.9, 23.01, 22.04, 21.16, 20.35, 19.6, 18.85, 18.15, 17.5, 16.77, 15.99, 15.23, 14.53, 13.85, 13.19, 12.57, 11.88, 11.15, 10.46, 9.78, 9.18, 8.6, 8.05, 7.49, 6.79, 6.23, 5.7, 5.19, 4.68, 4.21, 3.81, 3.37, 2.85, 2.38, 1.94, 1.53, 1.17, 0.83, 0.46, 0.06, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ,
mu_2: [0.47, 0.47, 0.46, 0.46, 0.45, 0.45, 0.43, 0.42, 0.42, 0.4, 0.39, 0.38, 0.38, 0.37, 0.36, 0.36, 0.35, 0.34, 0.34, 0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 0.32, 0.31, 0.31, 0.3, 0.3, 0.29, 0.29, 0.29, 0.28, 0.28, 0.28, 0.28, 0.27, 0.27, 0.27, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26, 0.25, 0.25, 0.24, 0.24, 0.24, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.22, 0.22, 0.22, 0.22, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.19, 0.19, 0.19, 0.19, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21, 0.22, 0.22, 0.23, 0.23, 0.23, 0.24, 0.24, 0.24, 0.25, 0.25, 0.26, 0.27, 0.3, 0.31, 0.32, 0.35, 0.36, 0.37, 0.41, 0.44, 0.48, 0.54, 0.6, 0.67, 0.8, 1.0, 1.3, 1.83, 2.68, 4.09, 6.28, 9.77, 14.58, 19.26, 23.05, 25.77, 27.63, 28.81, 29.59, 30.01, 30.13, 30.07, 29.94, 29.73, 29.48, 29.22, 28.93, 28.61, 28.29, 27.98, 27.68, 27.39, 27.12, 26.82, 26.51, 26.21, 25.92, 25.64, 25.39, 25.17, 24.93, 24.7, 24.41, 24.14, 23.89, 23.63, 23.38, 23.13, 22.85, 22.53, 22.2, 21.92, 21.56, 21.25, 20.93, 20.57, 20.26, 19.77, 19.41, 19.07, 18.73, 18.38, 18.02, 17.68, 17.28, 16.89, 16.54, 16.16, 15.82, 15.51, 15.19, 14.75, 14.43, 14.08, 13.78, 13.47, 13.19, 12.92, 12.61, 12.27, 12.01, 11.72, 11.47, 11.22, 11.03, 10.84, 10.65, 10.49, 10.31, 10.16, 10.02, 9.89, 9.78, 11.49, 11.45, 8.88] ,
color : 'grey',
'61' : {
size : {
'FT240x3' : { PN:'5961003801', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:38.1, W:318.0, CC:3.07, le:14.5, Ae:4.74, Ve:68.4, Al:510.0 },
'FT240x2' : { PN:'5961003801', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:25.4, W:212.0, CC:4.60, le:14.5, Ae:3.16, Ve:45.6, Al:340.0 },
'FT240' : { PN:'5961003801', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:12.7, W:106.0, CC:9.20, le:14.5, Ae:1.58, Ve:22.8, Al:170.0 },
'FT140' : { PN:'5961002701', A:35.55, B:23.00, C:12.7, W:33.00, CC:11.20, le:8.90, Ae:0.79, Ve:7.00, Al:140.0 },
'FT114A': { PN:'5961001201', A:29.00, B:19.00, C:13.85, W:26.0, CC:10.70, le:7.30, Ae:0.68, Ve:5.0, Al:145.0 },
'FT114' : { PN:'5961001001', A:29.00, B:19.00, C:7.50, W:13.0, CC:19.80, le:7.30, Ae:0.37, Ve:2.70, Al:80.0 },
'FT82' : { PN:'5961000601', A:21.00, B:13.20, C:6.35, W:6.40, CC:21.30, le:5.20, Ae:0.243, Ve:1.26, Al:75.0 },
'FT50' : { PN:'5961000301', A:12.70, B:7.15, C:4.90, W:2.00, CC:22.90, le:2.95, Ae:0.129, Ve:0.38, Al:69 },
'FT37' : { PN:'5961000201', A:9.50, B:4.75, C:3.30, W:0.83, CC:28.60, le:2.07, Ae:0.072, Ve:0.15, Al:55.0 },
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
mat : "NiZn",
mu_i : 125,
B : 2350,
H : 15,
Br : 1200,
Hc : 1.8,
Tc : 300,
R : 1.0e8,
complex_mu : {
freq: [10000.0, 50000.0, 100000.0, 300000.0, 500000.0, 700000.0, 1000000.0, 1080000.0, 1160000.0, 1240000.0, 1320000.0, 1420000.0, 1530000.0, 1640000.0, 1750000.0, 1870000.0, 2020000.0, 2160000.0, 2310000.0, 2480000.0, 2670000.0, 2860000.0, 3050000.0, 3270000.0, 3530000.0, 3780000.0, 4040000.0, 4330000.0, 4660000.0, 5000000.0, 5340000.0, 5720000.0, 6170000.0, 6610000.0, 7050000.0, 7560000.0, 8170000.0, 8780000.0, 9390000.0, 10000000.0, 10700000.0, 11600000.0, 12400000.0, 13200000.0, 14200000.0, 15300000.0, 16400000.0, 17500000.0, 18700000.0, 20200000.0, 21600000.0, 23100000.0, 24800000.0, 26700000.0, 28600000.0, 30500000.0, 32700000.0, 35300000.0, 37800000.0, 40400000.0, 43300000.0, 46600000.0, 50000000.0, 53400000.0, 57200000.0, 61700000.0, 66100000.0, 70500000.0, 75600000.0, 81700000.0, 87800000.0, 93900000.0, 100000000.0, 107000000.0, 116000000.0, 124000000.0, 132000000.0, 142000000.0, 153000000.0, 164000000.0, 175000000.0, 187000000.0, 202000000.0, 216000000.0, 231000000.0, 248000000.0, 267000000.0, 286000000.0, 305000000.0, 327000000.0, 353000000.0, 378000000.0, 404000000.0, 433000000.0, 466000000.0, 500000000.0, 534000000.0, 572000000.0, 617000000.0, 661000000.0, 705000000.0, 756000000.0, 817000000.0, 878000000.0, 939000000.0, 1000000000.0] ,
mu_1: [118.03, 117.55, 117.59, 117.89, 117.95, 117.85, 118.57, 118.5, 118.51, 118.53, 118.52, 118.49, 118.47, 118.5, 118.53, 118.53, 118.54, 118.54, 118.59, 118.58, 118.65, 118.71, 118.76, 118.84, 118.94, 119.04, 119.15, 119.29, 119.47, 119.69, 119.92, 120.19, 120.57, 120.98, 121.42, 121.97, 122.72, 123.54, 124.47, 125.48, 126.84, 128.58, 130.59, 132.86, 135.72, 139.39, 143.28, 147.07, 150.66, 152.75, 151.8, 147.86, 140.88, 131.6, 122.17, 113.86, 105.12, 96.33, 88.56, 82.07, 75.64, 69.45, 64.33, 60.03, 55.88, 51.86, 48.4, 45.5, 42.6, 39.66, 37.13, 34.87, 32.9, 30.8, 28.6, 26.66, 24.92, 23.03, 21.2, 19.46, 17.9, 16.32, 14.68, 13.23, 11.97, 10.62, 9.32, 8.16, 7.2, 6.24, 5.3, 4.54, 3.87, 3.21, 2.57, 2.05, 1.63, 1.15, 0.74, 0.37, 0.05, -0.22, -0.49, -0.69, -0.87, -1.05] ,
mu_2: [0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.46, 0.48, 0.58, 0.62, 0.62, 0.62, 0.63, 0.65, 0.66, 0.7, 0.72, 0.75, 0.75, 0.76, 0.76, 0.74, 0.77, 0.76, 0.77, 0.78, 0.78, 0.8, 0.81, 0.84, 0.86, 0.87, 0.93, 0.95, 0.98, 1.07, 1.11, 1.17, 1.31, 1.42, 1.56, 1.78, 2.02, 2.35, 2.88, 3.54, 4.43, 5.91, 8.31, 11.73, 16.41, 23.49, 33.55, 44.49, 54.68, 64.11, 71.61, 76.41, 78.94, 80.56, 80.98, 80.56, 79.37, 77.69, 75.44, 73.15, 70.95, 68.5, 65.97, 63.62, 61.47, 59.3, 56.95, 54.88, 53.08, 51.43, 49.72, 47.92, 46.32, 44.89, 43.33, 41.76, 40.3, 38.91, 37.48, 35.95, 34.55, 33.22, 31.81, 30.3, 28.89, 27.62, 26.28, 24.89, 23.63, 22.49, 21.36, 20.25, 19.17, 18.27, 17.33, 16.4, 15.59, 14.87, 14.13, 13.41, 12.79, 12.3, 11.9] ,
color : 'grey',
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
'52' : {
size : {
'FT240x3' : { PN:'5952003801', A:60.0, B:35.35, C:38.1, W:400.32, CC:3.05, le:14.5, Ae:4.74, Ve:68.4, Al:975.0 },
'FT240x2' : { PN:'5952003801', A:60.0, B:35.35, C:25.4, W:266.88, CC:4.57, le:14.5, Ae:3.16, Ve:45.6, Al:650.0 },
'FT240' : { PN:'5952003801', A:60.0, B:35.35, C:12.7, W:133.44, CC:9.14, le:14.5, Ae:1.58, Ve:22.8, Al:325.0 },
'FT140' : { PN:'5952020801', A:35.25, B:22.60, C:12.7, W:38.26, CC:11.10, le:8.79, Ae:0.792, Ve:6.959, Al:283.0 },
'FT114' : { PN:'5952020701', A:28.8, B:18.70, C:7.50, W:14.81, CC:19.34, le:7.23, Ae:0.374, Ve:2.702, Al:162.0 },
'FT82' : { PN:'5952020601', A:21.70, B:13.50, C:6.35, W:7.54, CC:20.80, le:5.33, Ae:0.256, Ve:1.368, Al:151.0 },
'FT50A' : { PN:'5952020501', A:12.45, B:7.8, C:6.35, W:2.46, CC:21.24, le:3.06, Ae:0.144, Ve:0.442, Al:148.0 },
'FT50' : { PN:'5952020401', A:12.45, B:7.8, C:4.90, W:2.16, CC:22.31, le:2.90, Ae:0.13, Ve:0.378, Al:141.0 },
'FT37' : { PN:'5952020301', A:9.42, B:4.72, C:3.30, W:0.87, CC:28.66, le:2.06, Ae:0.072, Ve:0.147, Al:110.0 },
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
mat : "NiZn",
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
mu_i : 250,
B : 4200,
H : 10,
Br : 2900,
Hc : 0.60,
Tc : 250,
R : 1.0e9,
complex_mu : {
freq: [10000.0, 75000.0, 100000.0, 300000.0, 500000.0, 666000.0, 800000.0, 960000.0, 3000000.0, 5000000.0, 5290000.0, 5740000.0, 6190000.0, 6640000.0, 7160000.0, 7770000.0, 8380000.0, 8990000.0, 9690000.0, 10500000.0, 11300000.0, 12200000.0, 13200000.0, 14200000.0, 15300000.0, 16500000.0, 17900000.0, 19300000.0, 20700000.0, 22300000.0, 24100000.0, 25900000.0, 28000000.0, 30400000.0, 32700000.0, 35100000.0, 37900000.0, 41100000.0, 44300000.0, 47500000.0, 51300000.0, 55500000.0, 59600000.0, 64300000.0, 69800000.0, 75300000.0, 80700000.0, 87100000.0, 94500000.0, 102000000.0, 109000000.0, 118000000.0, 128000000.0, 137000000.0, 148000000.0, 161000000.0, 173000000.0, 186000000.0, 200000000.0, 217000000.0, 234000000.0, 251000000.0, 271000000.0, 293000000.0, 315000000.0, 340000000.0, 369000000.0, 398000000.0, 427000000.0, 461000000.0, 500000000.0, 539000000.0, 578000000.0, 624000000.0, 675000000.0, 726000000.0, 783000000.0, 849000000.0, 916000000.0, 982000000.0, 1060000000.0, 1150000000.0, 1240000000.0, 1330000000.0, 1430000000.0, 1560000000.0, 1680000000.0],
mu_1: [272.64, 267.78, 268.08, 266.51, 265.73, 265.54, 265.36, 265.25, 268.44, 293.51, 290.76, 295.23, 298.26, 299.66, 298.92, 295.43, 288.51, 278.83, 265.16, 249.12, 233.44, 217.14, 200.97, 186.96, 174.9, 162.89, 151.28, 141.63, 133.64, 126.05, 119.14, 113.54, 108.44, 103.41, 99.3, 95.63, 91.73, 87.85, 84.32, 81.03, 77.51, 73.9, 70.58, 67.17, 63.53, 60.2, 57.14, 53.85, 50.29, 47.02, 43.88, 40.44, 36.9, 33.72, 30.57, 27.43, 24.65, 22.18, 19.62, 16.99, 14.69, 12.6, 10.48, 8.42, 6.63, 4.9, 3.27, 1.87, 0.81, -0.15, -0.94, -1.5, -1.92, -2.25, -2.58, -2.88, -3.17, -3.55, -3.87, -4.2, -4.61, -5.12, -5.69, -6.37, -7.18, -8.22, -9.41],
mu_2: [1.43, 3.32, 3.14, 2.74, 2.74, 2.83, 2.87, 3.01, 5.62, 18.88, 24.42, 33.27, 43.8, 55.65, 70.27, 87.04, 103.16, 117.07, 129.99, 139.81, 145.57, 148.73, 149.32, 148.17, 145.94, 142.49, 137.95, 133.21, 128.53, 123.35, 118.07, 113.46, 108.87, 104.39, 100.66, 97.55, 94.55, 91.53, 89.01, 86.86, 84.65, 82.51, 80.63, 78.73, 76.75, 75.03, 73.49, 71.85, 70.17, 68.63, 67.13, 65.52, 63.64, 61.79, 59.64, 57.43, 55.34, 53.41, 51.33, 49.1, 47.04, 45.07, 42.97, 40.71, 38.63, 36.47, 34.07, 31.87, 29.84, 27.75, 25.57, 23.73, 22.14, 20.61, 19.22, 18.03, 16.99, 15.96, 15.08, 14.37, 13.67, 13.02, 12.44, 11.94, 11.39, 10.86, 10.41],
color : 'grey',
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
'46' : {
size : {
'FT240' : { PN:'2646803802', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:12.7, W:118.0, CC:9.16, le:14.5, Ae:1.58, Ve:22.8, Al:1371.0 },
'FT200' : { PN:'2646626202', A:50.80, B:25.40, C:38.1, W:285.0, CC:2.3791, le:11.1, Ae:4.65, Ve:51.432, Al:5282.0 },
'FT122' : { PN:'2646804502', A:31.10, B:19.05, C:16.3, W:36.0, CC:8.0495, le:7.57, Ae:0.941, Ve:7.12, Al:1561.0 },
'FT112A': { PN:'2646101902', A:28.50, B:13.80, C:28.60, W:67.0, CC:31.17, le:5.60, Ae:1.80, Ve:1.0072, Al:4032.0 },
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
mat : "MgZn",
mu_i : 500,
B : 2550,
H : 10,
Br : 1680,
Hc : 0.53,
Tc : 140,
R : 1.0e8,
complex_mu : {
freq: [10000.0, 100000.0, 200000.0, 300000.0, 400000.0, 500000.0, 600000.0, 800000.0, 1000000.0, 1170000.0, 1360000.0, 1580000.0, 1840000.0, 2150000.0, 2500000.0, 2920000.0, 3400000.0, 3960000.0, 4620000.0, 5380000.0, 6270000.0, 7310000.0, 8510000.0, 9920000.0, 11600000.0, 13500000.0, 15700000.0, 18300000.0, 21300000.0, 24800000.0, 28900000.0, 33700000.0, 39300000.0, 45800000.0, 53400000.0, 62200000.0, 72500000.0, 84400000.0, 98400000.0, 115000000.0, 134000000.0, 156000000.0, 181000000.0, 211000000.0, 246000000.0, 287000000.0, 335000000.0, 390000000.0, 454000000.0, 529000000.0, 617000000.0, 719000000.0, 838000000.0, 976000000.0, 1140000000.0, 1330000000.0, 1540000000.0, 1800000000.0] ,
mu_1: [524.7, 514.9, 513.6, 512.8, 512.7, 512.9, 513.5, 515.7, 519.2, 525.4, 534.5, 546.5, 559.4, 567.2, 562.0, 541.2, 504.8, 458.0, 406.6, 357.3, 313.0, 274.5, 241.1, 212.3, 187.0, 165.1, 146.1, 129.4, 114.7, 101.4, 89.2, 78.2, 67.6, 57.9, 48.9, 40.7, 33.3, 26.5, 20.6, 15.6, 11.5, 8.3, 5.8, 3.8, 2.4, 1.2, 0.4, -0.3, -0.7, -1.0, -1.3, -1.5, -1.7, -1.9, -2.2, -2.4, -2.8, -3.5] ,
mu_2: [7.0, 7.1, 7.5, 8.0, 8.9, 9.9, 10.9, 13.2, 18.2, 21.9, 28.3, 39.8, 62.0, 96.6, 142.3, 189.5, 231.3, 260.9, 276.0, 278.3, 272.3, 261.1, 247.6, 232.7, 217.3, 202.2, 187.4, 173.5, 160.6, 148.8, 138.0, 127.9, 118.3, 109.1, 100.4, 91.9, 83.8, 75.9, 68.2, 60.7, 53.6, 47.1, 41.1, 35.7, 31.0, 26.8, 23.2, 20.0, 17.2, 14.9, 12.9, 11.3, 9.8, 8.7, 7.7, 6.9, 6.4, 6.1] ,
color : 'grey',
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
'43' : {
size : {
'FT240x3' : { PN:'5943003801', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:38.1, W:318.0, CC:3.06, le:14.5, Ae:4.74, Ve:68.4, Al:3225.0 },
'FT240x2' : { PN:'5943003801', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:25.4, W:212.0, CC:4.59, le:14.5, Ae:3.16, Ve:45.6, Al:2150.0 },
'FT240' : { PN:'5943003801', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:12.7, W:106.0, CC:9.20, le:14.5, Ae:1.58, Ve:22.8, Al:1075.0 },
2022-07-23 03:06:11 +00:00
'FT154B' : { PN:'2643251002', A:39.10, B:16.75, C:22.2, W:104.0, CC:3.33, le:7.80, Ae:0.234, Ve:1.82, Al:1015.0 },
2022-08-09 22:55:07 +00:00
'FT140x2' : { PN:'5943002701', A:35.55, B:23.00, C:25.4, W:66.0, CC:5.60, le:8.90, Ae:1.58, Ve:14.00, Al:1770.0 },
'FT140' : { PN:'5943002701', A:35.55, B:23.00, C:12.7, W:33.0, CC:11.20, le:8.90, Ae:0.79, Ve:7.00, Al:885.0 },
'FT125' : { PN:'5943001701', A:31.75, B:19.05, C:9.50, W:23.0, CC:12.90, le:7.60, Ae:0.59, Ve:4.50, Al:775.0 },
'FT114' : { PN:'5943001001', A:29.00, B:19.00, C:7.50, W:13.0, CC:19.80, le:7.30, Ae:0.37, Ve:2.70, Al:510.0 },
'FT82' : { PN:'5943000601', A:21.00, B:13.20, C:6.35, W:6.40, CC:21.30, le:5.20, Ae:0.243, Ve:1.26, Al:470.0 },
'FT50B' : { PN:'2643801902', A:12.70, B:7.9, C:12.70, W:4.70, CC:10.421, le:3.12, Ae:0.3, Ve:0.9325, Al:1206.0 },
'FT50' : { PN:'5943000301', A:12.70, B:7.15, C:4.90, W:2.00, CC:22.90, le:2.95, Ae:0.129, Ve:0.38, Al:440.0 },
'FT37' : { PN:'5943000201', A:9.50, B:4.75, C:3.30, W:0.83, CC:28.60, le:2.07, Ae:0.072, Ve:0.15, Al:350.0 },
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
mat : "NiZn",
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
mu_i : 800,
B : 3500,
H : 10,
Br : 2200,
Hc : 0.36,
Tc : 130,
R : 1.0e5,
complex_mu : {
freq: [10000.0, 100000.0, 300000.0, 500000.0, 700000.0, 900000.0, 1000000.0, 1040843.912, 1083356.049, 1127604.548, 1173660.329, 1221597.208, 1271492.016, 1323424.724, 1377478.567, 1433740.18, 1492299.738, 1553251.097, 1616691.948, 1682723.971, 1751453.001, 1822989.193, 1897447.203, 1974946.369, 2055610.905, 2139570.096, 2226958.508, 2317916.205, 2412588.97, 2511128.542, 2613692.855, 2720446.295, 2831559.964, 2947211.95, 3067587.615, 3192879.893, 3323289.598, 3459025.746, 3600305.888, 3747356.465, 3900413.162, 4059721.294, 4225536.192, 4398123.62, 4577760.194, 4764733.828, 4959344.196, 5161903.214, 5372735.534, 5592179.071, 5820585.54, 6058321.023, 6305766.553, 6563318.726, 6831390.338, 7110411.043, 7400828.045, 7703106.813, 8017731.829, 8345207.362, 8686058.276, 9040830.875, 9410093.774, 9794438.815, 10194482.01, 10610864.54, 11044253.75, 11495344.28, 11964859.11, 12453550.76, 12962202.49, 13491629.55, 14042680.47, 14616238.48, 15213222.83, 15834590.37, 16481336.98, 17154499.26, 17855156.11, 18584430.54, 19343491.38, 20133555.24, 20955888.39, 21811808.85, 22702688.45, 23629955.06, 24595094.86, 25599654.75, 26645244.79, 27733540.82, 28866287.12, 30045299.2, 31272466.76, 32549756.63, 33879216.03, 35262975.74, 36703253.61, 38202358.07, 39762691.82, 41386755.7, 43077152.7, 44836592.13, 46667893.95, 48573993.3, 50557945.2, 52622929.46, 54772255.75, 57009368.94, 59337854.58, 61761444.68, 64284023.69, 66909634.69, 69642485.91, 72486957.47, 75447608.37, 78529183.84, 81736622.91, 85075066.33, 88549864.84, 92166587.72, 95931031.71, 99849230.31, 103927463.5, 108172267.6, 112590446.2, 117189080.5, 121975540.9, 126957499.2, 132142940.1, 137540174.7, 143157853.5, 149004980.2, 155090926.5, 161425446.7, 168018693.4, 174881234.1, 182024067.8, 189458642.8, 197196874.9, 205251166.7, 213634427.2, 222360093.0, 231442149.0, 240895151.7, 250734252.1, 260975219.8, 271634468.7, 282729083.0, 294276844.7, 306296262.3, 318806599.8, 331827908.5, 345381058.3, 359487771.8, 374170658.7, 389453252.1, 405360046.4, 421916536.5, 439149258.3, 457085831.9, 475755005.4, 495186700.9, 515412062.8, 536463507.7, 558374776.0, 581180986.1, 604918691.1, 629625936.8, 655342323.1, 682109067.2, 709969069.8, 738966984.0, 769149286.3, 800564352.0, 833262531.9, 867296233.3, 902720004.2, 939590620.5, 977967177.1, 1017911182.0, 1059486657.0, 1102760237.0, 1147801278.0, 1194681973.0, 1243477458.0, 1294265942.0, 1347128826.0, 1402150837.0, 1459420162.0, 1519028591.0, 1581071660.0, 1645648812.0, 1712863547.0, 1782823595.0, 1855641085.0, 1931432726.0, 2010319994.0, 2092429326.0, 2177892326.0, 2266845968.0, 2359432825.0, 2455801291.0, 2556105823.0, 2660507184.0, 2769172705.0, 2882276551.0, 3000000000.0],
mu_1: [816.0434106, 809.4449846, 808.5477831, 812.4832301, 830.0, 840.0, 851.3550816, 855.3857072, 859.4280167, 863.329692, 868.8362314, 873.4029217, 878.6444097, 884.0783849, 889.0529029, 895.3839031, 899.4493574, 904.0126394, 907.5266357, 910.0203411, 910.9492314, 911.4432599, 910.0241714, 906.443633, 901.7612532, 894.7454962, 886.5318274, 876.4861149, 864.8268961, 851.8814883, 836.9656884, 820.9649591, 803.9201657, 786.4046357, 767.5437693, 748.078803, 728.1939222, 708.024764, 687.5199527, 667.2839247, 647.2975609, 627.2853647, 607.7149357, 588.2959163, 569.4661363, 551.1033373, 533.2520488, 515.834048, 498.6328191, 482.1858831, 466.3487294, 450.8418277, 435.856601, 421.3303978, 407.5182508, 393.9971741, 380.9413358, 368.4577648, 356.3852298, 344.7942781, 333.5853593, 322.7425848, 312.35968, 302.2204109, 292.5988049, 283.2869199, 274.2216373, 265.6180661, 257.2803026, 249.160291, 241.2841181, 233.775772, 226.2806641, 219.2852607, 212.3792322, 205.65458, 199.1326295, 192.8574158, 186.7017878, 180.6860621, 174.8067106, 169.0641159, 163.4172714, 157.8108122, 152.496357, 147.1781132, 141.9045894, 136.7576294, 131.6965718, 126.6982028, 121.9103193, 117.1243187, 112.4318844, 107.9118477, 103.3905232, 99.04778341, 94.80141586, 90.66367569, 86.61887717, 82.7360264, 78.92937687, 75.24423862, 71.61557489, 68.11114917, 64.70845403, 61.35970005, 58.16417106, 54.99950081, 51.98086999, 49.04606958, 46.21742756, 43.48953175, 40.86438026, 38.32897415, 35.9111902, 33.60366679, 31.36620548, 29.25810043, 27.26016277, 25.33436861, 23.52832203, 21.83230634, 20.20725259, 18.68336788, 17.24877159, 15.89862405, 14.65712437, 13.47214896, 12.35542792, 11.33991416, 10.36420209, 9.440788341, 8.612194737, 7.826606509, 7.078008771, 6.387697882, 5.752794218, 5.162377181, 4.592156449, 4.076342228, 3.586660745, 3.120234351, 2.695352478, 2.302422231, 1.929560777, 1.587058651, 1.261615037, 0.961547574, 0.671581848, 0.415344641, 0.167703835, -0.055788884, -0.266081108, -0.460160219, -0.6384921, -0.803665771, -0.95280532, -1.089612412, -1.218894539, -1.330816403, -1.433134834, -1.521798239, -1.61281749, -1.685171164, -1.748774697, -1.824947393, -1.869291211, -1.919426596, -1.962779073, -2.010004471, -2.056958278, -2.106915463, -2.137781096, -2.169012949, -2.208400104, -2.246651436, -2.271554896, -2.300684784, -2.321922889, -2.341299582, -2.367853582, -2.382587788, -2.397842195, -2.40574571, -2.41658175, -2.428523833, -2.429057786, -2.437691491, -2.447634592, -2.456583053, -2.466197302, -2.480427891, -2.503263931, -2.534327999, -2.56735631, -2.623242801, -2.697527559, -2.799488116, -2.941510933, -3.136445289, -3.407015884, -3.773734912, -4.274679156, -4.957240854, -5.84054521, -6.95245912, -8.229961109],
mu_2: [10.11279513, 7.770352725, 13.12514619, 18.86346319, 26.0, 39.7584741, 48.0, 52.24323758, 56.08474704, 60.66052028, 63.77378899, 68.79225981, 74.55092495, 82.10240562, 89.91580362, 99.86344223, 109.8854973, 122.0905173, 134.9205245, 150.1954341, 165.5561763, 182.6703335, 199.6600693, 217.9770489, 236.2656043, 254.5206731, 272.9632256, 290.6334221, 308.0098765, 324.8292976, 340.8766836, 355.442382, 368.9213716, 381.3955747, 392.885811, 402.6777229, 410.5907043, 417.6843355, 423.3470394, 427.9791561, 431.5502447, 433.8375244, 434.8004796, 435.3066996, 434.9828234, 433.4925342, 431.9292566, 429.3102906, 426.2907469, 423.1008996, 419.1481421, 414.7761543, 409.9786354, 405.0314957, 399.7558796, 394.3670598, 388.5238795, 382.7374037, 376.7736165, 370.7288147, 364.5412953, 358.5572719, 352.293695, 346.1714307, 340.0336128, 333.7435023, 327.7813875, 321.7860835, 315.8033369, 309.8798359, 304.1390618, 298.321386, 292.6251645, 287.063184, 281.6429841, 276.3156579, 271.0000261, 265.8900686, 260.7994498, 255.8300132, 250.9296943, 246.2315314, 241.5308595, 236.9549992, 232.489607, 228.0226635, 223.6806842, 219.3635523, 215.0323858, 210.832678, 206.6547215, 202.4945207, 198.3025938, 194.1682534, 190.0809625, 186.059191, 181.9879784, 178.0347824, 174.0459223, 170.1143112, 166.2235604, 162.4113316, 158.6054727, 154.8116149, 151.0441475, 147.3701595, 143.6761117, 140.0112141, 136.406703, 132.8270467, 129.2737356, 125.7777699, 122.3131771, 118.8394449, 115.4182493, 112.0540883, 108.7120941, 105.4466725, 102.2010201, 98.99834385, 95.86141645, 92.81023381, 89.77140325, 86.83106141, 83.92687516, 81.10449855, 78.33059554, 75.64825806, 73.04742107, 70.47486799, 68.01979237, 65.61151219, 63.29295152, 61.03288382, 58.84546545, 56.73133403, 54.67562862, 52.70152094, 50.78913283, 48.93524506, 47.14199955, 45.42751077, 43.74810579, 42.14543587, 40.58795409, 39.09008945, 37.64841345, 36.24304964, 34.90317234, 33.59938343, 32.34859618, 31.14511465, 29.97529319, 28.85230646, 27.7720412, 26.72586867, 25.72936557, 24.75833806, 23.83742534, 22.95090576, 22.09307736, 21.27675587, 20.49158785, 19.74229606, 19.02552627, 18.34444448, 17.68643739, 17.06591121, 16.46785679, 15.89743828, 15.35949916, 14.85061966, 14.35392972, 13.8833472, 13.44260977, 13.0110046, 12.60952872, 12.22325904, 11.85805387, 11.51208879, 11.18573273, 10.87660458, 10.59413026, 10.32674988, 10.0842746, 9.857029553, 9.658149541, 9.476343336, 9.322814549, 9.185113931, 9.07482699, 8.993569752, 8.940985197, 8.916090809, 8.922877831, 8.964492093, 9.045510866, 9.171683804, 9.343332921, 9.562863338, 9.833703433, 10.14060623, 10.47906645, 10.80237748, 11.05249316, 11.13324746, 10.91140156],
color : 'grey',
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
2021-10-20 10:44:50 +00:00
'43_old' : {
size : {
'FT240' : { PN:'5943003801', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:12.7, W:106.0, CC:9.20, le:14.5, Ae:1.58, Ve:22.8, Al:1075.0 },
'FT140' : { PN:'5943002701', A:35.55, B:23.00, C:12.7, W:33.0, CC:11.20, le:8.90, Ae:0.79, Ve:7.00, Al:885.0 },
'FT125' : { PN:'5943001701', A:31.75, B:19.05, C:9.50, W:23.0, CC:12.90, le:7.60, Ae:0.59, Ve:4.50, Al:775.0 },
'FT114' : { PN:'5943001001', A:29.00, B:19.00, C:7.50, W:13.0, CC:19.80, le:7.30, Ae:0.37, Ve:2.70, Al:510.0 },
'FT82' : { PN:'5943000601', A:21.00, B:13.20, C:6.35, W:6.40, CC:21.30, le:5.20, Ae:0.243, Ve:1.26, Al:470.0 },
'FT50B' : { PN:'2643801902', A:12.70, B:7.9, C:12.70, W:4.70, CC:10.421, le:3.12, Ae:0.3, Ve:0.9325, Al:1206.0 },
'FT50' : { PN:'5943000301', A:12.70, B:7.15, C:4.90, W:2.00, CC:22.90, le:2.95, Ae:0.129, Ve:0.38, Al:440.0 },
'FT37' : { PN:'5943000201', A:9.50, B:4.75, C:3.30, W:0.83, CC:28.60, le:2.07, Ae:0.072, Ve:0.15, Al:350.0 },
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
2021-10-20 10:44:50 +00:00
mat : "NiZn",
mu_i : 800,
B : 2900,
H : 10,
Br : 1300,
Hc : 0.45,
Tc : 130,
R : 1.0e5,
complex_mu : {
freq: [10000.0, 50000.0, 100000.0, 150000.0, 200000.0, 250000.0, 300000.0, 333000.0, 400000.0, 480000.0, 500000.0, 600000.0, 640000.0, 667000.0, 800000.0, 960000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2330000.0, 2680000.0, 3090000.0, 3560000.0, 4090000.0, 4710000.0, 5430000.0, 6250000.0, 7200000.0, 8289999.999999999, 9540000.0, 11000000.0, 12600000.0, 14600000.0, 16800000.0, 19300000.0, 22200000.0, 25600000.0, 29500000.0, 33900000.0, 39100000.0, 45000000.0, 51800000.0, 59600000.0, 68700000.0, 75600000.0, 124000000.0, 216000000.0] ,
mu_1: [791.5, 789.1, 788.0, 788.1, 788.6, 789.4, 790.6, 791.5, 793.5, 795.1, 795.3, 793.8, 791.9, 790.2, 777.6, 754.1, 747.1, 589.1, 556.6, 531.1, 501.4, 470.5, 439.8, 409.3, 378.8, 349.8, 321.8, 294.7, 268.7, 243.5, 219.8, 194.2, 171.0, 149.3, 128.7, 109.7, 92.57, 78.12, 64.65, 53.21, 43.43, 35.07, 28.03, 23.99, 10.09, 2.919] ,
mu_2: [3.5, 3.9, 5.391, 7.078, 8.472, 9.701, 10.9, 11.73, 13.55, 15.86, 16.46, 19.56, 21.21, 22.65, 35.32, 57.44, 62.8, 167.3, 186.2, 201.5, 213.2, 222.2, 227.9, 230.9, 231.5, 230.3, 227.7, 224.2, 220.0, 214.9, 209.1, 201.7, 193.6, 184.6, 174.4, 163.3, 151.8, 140.4, 128.7, 117.4, 106.5, 96.01, 85.93, 79.54, 52.37, 31.52] ,
color : 'grey',
2021-10-20 10:44:50 +00:00
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
'31' : {
size : {
'FT400x2' : { PN:'2631814002', A:101.6, B:76.2, C:50.8, W:840.0, CC:4.2992, le:27.5, Ae:6.40, Ve:1765.0, Al:2922.0 },
'FT400' : { PN:'2631814002', A:101.6, B:76.2, C:25.4, W:420.0, CC:8.5985, le:27.5, Ae:3.20, Ve:882.5, Al:1461.0 },
'FT240x3' : { PN:'2631803802', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:38.1, W:354.0, CC:3.0542, le:14.5, Ae:4.74, Ve:68.4, Al:4113.0 },
'FT240x2' : { PN:'2631803802', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:25.4, W:236.0, CC:4.5813, le:14.5, Ae:3.16, Ve:45.6, Al:2742.0 },
'FT240' : { PN:'2631803802', A:61.0, B:35.55, C:12.7, W:118.0, CC:9.1627, le:14.5, Ae:1.58, Ve:22.8, Al:1371.0 },
2021-10-17 12:56:53 +00:00
'FT200' : { PN:'2631626202', A:50.80, B:25.40, C:38.1, W:278.0, CC:2.3791, le:11.1, Ae:4.65, Ve:51.432, Al:5282.0 },
'FT114' : { PN:'2631801202', A:29.00, B:19.00, C:13.85, W:25.0, CC:1.0795, le:7.33, Ae:0.679, Ve:4.977, Al:1164.0 },
'FT74' : { PN:'2631626302', A:18.70, B:10.15, C:14.65, W:13.3, CC:7.2188, le:4.26, Ae:0.59, Ve:2.513, Al:1741.0 },
2021-10-23 12:35:03 +00:00
manufacturer : "Fair-Rite",
mat : "MnZn",
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
mu_i : 1500,
B : 3600,
H : 5,
Br : 2600,
Hc : 0.34,
Tc : 130,
R : 3.0e3,
complex_mu : {
freq: [10000.0, 50000.0, 100000.0, 150000.0, 200000.0, 250000.0, 300000.0, 333000.0, 400000.0, 480000.0, 500000.0, 600000.0, 640000.0, 667000.0, 800000.0, 960000.0, 1000000.0, 2000000.0, 2330000.0, 2680000.0, 3090000.0, 3560000.0, 4090000.0, 4710000.0, 5430000.0, 6250000.0, 7200000.0, 8290000.0, 9540000.0, 11000000.0, 12600000.0, 14600000.0, 16800000.0, 19300000.0, 22200000.0, 25600000.0, 29500000.0, 33900000.0, 39100000.0, 45000000.0, 51800000.0, 59600000.0, 68700000.0, 75600000.0, 124000000.0, 216000000.0, 353000000.0, 617000000.0, 1000000000.0],
mu_1: [1423.52, 1406.98, 1401.93, 1379.45, 1386.57, 1385.58, 1387.5, 1388.08, 1388.37, 1391.6, 1390.55, 1396.46, 1392.65, 1390.14, 1463.65, 1409.68, 1400.65, 980.76, 854.67, 757.67, 668.67, 590.0, 520.67, 460.33, 409.0, 365.67, 329.0, 299.0, 272.0, 248.0, 227.0, 206.0, 187.0, 168.0, 149.6666667, 132.3333333, 115.6666667, 100.7, 86.2, 73.33333333, 61.8, 51.26666667, 43.0, 39.06, 14.7, 1.61, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
mu_2: [10.45, 27.02, 41.61, 57.82, 72.67, 89.6, 106.76, 119.0, 141.03, 173.33, 183.07, 228.68, 248.07, 260.16, 345.99, 444.47, 463.22, 734.77, 752.33, 728.33, 696.33, 657.67, 616.0, 571.33, 527.0, 484.33, 444.33, 408.33, 375.33, 346.67, 321.67, 299.0, 278.67, 260.0, 242.3333333, 226.3333333, 210.3333333, 195.0, 180.0, 165.3333333, 151.6666667, 138.6666667, 130.0, 125.0, 86.5, 52.1, 32.1, 18.7, 12.5],
color : 'grey',
2021-10-20 10:44:50 +00:00
this.mat = this.cores[this.material];
this.core = this.mat.size[this.size];
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
this.getMaterialDataStrings = function () {
retval = [];
retval.push(["Size", this.size]);
retval.push(["Material", this.material.toString()]);
retval.push(["Type", this.mat.mat]);
retval.push(["μi", this.mat.mu_i.toString()]);
retval.push(["B", this.mat.B.toString() + " G"]);
retval.push(["H", this.mat.H.toString() + " Oe"]);
retval.push(["Br", this.mat.Br.toString() + " G"]);
retval.push(["Hc", this.mat.Hc.toString() + " Oe"]);
retval.push(["Tc", this.mat.Tc.toString() + " C"]);
retval.push(["ρ", this.mat.R.toPrecision(2).toString() + " Ω cm"]);
retval.push(["P/N", this.core.PN]);
return retval;
this.setMaterial = function (material) {
this.material = material;
this.mat = this.cores[this.material];
this.core = this.mat.size[this.size];
this.setSize = function (size) {
this.size = size;
this.core = this.mat.size[this.size];
this.setTurns = function (turns) {
this.N = turns;
this.getMaterialTypes = function () {
return ["75", "31", "78", "77", "79", "43", "43_old", "46", "80", "52", "61", "67"];
this.getSizesForMaterial = function (material) {
return Object.keys(this.cores[material].size);
this.getComplexPermeability = function (frequency) {
// Use the proximityResistance look-up table and interpolate values depending on the spacing ratio and the number of turns.
var mu_1 = 0.0;
var mu_2 = 0.0;
var i_before = 0;
var i_after = this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.freq.length-1;
var i = Math.floor((i_after + i_before)/2);
while((i_before+1) < i_after) {
if(frequency >= this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.freq[i]) {
i_before = i;
} else {
i_after = i;
i = Math.floor((i_after + i_before)/2);
// Linear interpolation between empirical proximity resistance values:
mu_1 = (((frequency - this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.freq[i]) / (this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.freq[i+1] - this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.freq[i])
* (this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.mu_1[i+1] - this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.mu_1[i])) + this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.mu_1[i]);
mu_2 = (((frequency - this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.freq[i]) / (this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.freq[i+1] - this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.freq[i])
* (this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.mu_2[i+1] - this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.mu_2[i])) + this.cores[this.material].complex_mu.mu_2[i]);
return [mu_1, mu_2];
this.getInductance = function (frequency) {
const mu = this.getComplexPermeability(frequency);
const L = mu[0] * 4.0 * Math.PI * toroid.N**2 * 1e-9 / toroid.core.CC;
return L;
this.getImpedance = function (frequency) {
const mu = this.getComplexPermeability(frequency);
const Lo = 4.0 * Math.PI * this.N**2 * 1e-9 / this.core.CC;
const Rs = 2.0 * Math.PI * frequency * Lo * mu[1];
const Xs = 2.0 * Math.PI * frequency * Lo * mu[0];
return { real:Rs , imag:Xs };
this.getWireResistance = function(frequency) {
// Calculate AC wire-resistance, using IEC 60287-1-1:
const Ks = 1.0; // Solid core conductor
const xs4 = ((8 * Math.PI * frequency * Ks) / (this.Rdc * 1e7))**2;
const Ys = xs4 / (192.0 + 0.8 * xs4);
const Rac = this.Rdc * (1 + Ys);
return Rac;
this.getWireResistance2 = function(frequency, r) {
// Al-Asadi equation:
const mu0 = Math.PI * 4e-7;
const cu_sigma = 58e6;
const delta = 1/Math.sqrt(Math.PI * frequency * this.mat.mu_i * mu0 * cu_sigma);
const k = delta * (1-Math.E**(-r/delta));
const Rac = 1/(Math.PI * cu_sigma * k * (2*r - k));
return Rac;
this.recalculate = function (frequencies) {
// Input variables:
this.cond_diameter_meters = 0.001 * awgToMm(40.0 - conductor_diameter_slider.value)[0];
this.Vrms = 10.0 ** voltage_slider.value;
// Frequency independent characteristics:
this.N_max = Math.PI / (Math.atan2(0.5e3 * this.cond_diameter_meters, (0.5 * this.core.B - 0.5e3 * this.cond_diameter_meters)));
this.N = 1 + Math.round(loop_turns_slider.value * (this.N_max - 1));
//this.cond_length_meters = this.N * (2*this.core.C + this.core.A - this.core.B) * 1e-3;
//this.cond_length_meters = 2e-3 * Math.sqrt ( (Math.PI * 0.5 * (this.core.A + this.core.B))**2 + (this.N * (2*this.core.C + this.core.A - this.core.B))**2 );
this.cond_length_meters = 2e-3 * Math.sqrt ( (Math.PI * 0.5 * (this.core.A + this.core.B))**2 + (this.N * (2*(this.cond_diameter_meters*1e3) + 2*this.core.C + this.core.A - this.core.B))**2 );
this.Rdc = 1.68e-8 * this.cond_length_meters / (Math.PI * ((this.cond_diameter_meters*0.5)**2.0));
//const Cpmult = 12.9*()
//this.C = (0.9 + (78.1/this.N**2))*1e-12; // In Farads
this.L = (this.N**2) * this.core.Al * 1.0e-9; // In Henries
// Based on David Knight's equation:
this.C = (0.9 + (78.1/this.N**2))*1e-12; // In Farads
this.SRF = 1.0/(2.0*Math.PI* Math.sqrt(this.L*this.C));
// Clear the frequency dependent characteristics before appending new data:
this.L_vs_f = [];
this.Z_vs_f = [];
this.R_vs_f = [];
this.X_vs_f = [];
this.Q_vs_f = [];
this.i_vs_f = [];
this.P_vs_f = [];
this.mu1_vs_f = [];
this.mu2_vs_f = [];
this.H_vs_f = [];
this.B_vs_f = [];
frequencies.forEach(freq => {
const mu = this.getComplexPermeability(freq);
const Z = this.getImpedance(freq);
// Make freq in kHz from Hz:
freq *= 1e-3;
this.mu1_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:mu[0]});
this.mu2_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:mu[1]});
//this.L_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:(Math.sqrt(mu[0]**2 + mu[1]**2) * 4.0 * Math.PI * this.N**2 * 1e-3 / this.core.CC)});
this.L_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:(mu[0] * 4.0 * Math.PI * this.N**2 * 1e-3 / this.core.CC)});
this.R_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:Z.real});
this.X_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:Z.imag});
this.Q_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:(Z.imag/Z.real)});
const ZZ = math.complex(Z.real, Z.imag);
const II = math.divide(this.Vrms, ZZ).toPolar();
this.i_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:(II.r*1e3)}); // in mA
//this.P_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:((this.Vrms**2 / Z.real)*1e3)});
this.P_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:((Z.real * II.r**2)*1e3)}); // in mW
this.Z_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:(ZZ.toPolar().r)});
const H = ((0.4 * Math.PI * this.N * 1.414 * II.r) / this.core.le);
const B = ((this.Vrms * 1e8) / (4.44e3 * freq * this.N * this.core.Ae));
//const B = Math.sqrt(mu[0]**2 + mu[1]**2) * H;
this.H_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:H});
this.B_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:B});
this.calculateInductance = function () {
return this.L_vs_f;
this.calculateImpedance = function () {
return this.Z_vs_f;
this.calculatePermeability1 = function () {
return this.mu1_vs_f;
this.calculatePermeability2 = function () {
return this.mu2_vs_f;
this.calculateResistance = function () {
return this.R_vs_f;
this.calculateReactance = function () {
return this.X_vs_f;
this.calculateQualityFactor = function () {
return this.Q_vs_f;
this.calculateCurrent = function () {
return this.i_vs_f;
this.calculatePowerLoss = function () {
return this.P_vs_f;
this.calculateH = function () {
return this.H_vs_f;
this.calculateB = function () {
return this.B_vs_f;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
function PowderedIron() {
// Current selected material type:
this.material = '2';
// Current selected ferrite size:
this.size = 'T300';
// User-selected variables:
this.cond_diameter_meters = 0.0;
this.coated_cond_diameter_meters = 0.0;
this.N = 0;
this.Vrms = 0.0;
// Calculated frequency-independent variables:
this.cond_length_meters = 0.0;
this.Rdc = 0.0;
this.N_max = 0;
this.L = 0.0;
this.C = 0.0;
this.SRF = 0.0;
// Calculated and charted frequency-dependent variables:
this.L_vs_f = [];
this.Z_vs_f = [];
this.R_vs_f = [];
this.Rac_vs_f = [];
this.X_vs_f = [];
this.Q_vs_f = [];
this.i_vs_f = [];
this.P_vs_f = [];
this.mu_vs_f = [];
this.H_vs_f = [];
this.B_vs_f = [];
this.cores = {
'0' : {
size : {
'T300' : { PN:'T300-0', A:77.22, B:49.02, C:12.70, W:73.5, CC:0.0, le:19.8, Ae:1.68, Ve:33.4, Al:1.5 },
'T184' : { PN:'T184-0', A:46.74, B:24.13, C:18.03, W:46.2, CC:0.0, le:11.2, Ae:1.88, Ve:21.0, Al:3.0 },
'T157' : { PN:'T157-0', A:39.88, B:24.13, C:14.48, W:23.5, CC:0.0, le:10.1, Ae:1.06, Ve:10.7, Al:1.8 },
'T130' : { PN:'T130-0', A:33.02, B:19.81, C:11.10, W:12.7, CC:0.0, le:8.28, Ae:0.698, Ve:5.78, Al:1.5 },
'T106' : { PN:'T106-0', A:26.92, B:14.48, C:11.10, W:9.41, CC:0.0, le:6.49, Ae:0.659, Ve:4.28, Al:1.9 },
'T94' : { PN:'T94-0', A:23.93, B:14.22, C:7.92, W:4.75, CC:0.0, le:5.97, Ae:0.362, Ve:2.16, Al:1.06 },
'T80' : { PN:'T80-0', A:20.19, B:12.57, C:6.35, W:2.62, CC:0.0, le:5.14, Ae:0.231, Ve:1.19, Al:0.85 },
'T68' : { PN:'T68-0', A:17.53, B:9.40, C:4.83, W:1.67, CC:0.0, le:4.23, Ae:0.179, Ve:0.759, Al:0.75 },
'T50' : { PN:'T50-0', A:12.70, B:7.70, C:4.83, W:0.79, CC:0.0, le:3.19, Ae:0.112, Ve:0.358, Al:0.64 },
'T44' : { PN:'T44-0', A:11.18, B:5.82, C:4.04, W:0.59, CC:0.0, le:2.68, Ae:0.099, Ve:0.266, Al:0.65 },
'T37' : { PN:'T37-0', A:9.53, B:5.21, C:3.25, W:0.32, CC:0.0, le:2.31, Ae:0.064, Ve:0.147, Al:0.49 },
'T30' : { PN:'T30-0', A:7.80, B:3.84, C:3.25, W:0.24, CC:0.0, le:1.84, Ae:0.060, Ve:0.110, Al:0.60 },
'T25' : { PN:'T25-0', A:6.48, B:3.05, C:2.44, W:0.12, CC:0.0, le:1.50, Ae:0.037, Ve:0.055, Al:0.45 },
manufacturer : "Micrometals",
mat : "Phenolic",
mu_i : 1,
2021-11-02 13:17:44 +00:00
Bsat : 14800.0,
Br : 0.0,
Hc : 0.0,
mu_vs_f : { a:1.0e50, b:1.0, c:1.0, d:1.0 },
mu_vs_B : { a:1.00e2, b:0.0, c:1.0, d:1.0e80, e:1.0, f:1e80 },
mu_vs_H : { a:1.00e90, b:1.0e90, c:1.0e90, d:1.0e90, e:1.0 },
CL_vs_f_B : { a:1.0e90, b:1.0e90, c:1.0e90, d:1.0e-90 },
color : '#EECFA1', // a dark tan
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
color_code : "Tan",
'2' : {
size : {
'T300' : { PN:'T300-2', A:77.22, B:49.02, C:12.70, W:167.0, CC:0.0, le:19.8, Ae:1.68, Ve:33.4, Al:11.4 },
'T225B': { PN:'T225-2B',A:57.15, B:35.69, C:25.40, W:189.0, CC:0.0, le:14.6, Ae:2.59, Ve:37.8, Al:21.5 },
'T225' : { PN:'T225-2', A:57.15, B:35.69, C:13.97, W:103.5, CC:0.0, le:14.6, Ae:1.42, Ve:20.7, Al:12.0 },
'T200B': { PN:'T200-2B',A:50.80, B:31.75, C:25.40, W:149.0, CC:0.0, le:13.0, Ae:2.31, Ve:29.8, Al:21.8 },
'T200' : { PN:'T200-2', A:50.80, B:31.75, C:13.97, W:82.0, CC:0.0, le:13.0, Ae:1.27, Ve:16.4, Al:12.0 },
'T184' : { PN:'T184-2', A:46.74, B:24.13, C:18.03, W:105.0, CC:0.0, le:11.2, Ae:1.88, Ve:21.0, Al:24.0 },
'T157' : { PN:'T157-2', A:39.88, B:24.13, C:14.48, W:53.5, CC:0.0, le:10.1, Ae:1.06, Ve:10.7, Al:14.0 },
'T130' : { PN:'T130-2', A:33.02, B:19.81, C:11.10, W:28.9, CC:0.0, le:8.28, Ae:0.698, Ve:5.78, Al:11.0 },
'T106' : { PN:'T106-2', A:26.92, B:14.48, C:11.10, W:21.4, CC:0.0, le:6.49, Ae:0.659, Ve:4.28, Al:13.5 },
'T94' : { PN:'T94-2', A:23.93, B:14.22, C:7.92, W:10.8, CC:0.0, le:5.97, Ae:0.362, Ve:2.16, Al:8.4 },
'T80' : { PN:'T80-2', A:20.19, B:12.57, C:6.35, W:5.95, CC:0.0, le:5.14, Ae:0.231, Ve:1.19, Al:5.5 },
'T68' : { PN:'T68-2', A:17.53, B:9.40, C:4.83, W:3.795, CC:0.0, le:4.23, Ae:0.179, Ve:0.759, Al:5.7 },
'T50' : { PN:'T50-2', A:12.70, B:7.70, C:4.83, W:1.79, CC:0.0, le:3.19, Ae:0.112, Ve:0.358, Al:4.9 },
'T44' : { PN:'T44-2', A:11.18, B:5.82, C:4.04, W:1.33, CC:0.0, le:2.68, Ae:0.099, Ve:0.266, Al:5.2 },
'T37' : { PN:'T37-2', A:9.53, B:5.21, C:3.25, W:0.735, CC:0.0, le:2.31, Ae:0.064, Ve:0.147, Al:4.0 },
'T30' : { PN:'T30-2', A:7.80, B:3.84, C:3.25, W:0.55, CC:0.0, le:1.84, Ae:0.060, Ve:0.110, Al:4.3 },
'T25' : { PN:'T25-2', A:6.48, B:3.05, C:2.44, W:0.275, CC:0.0, le:1.50, Ae:0.037, Ve:0.055, Al:3.4 },
manufacturer : "Micrometals",
mat : "Carbonyl E",
mu_i : 10,
2021-11-02 13:17:44 +00:00
Bsat : 14800.0,
Br : 30.0,
Hc : 3.0,
mu_vs_f : { a:1.11e-1, b:7.01e-11, c:9.00e-1, d:1.0e0 },
mu_vs_B : { a:1.57e3, b:4.50e-1, c:1.25e0, d:1.16e17, e:-3.70e0, f:1.07e2 },
2021-11-06 07:17:53 +00:00
mu_vs_H : { a:1.00e-2, b:1.83e-7, c:1.46e0, d:0.0e0 },
B_vs_H : { a:1.50e-3, b:1.96e0, c:1.97e4, d:9.18e-4, e:1.48e3 },
CL_vs_f_B : { a:4.0e9, b:3.0e8, c:2.7e6, d:9.6e-16 },
color : '#CD0000', // a dark red
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
color_code : "Red/Clear",
2021-11-06 07:17:53 +00:00
'17' : {
size : {
'T184' : { PN:'T184-17', A:46.74, B:24.13, C:18.03, W:105.0, CC:0.0, le:11.2, Ae:1.88, Ve:21.0, Al:8.7 },
'T157' : { PN:'T157-17', A:39.88, B:24.13, C:14.48, W:53.5, CC:0.0, le:10.1, Ae:1.06, Ve:10.7, Al:5.3 },
'T130' : { PN:'T130-17', A:33.02, B:19.81, C:11.10, W:28.9, CC:0.0, le:8.28, Ae:0.698, Ve:5.78, Al:4.0 },
'T106B': { PN:'T106-17B',A:26.92, B:14.48, C:14.60, W:26.7, CC:0.0, le:6.49, Ae:0.858, Ve:5.57, Al:6.6 },
'T106' : { PN:'T106-17', A:26.92, B:14.48, C:11.10, W:21.4, CC:0.0, le:6.49, Ae:0.659, Ve:4.28, Al:5.1 },
'T94' : { PN:'T94-17', A:23.93, B:14.22, C:7.92, W:10.8, CC:0.0, le:5.97, Ae:0.362, Ve:2.16, Al:2.9 },
'T80' : { PN:'T80-17', A:20.19, B:12.57, C:6.35, W:5.95, CC:0.0, le:5.14, Ae:0.231, Ve:1.19, Al:2.2 },
'T68' : { PN:'T68-17', A:17.53, B:9.40, C:4.83, W:3.795, CC:0.0, le:4.23, Ae:0.179, Ve:0.759, Al:2.1 },
'T50' : { PN:'T50-17', A:12.70, B:7.70, C:4.83, W:1.79, CC:0.0, le:3.19, Ae:0.112, Ve:0.358, Al:1.8 },
'T44' : { PN:'T44-17', A:11.18, B:5.82, C:4.04, W:1.33, CC:0.0, le:2.68, Ae:0.099, Ve:0.266, Al:1.85 },
'T37' : { PN:'T37-17', A:9.53, B:5.21, C:3.25, W:0.735, CC:0.0, le:2.31, Ae:0.064, Ve:0.147, Al:1.5 },
'T30' : { PN:'T30-17', A:7.80, B:3.84, C:3.25, W:0.55, CC:0.0, le:1.84, Ae:0.060, Ve:0.110, Al:1.6 },
'T25' : { PN:'T25-17', A:6.48, B:3.05, C:2.44, W:0.275, CC:0.0, le:1.50, Ae:0.037, Ve:0.055, Al:1.2 },
manufacturer : "Micrometals",
mat : "Carbonyl",
2021-11-06 07:17:53 +00:00
mu_i : 4,
Bsat : 14400.0,
Br : 30.0,
Hc : 3.0,
mu_vs_f : { a:3.33e-1, b:7.01e-11, c:9.00e-1, d:1.0e0 },
mu_vs_B : { a:1.57e3, b:4.50e-1, c:1.25e0, d:1.16e17, e:-3.70e0, f:1.07e2 },
mu_vs_H : { a:1.00e-2, b:1.34e-8, c:1.55, d:0.0 },
B_vs_H : { a:6.20e-4, b:1.96e0, c:7.71e4, d:9.31e-4, e:3.60e3 },
CL_vs_f_B : { a:4.0e9, b:3.0e8, c:2.7e6, d:4.40e-16 },
color : '#007FFF', // azure blue
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
color_code : "Blue/Yellow",
2021-11-06 07:17:53 +00:00
'6' : {
size : {
'T300' : { PN:'T300-6', A:77.22, B:49.02, C:12.70, W:167.0, CC:0.0, le:19.8, Ae:1.68, Ve:33.4, Al:9.5 },
'T225' : { PN:'T225-6', A:57.15, B:35.69, C:13.97, W:103.5, CC:0.0, le:14.6, Ae:1.42, Ve:20.7, Al:10.4 },
'T200' : { PN:'T200-6', A:50.80, B:31.75, C:13.97, W:82.0, CC:0.0, le:13.0, Ae:1.27, Ve:16.4, Al:10.4 },
'T184' : { PN:'T184-6', A:46.74, B:24.13, C:18.03, W:105.0, CC:0.0, le:11.2, Ae:1.88, Ve:21.0, Al:19.5 },
'T130' : { PN:'T130-6', A:33.02, B:19.81, C:11.10, W:28.9, CC:0.0, le:8.28, Ae:0.698, Ve:5.78, Al:9.6 },
'T106' : { PN:'T106-6', A:26.92, B:14.48, C:11.10, W:21.4, CC:0.0, le:6.49, Ae:0.659, Ve:4.28, Al:11.6 },
'T94' : { PN:'T94-6', A:23.93, B:14.22, C:7.92, W:10.8, CC:0.0, le:5.97, Ae:0.362, Ve:2.16, Al:7.0 },
2022-01-18 10:30:51 +00:00
'T80' : { PN:'T80-6', A:20.19, B:12.57, C:6.35, W:5.95, CC:0.0, le:5.14, Ae:0.231, Ve:1.19, Al:4.5 },
'T68' : { PN:'T68-6', A:17.53, B:9.40, C:4.83, W:3.795, CC:0.0, le:4.23, Ae:0.179, Ve:0.759, Al:4.7 },
'T50' : { PN:'T50-6', A:12.70, B:7.70, C:4.83, W:1.79, CC:0.0, le:3.19, Ae:0.112, Ve:0.358, Al:4.0 },
'T44' : { PN:'T44-6', A:11.18, B:5.82, C:4.04, W:1.33, CC:0.0, le:2.68, Ae:0.099, Ve:0.266, Al:4.2 },
'T37' : { PN:'T37-6', A:9.53, B:5.21, C:3.25, W:0.735, CC:0.0, le:2.31, Ae:0.064, Ve:0.147, Al:3.0 },
'T30' : { PN:'T30-6', A:7.80, B:3.84, C:3.25, W:0.55, CC:0.0, le:1.84, Ae:0.060, Ve:0.110, Al:3.6 },
'T25' : { PN:'T25-6', A:6.48, B:3.05, C:2.44, W:0.275, CC:0.0, le:1.50, Ae:0.037, Ve:0.055, Al:2.7 },
manufacturer : "Micrometals",
mat : "Carbonyl SF",
mu_i : 8.5,
2021-11-02 13:17:44 +00:00
Bsat : 14800.0,
Br : 26.0,
Hc : 3.0,
mu_vs_f : { a:1.33e-1, b:7.01e-11, c:9.00e-1, d:1.0e0 },
mu_vs_B : { a:1.57e3, b:4.50e-1, c:1.25e0, d:1.16e17, e:-3.70e0, f:1.07e2 },
2021-11-06 07:17:53 +00:00
mu_vs_H : { a:1.00e-2, b:4.87e-8, c:1.57e0, d:0.0e0 },
B_vs_H : { a:1.28e-3, b:1.96e0, c:2.30e4, d:9.19e-4, e:1.74e3 },
CL_vs_f_B : { a:4.0e9, b:3.0e8, c:2.7e6, d:8.9e-16 },
color : '#ECD540', // a darker yellow
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
color_code : "Yellow/Clear",
'10' : {
size : {
'T184' : { PN:'T184-10', A:46.74, B:24.13, C:18.03, W:102.9, CC:0.0, le:11.2, Ae:1.88, Ve:21.0, Al:13.8 },
'T157' : { PN:'T157-10', A:39.88, B:24.13, C:14.48, W:52.43, CC:0.0, le:10.1, Ae:1.06, Ve:10.7, Al:8.2 },
'T130' : { PN:'T130-10', A:33.02, B:19.81, C:11.10, W:28.32, CC:0.0, le:8.28, Ae:0.698, Ve:5.78, Al:6.83 },
'T94' : { PN:'T94-10', A:23.93, B:14.22, C:7.92, W:10.58, CC:0.0, le:5.97, Ae:0.362, Ve:2.16, Al:5.8 },
'T68' : { PN:'T68-10', A:17.53, B:9.40, C:4.83, W:3.72, CC:0.0, le:4.23, Ae:0.179, Ve:0.759, Al:3.2 },
'T50' : { PN:'T50-10', A:12.70, B:7.70, C:4.83, W:1.75, CC:0.0, le:3.19, Ae:0.112, Ve:0.358, Al:3.1 },
'T44' : { PN:'T44-10', A:11.18, B:5.82, C:4.04, W:1.30, CC:0.0, le:2.68, Ae:0.099, Ve:0.266, Al:3.3 },
'T37' : { PN:'T37-10', A:9.53, B:5.21, C:3.25, W:0.72, CC:0.0, le:2.31, Ae:0.064, Ve:0.147, Al:2.5 },
manufacturer : "Micrometals",
mat : "Carbonyl W",
mu_i : 6,
2021-11-02 13:17:44 +00:00
Bsat : 14600.0,
Br : 18.0,
Hc : 3.0,
mu_vs_f : { a:2.00e-1, b:7.01e-11, c:9.00e-1, d:1.0e0 },
mu_vs_B : { a:1.57e3, b:4.50e-1, c:1.25e0, d:1.16e17, e:-3.70e0, f:1.07e2 },
2021-11-06 07:17:53 +00:00
mu_vs_H : { a:1.00e-2, b:5.54e-9, c:1.69e0, d:0.0e0 },
B_vs_H : { a:9.13e-4, b:1.96e0, c:3.83e4, d:9.23e-4, e:2.43e3 },
CL_vs_f_B : { a:4.0e9, b:3.0e8, c:2.7e6, d:8.0e-16 },
color : '#4F4F4F',
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
color_code : "Black/Clear",
this.mat = this.cores[this.material];
this.core = this.mat.size[this.size];
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
this.getMaterialDataStrings = function () {
retval = [];
retval.push(["Size", this.size]);
retval.push(["Material", this.material.toString()]);
retval.push(["Type", this.mat.mat]);
retval.push(["\u03bci", this.mat.mu_i.toString()]);
retval.push(["Color", this.mat.color_code]);
retval.push(["Bsat", this.mat.Bsat.toString() + " G"]);
retval.push(["Mass", this.core.W.toString() + " g"]);
retval.push(["P/N", this.core.PN]);
return retval;
this.setMaterial = function (material) {
this.material = material;
this.mat = this.cores[this.material];
this.core = this.mat.size[this.size];
this.setSize = function (size) {
this.size = size;
this.core = this.mat.size[this.size];
this.setTurns = function (turns) {
this.N = turns;
this.getMaterialTypes = function () {
2021-11-06 07:17:53 +00:00
return ["2", "6", "10", '17', '0'];
this.getSizesForMaterial = function (material) {
return Object.keys(this.cores[material].size);
this.getMuFromFreq = function (f) {
return 1/(this.mat.mu_vs_f.a + this.mat.mu_vs_f.b * f**this.mat.mu_vs_f.c) + this.mat.mu_vs_f.d;
this.getMuFromBpk = function (B) {
// return ((this.mat.mu_vs_B.a + this.mat.mu_vs_B.c * B + this.mat.mu_vs_B.e * B**2) / (1.0 + this.mat.mu_vs_B.b * B + this.mat.mu_vs_B.d * B**2))**0.5;
return (1 / ((1/(this.mat.mu_vs_B.a + this.mat.mu_vs_B.b * B ** this.mat.mu_vs_B.c)) + (1/(this.mat.mu_vs_B.d * B ** this.mat.mu_vs_B.e)) + (1/this.mat.mu_vs_B.f))); // ((this.mat.mu_vs_B.a + this.mat.mu_vs_B.c * B + this.mat.mu_vs_B.e * B**2) / (1.0 + this.mat.mu_vs_B.b * B + this.mat.mu_vs_B.d * B**2))**0.5;
2021-11-06 07:17:53 +00:00
this.getBpkFromH = function (H, f) {
return this.getMuFromFreq(f) / ((1/(H + this.mat.B_vs_H.a * H ** this.mat.B_vs_H.b)) + (1/(this.mat.B_vs_H.c * H ** this.mat.B_vs_H.d)) + (1/this.mat.B_vs_H.e));
this.getMuFromH = function (H, f) {
2021-11-06 07:17:53 +00:00
//return this.getMuFromFreq(f) / ((1/(H + this.mat.mu_vs_H.a * H ** this.mat.mu_vs_H.b)) + (1/(this.mat.mu_vs_H.c * H ** this.mat.mu_vs_H.d)) + (1/this.mat.mu_vs_H.e));
return 1/(this.mat.mu_vs_H.a + this.mat.mu_vs_H.b * H**this.mat.mu_vs_H.c) + this.mat.mu_vs_H.d;
// Return power loss in Watts:
this.getPdFromfB = function (f, B) {
return this.core.Ve * 1e-3 * (f / (this.mat.CL_vs_f_B.a / B**3.0 + this.mat.CL_vs_f_B.b / B**2.3 + this.mat.CL_vs_f_B.c / B**1.65) + this.mat.CL_vs_f_B.d * B**2 * f**2);
this.getInductanceOld = function (frequency) {
const mu = this.getMuFromFreq(frequency);
//const L = mu * 4.0 * Math.PI * this.N**2 * 1e-9 / this.core.CC;
const CC = this.core.le / this.core.Ae;
const L = mu * 4.0 * Math.PI * this.N**2 * 1e-9 / CC;
return L;
this.getInductance = function (frequency, Bpk) {
//const mu = this.getMuFromFreq(frequency);
// const L = this.core.Al * this.N**2 * 1e-9;
// New method because using Ae and le did not match Al with N^2.
const L = this.getMuFromFreq(frequency) * this.getMuFromBpk(Bpk) * 1e-2 * (this.core.Al / this.mat.mu_i) * this.N**2 * 1e-9;
return L;
this.getReactance = function (frequency, Bpk) {
const Xs = 2.0 * Math.PI * frequency * this.getInductance(frequency, Bpk);
return Xs;
this.getWireResistance = function(frequency) {
// Calculate AC wire-resistance, using IEC 60287-1-1: - this seemed really hopeless for high-frequencies:
const Ks = 1.0; // Solid core conductor
const xs4 = ((8 * Math.PI * frequency * Ks) / (this.Rdc * 1e7))**2;
const Ys = xs4 / (192.0 + 0.8 * xs4);
const Rac = this.Rdc * (1 + Ys);
return Rac;
this.getWireResistance = function(frequency, wire_radius_meter) {
// Al-Asadi equation for AC resistance in Ohms/meter:
const mu0 = Math.PI * 4e-7;
const cu_sigma = 58e6;
const delta = 1/Math.sqrt(Math.PI * frequency * this.mat.mu_i * mu0 * cu_sigma);
const k = delta * (1-Math.E**(-wire_radius_meter/delta));
const Rac = 1/(Math.PI * cu_sigma * k * (2*wire_radius_meter - k));
return Rac;
this.I_inductor = function (frequency, voltage) {
const K1 = 4.44 * frequency * this.N * this.core.Ae * 1e-8;
const K2 = 0.4 * Math.PI * this.N / this.core.le;
const B = voltage * 1e8 / (4.44 * frequency * this.N * this.core.Ae);
var mu = this.getMuFromFreq(frequency);
mu *= this.getMuFromBpk(B);
mu *= 1e-2;
return voltage / (mu * K1 * K2 * 1.414);
this.I_wire = function (frequency, voltage) {
2021-11-08 01:12:06 +00:00
const Rac = this.getWireResistance(frequency, this.cond_diameter_meters * 0.5);
return (voltage / Rac);
this.solve_V_inductor = function (frequency, voltage) {
// Initially assume voltage is divided between wire resistance and inductor core-loss resistance equivalently:
var voltage_upper = voltage;
var voltage_lower = 0.0;
var voltage_fraction = 0.5 * voltage;
var i_inductor = 0.0;
var i_wire = 0.0;
var count = 0;
while(true) {
i_inductor = this.I_inductor(frequency, (voltage - voltage_fraction));
i_wire = this.I_wire(frequency, voltage_fraction);
if(count > 60) {
console.log("ERROR!", count);
if(i_inductor > (i_wire * 1.001)) {
voltage_lower = voltage_fraction;
voltage_fraction = 0.5 * (voltage_lower + voltage_upper);
if(i_wire > (i_inductor * 1.001)) {
voltage_upper = voltage_fraction;
voltage_fraction = 0.5 * (voltage_lower + voltage_upper);
// Current's match within 1% of each other, which is good-enough for now.
//console.log(count, frequency, i_inductor, i_wire);
const Rac = this.cond_length_meters * this.getWireResistance(frequency, this.cond_diameter_meters*0.5);
const V = (voltage - voltage_fraction); // Across the inductor.
const B = V * 1.0e8 / (4.44 * frequency * this.N * this.core.Ae);
const Pd = this.getPdFromfB(frequency, B);
const Pw = (i_wire**2 * Rac);
const X = this.getReactance(frequency, B);
const Xc = 1/(2*Math.PI*frequency*this.C);
const H = 0.4 * Math.PI * this.N * i_inductor / this.core.le;
const Ri = Pd / i_inductor**2;
const Q = X / (Ri + Rac);
const mu = this.getMuFromFreq(frequency) * this.getMuFromBpk(B) * 1e-2;
const L = this.getInductance(frequency, B);
return {
V : V, // Voltage across inductor in the L-R model.
I : i_wire,
Pd : Pd,
Pw : Pw,
L : L,
X : X,
B : B,
H : H,
Ri : Ri,
Rac: Rac,
R : (Ri+Rac),
u : mu,
Q : Q,
Z : (X**2 + (Ri+Rac)**2)**0.5,
// frequencies = [] of frequencies in Hz
this.recalculate = function (awg, turns_density, voltage, frequencies) {
// Input variables:
// awg = 40.0 - conductor_diameter_slider.value;
this.cond_diameter_meters = 0.001 * awgToMm(awg)[0];
this.coated_cond_diameter_meters = 0.001 * awgToMm(awg)[1];
this.Vrms = 10.0 ** voltage;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
// Frequency independent characteristics:
this.N_max = Math.PI / (Math.atan2(0.5e3 * this.cond_diameter_meters, (0.5 * this.core.B - 0.5e3 * this.cond_diameter_meters)));
this.N = 1 + Math.round(turns_density * (this.N_max - 1));
//this.cond_length_meters = this.N * (2*this.core.C + this.core.A - this.core.B) * 1e-3;
//this.cond_length_meters = 2e-3 * Math.sqrt ( (Math.PI * 0.5 * (this.core.A + this.core.B))**2 + (this.N * (2*this.core.C + this.core.A - this.core.B))**2 );
this.cond_length_meters = 1e-3 * Math.sqrt ( (Math.PI * 0.5 * (this.core.A + this.core.B))**2 + (this.N * (4*(this.cond_diameter_meters*1e3) + 2*this.core.C + this.core.A - this.core.B))**2 );
this.Rdc = 1.68e-8 * this.cond_length_meters / (Math.PI * ((this.cond_diameter_meters*0.5)**2.0));
this.L = (this.N**2) * this.core.Al * 1.0e-9; // In Henries
// Based on David Knight's equation:
this.C = (0.9 + (78.1/this.N**2))*1e-12; // In Farads
//this.C = this.getEquivalentCapacitance();
this.SRF = 1.0/(2.0*Math.PI* Math.sqrt(this.L*this.C));
// Clear the frequency dependent characteristics before appending new data:
this.L_vs_f = [];
this.Z_vs_f = [];
this.R_vs_f = [];
this.Rac_vs_f = [];
this.X_vs_f = [];
this.Q_vs_f = [];
this.i_vs_f = [];
this.P_vs_f = [];
this.mu_vs_f = [];
this.H_vs_f = [];
this.B_vs_f = [];
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
frequencies.forEach(freq => {
const ind = this.solve_V_inductor(freq, this.Vrms);
freq *= 1e-3;
this.mu_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:ind.u});
this.L_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:ind.L*1e6});
this.R_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:ind.Ri});
this.Rac_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:ind.Rac});
this.X_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:ind.X});
this.Q_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:ind.Q});
this.i_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:(ind.I*1e3)}); // in mA
this.P_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:((ind.Pd + ind.Pw)*1e3)}); // in mW
this.Z_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:ind.Z});
this.H_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:ind.H});
this.B_vs_f.push({x:freq, y:ind.B});
this.calculateInductance = function () {
return this.L_vs_f;
this.calculateImpedance = function () {
return this.Z_vs_f;
this.calculatePermeability = function () {
return this.mu_vs_f;
this.calculateResistance = function () {
return this.R_vs_f;
this.calculateWireResistance = function () {
return this.Rac_vs_f;
this.calculateReactance = function () {
return this.X_vs_f;
this.calculateQualityFactor = function () {
return this.Q_vs_f;
this.calculateCurrent = function () {
return this.i_vs_f;
this.calculatePowerLoss = function () {
return this.P_vs_f;
this.calculateH = function () {
return this.H_vs_f;
this.calculateB = function () {
return this.B_vs_f;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
function Controller() {
// Define global storage for calculated values, so we don't recalculate the same things multiple times:
this.t_mode = 'Inductor';
this.t_size = 'FT240';
this.t_material = '43';
this.t_type = 'ferrite';
this.frequencies = [];
// Create a ferrite and powdered-iron object:
this.ferrite = new Ferrite();
this.powdered_iron = new PowderedIron();
this.toroid = this.ferrite;
this.setSize = function (size) {
this.t_size = size;
this.setMaterial = function (material) {
if(material in this.ferrite.cores) {
this.toroid = this.ferrite;
this.t_material = material;
this.t_type = 'ferrite';
// Now re-configure the chart axes options:
this.myChart.data = {
datasets: [
label: 'L (\u03bcH)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'orange',
backgroundColor: 'orange',
data: this.toroid.calculateInductance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'lID'
label: '|Z| (\u03A9)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'black',
backgroundColor: 'black',
data: this.toroid.calculateImpedance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ohmsID'
label: 'X (j\u03A9)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'blue',
backgroundColor: 'blue',
data: this.toroid.calculateReactance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ohmsID'
label: 'R (\u03A9)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'red',
backgroundColor: 'red',
data: this.toroid.calculateResistance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ohmsID'
label: 'Q',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#69359C',
backgroundColor: '#9A4EAE',
data: this.toroid.calculateQualityFactor(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'qID'
label: 'I (mA)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(0,128,128)',
backgroundColor: 'rgb(0,118,118)',
data: this.toroid.calculateCurrent(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ccID'
label: '\u03bc\'',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#0070FF',
backgroundColor: '#1974D2',
data: this.toroid.calculatePermeability1(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'muID',
hidden: true
label: '\u03bc\'\'',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#F78FA7',
backgroundColor: '#FFC0CB',
data: this.toroid.calculatePermeability2(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'muID',
hidden: true
label: 'H(Oe)',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#654321',
backgroundColor: '#986960',
data: this.toroid.calculateH(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'hID',
hidden: true
label: 'B(G)',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#FFD300',
backgroundColor: '#F0E130',
data: this.toroid.calculateB(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'bID',
hidden: true
label: 'Pd(mW)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(50,50,50)',
backgroundColor: 'rgb(100,100,100)',
data: this.toroid.calculatePowerLoss(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'wattsID',
hidden: false
} else
if(material in this.powdered_iron.cores) {
this.toroid = this.powdered_iron;
this.t_material = material;
this.t_type = 'powdered_iron';
// Now re-configure the chart axes options:
this.myChart.data = {
datasets: [
label: 'L (\u03bcH)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'orange',
backgroundColor: 'orange',
data: this.toroid.calculateInductance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'lID'
label: '|Z| (\u03A9)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'black',
backgroundColor: 'black',
data: this.toroid.calculateImpedance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ohmsID'
label: 'X (j\u03A9)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'blue',
backgroundColor: 'blue',
data: this.toroid.calculateReactance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ohmsID'
label: 'Rc (\u03A9)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'red',
backgroundColor: 'red',
data: this.toroid.calculateResistance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ohmsID'
label: 'Rw (\u03A9)',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#F78FA7',
backgroundColor: '#FFC0CB',
//borderColor: 'pink',
//backgroundColor: 'pink',
data: this.toroid.calculateWireResistance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ohmsID'
label: 'Q',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#69359C',
backgroundColor: '#9A4EAE',
data: this.toroid.calculateQualityFactor(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'qID'
label: 'I (mA)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(0,128,128)',
backgroundColor: 'rgb(0,118,118)',
data: this.toroid.calculateCurrent(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ccID'
label: '\u03bc',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#0070FF',
backgroundColor: '#1974D2',
data: this.toroid.calculatePermeability(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'muID',
hidden: true
label: 'H(Oe)',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#654321',
backgroundColor: '#986960',
data: this.toroid.calculateH(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'hID',
hidden: true
label: 'B(G)',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#FFD300',
backgroundColor: '#F0E130',
data: this.toroid.calculateB(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'bID',
hidden: true
label: 'Pd(mW)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(50,50,50)',
backgroundColor: 'rgb(100,100,100)',
data: this.toroid.calculatePowerLoss(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'wattsID',
hidden: false
} else {
console.log("Unrecognised material selected =", material);
this.updateFrequencies = function (slider_value) {
this.frequencies = [];
//for(var i = 4.0; i <= 8.0; i+=0.01) {
var f = 1.0 * slider_value;
for(var i = Math.floor(4.00+f); i <= 5.52+f; i+=0.01) {
this.updateChart = function () {
if(this.t_type == 'ferrite') {
= this.ferrite.mat.manufacturer + " " + this.t_size + "-" + this.t_material + " [" + this.ferrite.core.PN + "]"
+ " : " + this.toroid.N + 't #' + (40.0 - conductor_diameter_slider.value) + ' AWG';
this.myChart.data.datasets[0].data = this.ferrite.calculateInductance();
this.myChart.data.datasets[1].data = this.ferrite.calculateImpedance();
this.myChart.data.datasets[2].data = this.ferrite.calculateReactance();
this.myChart.data.datasets[3].data = this.ferrite.calculateResistance();
this.myChart.data.datasets[4].data = this.ferrite.calculateQualityFactor();
this.myChart.data.datasets[5].data = this.ferrite.calculateCurrent();
this.myChart.data.datasets[6].data = this.ferrite.calculatePermeability1();
this.myChart.data.datasets[7].data = this.ferrite.calculatePermeability2();
this.myChart.data.datasets[8].data = this.ferrite.calculateH();
this.myChart.data.datasets[9].data = this.ferrite.calculateB();
this.myChart.data.datasets[10].data = this.ferrite.calculatePowerLoss();
} else {
= this.powdered_iron.mat.manufacturer + " " + this.t_size + "-" + this.t_material + " [" + this.powdered_iron.core.PN + "]"
+ " : " + this.toroid.N + 't #' + (40.0 - conductor_diameter_slider.value) + ' AWG';
this.myChart.data.datasets[0].data = this.powdered_iron.calculateInductance();
this.myChart.data.datasets[1].data = this.powdered_iron.calculateImpedance();
this.myChart.data.datasets[2].data = this.powdered_iron.calculateReactance();
this.myChart.data.datasets[3].data = this.powdered_iron.calculateResistance();
this.myChart.data.datasets[4].data = this.powdered_iron.calculateWireResistance();
this.myChart.data.datasets[5].data = this.powdered_iron.calculateQualityFactor();
this.myChart.data.datasets[6].data = this.powdered_iron.calculateCurrent();
this.myChart.data.datasets[7].data = this.powdered_iron.calculatePermeability();
this.myChart.data.datasets[8].data = this.powdered_iron.calculateH();
this.myChart.data.datasets[9].data = this.powdered_iron.calculateB();
this.myChart.data.datasets[10].data = this.powdered_iron.calculatePowerLoss();
this.recalculate = function () {
if(this.t_type == 'ferrite') {
} else {
this.powdered_iron.recalculate((40.0 - conductor_diameter_slider.value), loop_turns_slider.value, voltage_slider.value, this.frequencies);
function justifyText(pre, post) {
var whitespace = 14 - pre.length - post.length;
return pre + ' '.repeat(whitespace) + post;
// Startup methods:
2021-11-14 08:32:38 +00:00
this.chartCanvas = document.getElementById("chartCanvas");
this.chartCanvasContext = chartCanvas.getContext('2d');
this.myChart = new Chart(this.chartCanvasContext, {
type: 'line',
data: {
datasets: [
label: 'L (\u03bcH)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'orange',
backgroundColor: 'orange',
data: this.toroid.calculateInductance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'lID'
label: '|Z| (\u03A9)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'black',
backgroundColor: 'black',
data: this.toroid.calculateImpedance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ohmsID'
label: 'X (j\u03A9)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'blue',
backgroundColor: 'blue',
data: this.toroid.calculateReactance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ohmsID'
label: 'R (\u03A9)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'red',
backgroundColor: 'red',
data: this.toroid.calculateResistance(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ohmsID'
label: 'Q',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#69359C',
backgroundColor: '#9A4EAE',
data: this.toroid.calculateQualityFactor(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'qID'
label: 'I (mA)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(0,128,128)',
backgroundColor: 'rgb(0,118,118)',
data: this.toroid.calculateCurrent(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'ccID'
label: '\u03bc\'',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#0070FF',
backgroundColor: '#1974D2',
data: this.toroid.calculatePermeability1(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'muID',
hidden: true
label: '\u03bc\'\'',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#F78FA7',
backgroundColor: '#FFC0CB',
data: this.toroid.calculatePermeability2(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'muID',
hidden: true
label: 'H(Oe)',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#654321',
backgroundColor: '#986960',
data: this.toroid.calculateH(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'hID',
hidden: true
label: 'B(G)',
fill: false,
borderColor: '#FFD300',
backgroundColor: '#F0E130',
data: this.toroid.calculateB(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'bID',
hidden: true
label: 'Pd(mW)',
fill: false,
borderColor: 'rgb(50,50,50)',
backgroundColor: 'rgb(100,100,100)',
data: this.toroid.calculatePowerLoss(),
borderWidth: 1,
yAxisID: 'wattsID',
hidden: false
options: {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
elements: {
point: {
radius: 0,
scales: {
x: {
type: 'logarithmic',
position: 'bottom',
display: 'auto',
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Frequency (kHz)',
color: 'black',
font: {
weight : 'bold'
ticks: {
autoSkip: false,
'lID': {
type: 'linear',
display: 'auto',
title: {
display: true,
text: '\u03bcH',
color: 'black',
font: {
weight : 'bold'
position: 'left',
'ohmsID': {
type: 'logarithmic',
display: 'auto',
title: {
display: true,
text: '\u03A9',
color: 'black',
font: {
weight : 'bold'
position: 'left',
'qID' : {
type: 'linear',
display: 'auto',
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Q',
color: 'purple',
font: {
weight : 'bold'
position: 'left',
'ccID' : {
type: 'linear',
display: 'auto',
title: {
display: true,
text: 'mA',
color: 'rgb(0,128,128)',
font: {
weight : 'bold'
min: 0.0,
position: 'right',
'muID' : {
type: 'logarithmic',
display: 'auto',
title: {
display: true,
text: '\u03bc',
color: 'rgb(128,128,128)',
font: {
weight : 'bold'
min: 0.0,
position: 'right',
'hID' : {
type: 'linear',
display: 'auto',
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Oe',
color: 'rgb(0,128,0)',
font: {
weight : 'bold'
min: 0.0,
position: 'right',
'bID' : {
type: 'linear',
display: 'auto',
title: {
display: true,
text: 'G',
color: 'rgb(55,55,0)',
font: {
weight : 'bold'
min: 0.0,
position: 'left',
'wattsID' : {
type: 'linear',
display: 'auto',
title: {
display: true,
text: 'mW',
color: 'rgb(50,50,50)',
font: {
weight : 'bold'
min: 0.0,
position: 'right',
plugins : {
//showLines: true,
mode : 'nearest',
title: {
display: true,
text: this.toroid.core.manufacturer + " " + this.t_size + "-" + this.t_material + " [" + this.toroid.core.PN + "]",
tooltip: {
enabled: true,
mode: 'index',
intersect: false,
position: 'nearest',
2022-02-16 08:23:01 +00:00
bodyFont: {
family: 'monospace',
callbacks: {
title: function(context) {
var value = context[0].parsed.x;
var postlabel = " kHz";
if(value >= 1.0e6) {
value *= 1e-6;
postlabel = " GHz";
} else
if(value >= 1.0e3) {
value *= 1e-3;
postlabel = " MHz";
var label = 'Freq = ' + value.toPrecision(4).toString() + postlabel;
return label;
label: function(context) {
let value = context.element.parsed.y;
var label = context.dataset.label || '';
if (label) {
label += ' ';
if((label[0] == 'R') || (label[0] == 'X')) {
if(label[1] != ' ') {
label = label[0] + label[1] + ' ';
} else {
label = label[0] + ' ';
var num = getMetricPrefix(value);
if(num.val < 1e-15) {
label = justifyText(label, '0.0' + ' ' + num.pfx + '\u03A9');
} else {
label = justifyText(label, num.val.toPrecision(3).toString() + ' ' + num.pfx + '\u03A9');
} else if(label[1] == 'Z') {
var num = getMetricPrefix(value);
label = justifyText('|Z| ', num.val.toPrecision(3).toString() + ' ' + num.pfx + '\u03A9');
} else if(label[0] == 'L') {
var num = getMetricPrefix(value * 1e-6);
label = justifyText('L ', num.val.toPrecision(3).toString() + ' ' + num.pfx + 'H');
} else if(label[0] == 'I') {
var num = getMetricPrefix(value * 1e-3);
label = justifyText('I ', num.val.toPrecision(3).toString() + ' ' + num.pfx + 'A');
} else if(label[0] == 'B') {
var num = getMetricPrefix(value);
label = justifyText('B ', num.val.toPrecision(3).toString() + ' ' + num.pfx + 'G');
} else if(label[0] == 'H') {
var num = getMetricPrefix(value);
label = justifyText('H ', num.val.toPrecision(3).toString() + ' ' + num.pfx + 'Oe');
} else if(label[0] == 'P') {
var num = getMetricPrefix(value * 1e-3);
label = justifyText('Pd ', num.val.toPrecision(3).toString() + ' ' + num.pfx + 'W');
} else if(label[0] == 'Q') {
2021-12-07 11:34:50 +00:00
label = justifyText('Q ', value.toPrecision(3).toString() + ' ');
} else {
label = justifyText(label, value.toPrecision(3).toString() + ' ');
return label;
var controller = new Controller();
function acResistance(frequency_hz) {
return (toroid.cond_length_meters / (Math.PI * toroid.cond_diameter_meters * cu_sigma * skinDepth(frequency_hz)));
function getSRF() {
// First, use the initial permeability to start:
var mu = cores[material].mu_i;
var c_0 = 3e8;
var c_r = (1/Math.sqrt(mu)) * c_0;
var srf = c_r / (2 * toroid.cond_length_meters);
return srf;
2021-10-15 12:57:56 +00:00
function getMaxTurnsFrom() {
var cond_diameter_meters = 0.001 * awgToMm(40.0 - conductor_diameter_slider.value)[1];
var N_max = Math.PI / (Math.atan2(0.5e3 * cond_diameter_meters, (0.5 * toroid.core.B - 0.5e3 * cond_diameter_meters)));
return N_max;
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
function setMode() {
var modes = document.getElementsByName("modes");
2022-02-16 08:53:02 +00:00
controller.t_mode = modes[0].value;
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
l_inductors = {
sort_order : {
"Ferrites" : ["75", "78", "77", "79", "43", "43_old", "80", "52", "61", "67"],
2021-11-06 07:17:53 +00:00
"Powdered Iron" : ["2", "6", "10", "17", "0"]
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
"75":"75 [\u03bci=5000]",
"78":"78 [\u03bci=2300]",
"77":"77 [\u03bci=2000]",
"79":"79 [\u03bci=1400]",
"43":"43 [\u03bci=800]",
2021-10-20 10:44:50 +00:00
"43_old":"43 pre-2020 [\u03bci=800]",
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
"80":"80 [\u03bci=600]",
"52":"52 [\u03bci=250]",
"61":"61 [\u03bci=125]",
"67":"67 [\u03bci=40]",
"2":"2 [\u03bci=10]",
"6":"6 [\u03bci=8.5]",
"10":"10 [\u03bci=6]",
2021-11-06 07:17:53 +00:00
"17":"17 [\u03bci=4]",
"0":"0 [\u03bci=1]"};
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
l_suppressors = {
sort_order : {
"Ferrites" : ["61", "46", "43", "31", "75"],
"61":"61 [200 MHz - 1 GHz]",
"46":"46 [25 MHz - 300 MHz]",
"43":"43 [25 MHz - 300 MHz]",
"31":"31 [1 MHz - 300 MHz]",
"75":"75 [200 kHz - 30 MHz]"};
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
// Clear the materials from the DOM:
var l_materials = document.getElementById("material-select");
while(l_materials.firstChild) {
var l_mat_selected;
2022-02-16 08:53:02 +00:00
if(controller.t_mode == "Suppressor") {
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
l_mat_selected = l_suppressors;
} else { // Inductors and Transformers should use the inductor material list:
l_mat_selected = l_inductors;
// Create the optgroup:
Object.keys(l_mat_selected.sort_order).forEach(function (kk) {
var optgroup = document.createElement("OPTGROUP");
optgroup.setAttribute("label", kk)
// Now insert only the sizes that exist for this material:
l_mat_selected.sort_order[kk].forEach(function (key){
// Create an option tag:
if(controller.t_material == key) {
// This is so that if the size was selected and still exists, then maintain the setting:
optgroup.appendChild(new Option(l_mat_selected[key], key, false, true));
} else {
optgroup.appendChild(new Option(l_mat_selected[key], key));
if(!(controller.t_material in l_mat_selected)) {
controller.t_material = Object.keys(l_mat_selected)[0];
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
// Now rebuild the size DOM for the selected material:
2021-11-21 12:02:57 +00:00
// Re-set the material, as it *may* have changed:
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
function setToroid() {
var toroids = document.getElementsByName("toroids");
//controller.t_size = toroids[0].value;
function rebuildSizeDOM() {
// Remove all toroid sizes in the DOM:
var toroid_sizes = document.getElementById("toroid-select");
while(toroid_sizes.firstChild) {
// Now insert only the sizes that exist for this material:
for(const key in controller.toroid.mat.size) {
// Create an option tag:
if(controller.t_size == key) {
// This is so that if the size was selected and still exists, then maintain the setting:
toroid_sizes.appendChild(new Option(key, key, false, true));
} else {
toroid_sizes.appendChild(new Option(key, key));
if(!(controller.t_size in controller.toroid.mat.size)) {
//console.log(t_size + " NOT exists!");
function setMaterial() {
var materials = document.getElementsByName("materials");
// Rebuild the list of available sizes for this material type:
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
// Limit how often we update the chart, as it is quite a slow operation. But updating the graphic
// is very fast. So we update that with every event, but set a short timer for when we stop moving
// the slider.
const emphasis_delay = 40;
var conductor_diameter_timer_handler = 0;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
conductor_diameter_slider.oninput = function() {
// Check if we have exceeded the maximum turns:
const max_N = getMaxTurnsFrom();
if(max_N > toroid.N) {
var temp = loop_turns_slider.value;
loop_turns_slider.value = (((1+(temp*(toroid.N_max-1)))-1) / (max_N-1));
if(conductor_diameter_timer_handler != 0) {
conductor_diameter_timer_handler = setTimeout(function(){
conductor_diameter_timer_handler = 0;
}, emphasis_delay);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
var loop_turns_timer_handler = 0;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
loop_turns_slider.oninput = function() {
if(loop_turns_timer_handler != 0) {
loop_turns_timer_handler = setTimeout(function(){
loop_turns_timer_handler = 0;
}, emphasis_delay);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
var frequency_timer_handler = 0;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
frequency_slider.oninput = function() {
if(frequency_timer_handler != 0) {
frequency_timer_handler = setTimeout(function(){
frequency_timer_handler = 0;
}, emphasis_delay);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
var voltage_timer_handler = 0;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
voltage_slider.oninput = function() {
if(voltage_timer_handler != 0) {
voltage_timer_handler = setTimeout(function(){
voltage_timer_handler = 0;
}, emphasis_delay);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
window.onresize = function() {
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
window.onorientationchange = function() {
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
window.onbeforeprint = function() {
function generateTurnsRatioLUT(max_turns) {
var res = {};
var ss = [];
for(var i=1; i<=max_turns; i++) {
for(var j=i; j<=max_turns; j++) {
res[j/i] = [i,j];
var kk = Object.keys(res).sort();
var jj = [];
kk.forEach(element => {
jj.push([element, res[element][0], res[element][1]]);
return res;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
const afront_canvas = document.getElementById("inductor2D");
const fctx = afront_canvas.getContext('2d');
function drawInductor(fctx, originX, originY, outerRadius, innerRadius, wireRadius, turns, width, toroid_colour) {
2021-10-19 09:39:07 +00:00
let theta = Math.PI/(turns);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
var front_originX = originX - 0.5*(1*outerRadius + 20 + width) - 10;
originY -= 12;
2021-10-19 09:39:07 +00:00
var x1 = 0;
var y1 = 0;
var x2 = 0;
var y2 = 0;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
// Draw entry and exit wires:
2021-10-19 09:39:07 +00:00
if(turns > 1) {
x1 = front_originX + (outerRadius + 20) * Math.cos(0.5 * Math.PI + 0.5 * theta);
y1 = originY + (outerRadius + 20) * Math.sin(0.5 * Math.PI + 0.5 * theta);
x2 = front_originX + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.cos(0.5 * Math.PI + theta);
y2 = originY + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.sin(0.5 * Math.PI + theta);
} else {
x1 = front_originX + (outerRadius + 20) * Math.cos(0.5 * Math.PI + 0.1 * theta);
y1 = originY + (outerRadius + 20) * Math.sin(0.5 * Math.PI + 0.1 * theta);
x2 = front_originX;
y2 = originY + (innerRadius - wireRadius);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
var angle = math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) - Math.PI * 0.5;
fctx.arc(x1, y1, wireRadius, angle, Math.PI+angle);
fctx.arc(x2, y2, wireRadius, Math.PI+angle, angle);
fctx.fillStyle = "black";
// Draw front profile of toroid former:
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
fctx.lineWidth = outerRadius - innerRadius;
//fctx.strokeStyle = "#7F7F7F"; // rgb(100, 100, 100);
fctx.strokeStyle = toroid_colour; // rgb(100, 100, 100);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
fctx.arc(front_originX, originY, 0.5 * (outerRadius + innerRadius), 0.0, 2.0 * Math.PI, false);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
fctx.lineWidth = 1.0;
// Draw side profile of toroid:
var side_originX = front_originX + outerRadius + 20;
fctx.fillStyle = "#7F7F7F"; // rgb(100, 100, 100);
fctx.fillRect(side_originX, originY - outerRadius, width, (outerRadius - innerRadius));
fctx.fillRect(side_originX, originY + innerRadius, width, (outerRadius - innerRadius));
//fctx.fillStyle = 'lightgrey';
fctx.fillStyle = toroid_colour; // rgb(100, 100, 100);
fctx.fillRect(side_originX, originY - innerRadius, width, (2 * innerRadius));
// Write width of cross-section of toroid (not including winding wire thickness):
fctx.font = "12px arial";
fctx.fillStyle = "black";
fctx.textAlign = "center";
fctx.fillText((controller.toroid.core.C).toFixed(1) + " mm", side_originX + 0.5*width, originY + outerRadius + 20);
fctx.fillText("(" + (controller.toroid.core.C*0.03937).toFixed(3) + "\")", side_originX + 0.5*width, originY + outerRadius + 34);
// Draw wire winding around top cross-section view:
fctx.strokeStyle = "black";
fctx.lineWidth = 2.0 * wireRadius;
fctx.moveTo(side_originX + 0.5*width, originY - outerRadius - wireRadius);
fctx.arcTo(side_originX + width + wireRadius, originY - outerRadius - wireRadius, side_originX + width + wireRadius, originY - outerRadius + 0.5*innerRadius, wireRadius);
fctx.arcTo(side_originX + width + wireRadius, originY - innerRadius + wireRadius, side_originX + 0.5*width, originY - innerRadius + wireRadius, wireRadius);
fctx.arcTo(side_originX - wireRadius, originY - innerRadius + wireRadius, side_originX - wireRadius, originY - outerRadius + 0.5*innerRadius, wireRadius);
fctx.arcTo(side_originX - wireRadius, originY - outerRadius - wireRadius, side_originX + 0.5*width, originY - outerRadius - wireRadius, wireRadius);
fctx.lineTo(side_originX + 0.5*width, originY - outerRadius - wireRadius);
// Draw wire winding around bottom cross-section view:
fctx.lineWidth = 2.0 * wireRadius;
fctx.moveTo(side_originX + 0.5*width, originY + outerRadius + wireRadius);
fctx.arcTo(side_originX + width + wireRadius, originY + outerRadius + wireRadius, side_originX + width + wireRadius, originY + outerRadius - 0.5*innerRadius, wireRadius);
fctx.arcTo(side_originX + width + wireRadius, originY + innerRadius - wireRadius, side_originX + 0.5*width, originY + innerRadius - wireRadius, wireRadius);
fctx.arcTo(side_originX - wireRadius, originY + innerRadius - wireRadius, side_originX - wireRadius, originY + outerRadius - 0.5*innerRadius, wireRadius);
fctx.arcTo(side_originX - wireRadius, originY + outerRadius + wireRadius, side_originX + 0.5*width, originY + outerRadius + wireRadius, wireRadius);
fctx.lineTo(side_originX + 0.5*width, originY + outerRadius + wireRadius);
// Draw horizontal wires across mid of cross-section view:
fctx.lineWidth = 1.0;
for(let i = 0; i < Math.floor(turns/2); i++) {
x1 = (side_originX - wireRadius);
y1 = originY + (innerRadius-wireRadius) * Math.sin((i/turns)* (2.0 * Math.PI) + 0.5*Math.PI + (1/turns) * Math.PI);
x2 = (side_originX + width + wireRadius);
y2 = y1;
angle = 0.5 * Math.PI;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
fctx.arc(x1, y1, wireRadius, angle, Math.PI+angle);
fctx.arc(x2, y2, wireRadius, Math.PI+angle, angle);
fctx.fillStyle = "black";
2021-10-19 09:39:07 +00:00
// Draw the lead-in wires:
if(turns > 1) {
x1 = front_originX + (outerRadius + 20) * Math.cos(0.5 * Math.PI - 0.5 * theta);
y1 = originY + (outerRadius + 20) * Math.sin(0.5 * Math.PI - 0.5 * theta);
x2 = front_originX + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.cos(0.5 * Math.PI - theta);
y2 = originY + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.sin(0.5 * Math.PI - theta);
} else {
x1 = front_originX + (outerRadius + 20) * Math.cos(0.5 * Math.PI - 0.1 * theta);
y1 = originY + (outerRadius + 20) * Math.sin(0.5 * Math.PI - 0.1 * theta);
x2 = front_originX;
y2 = originY + (innerRadius - wireRadius);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
angle = math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) - Math.PI * 0.5;
fctx.arc(x1, y1, wireRadius, angle, Math.PI+angle);
fctx.arc(x2, y2, wireRadius, Math.PI+angle, angle);
fctx.fillStyle = "black";
// Now draw the rest of the wires:
2021-10-19 09:39:07 +00:00
for(let i = 0; i < (turns - 1); i++) {
x1 = front_originX + (outerRadius + wireRadius) * Math.cos((i/turns)* (2.0 * Math.PI) + 0.5*Math.PI + (1/turns) * Math.PI + Math.PI/turns);
y1 = originY + (outerRadius + wireRadius) * Math.sin((i/turns)* (2.0 * Math.PI) + 0.5*Math.PI + (1/turns) * Math.PI + Math.PI/turns);
x2 = front_originX + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.cos((i/turns)* (2.0 * Math.PI) + 0.5*Math.PI + (1/turns) * Math.PI);
y2 = originY + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.sin((i/turns)* (2.0 * Math.PI) + 0.5*Math.PI + (1/turns) * Math.PI);
angle = math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) - Math.PI * 0.5;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
fctx.arc(x1, y1, wireRadius, angle, Math.PI+angle);
fctx.arc(x2, y2, wireRadius, Math.PI+angle, angle);
fctx.fillStyle = "black";
// Draw the Dimensions:
var localx = front_originX - outerRadius - 10;
fctx.moveTo(localx + 10, originY - outerRadius);
fctx.lineTo(localx, originY - outerRadius);
fctx.moveTo(localx + 10, originY + outerRadius);
fctx.lineTo(localx, originY + outerRadius);
fctx.lineTo(localx, originY - outerRadius);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
fctx.font = "12px arial";
fctx.translate(localx, originY);
fctx.rotate(-Math.PI * 0.5);
fctx.textAlign = "center";
fctx.fillText((controller.toroid.core.A).toFixed(1) + " mm", 0, -20);
fctx.fillText("(" + (controller.toroid.core.A*0.03937).toFixed(3) + "\")", 0, -6);
localx = front_originX + outerRadius + 20 + width + 15;
fctx.moveTo(localx - 5, originY - innerRadius);
fctx.lineTo(localx, originY - innerRadius);
fctx.lineTo(localx, originY + innerRadius);
fctx.lineTo(localx - 5, originY + innerRadius);
fctx.translate(localx, originY);
fctx.rotate(-Math.PI * 0.5);
fctx.textAlign = "center";
fctx.fillText((controller.toroid.core.B).toFixed(1) + " mm", 0, 12);
fctx.fillText("(" + (controller.toroid.core.B*0.03937).toFixed(3) + "\")", 0, 26);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
function drawTransformer(fctx, originX, originY, outerRadius, innerRadius, wireRadius, turns) {
// Draw toroid former:
fctx.arc(originX, originY, outerRadius, 0.0, 2.0 * Math.PI, false);
fctx.arc(originX, originY, innerRadius, 0.0, 2.0 * Math.PI, false);
fctx.lineWidth = 1.0;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
// Draw left-hand entry wire:
var x1 = originX - innerRadius + wireRadius;
var y1 = originY;
var x2 = originX - outerRadius - 100;
var y2 = originY;
var angle = math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) - Math.PI * 0.5;
fctx.arc(x1, y1, wireRadius, angle, Math.PI+angle);
fctx.arc(x2, y2, wireRadius, Math.PI+angle, angle);
fctx.fillStyle = "black";
// Right-hand exit wire:
x1 = originX + outerRadius + wireRadius;
y1 = originY;
x2 = originX + outerRadius + 100;
y2 = originY;
angle = math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) - Math.PI * 0.5;
fctx.arc(x1, y1, wireRadius, angle, Math.PI+angle);
fctx.arc(x2, y2, wireRadius, Math.PI+angle, angle);
fctx.fillStyle = "black";
// Draw cross-over wire:
let theta = Math.PI/8.0;
x1 = originX + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.cos(Math.PI - theta);
y1 = originY + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.sin(Math.PI - theta);
x2 = originX + (outerRadius + wireRadius) * Math.cos(- theta);
y2 = originY + (outerRadius + wireRadius) * Math.sin(- theta);
angle = math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) - Math.PI * 0.5;
fctx.arc(x1, y1, wireRadius, angle, Math.PI+angle);
fctx.arc(x2, y2, wireRadius, Math.PI+angle, angle);
fctx.fillStyle = "black";
for(let i = 0; i < (turns-1); i++) {
x1 = originX + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.cos((i/(turns-1.5)) * (Math.PI - theta));
y1 = originY + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.sin((i/(turns-1.5)) * (Math.PI - theta));
x2 = originX + (outerRadius + wireRadius) * Math.cos(((i+0.5)/(turns-1.5)) * (Math.PI - theta));
y2 = originY + (outerRadius + wireRadius) * Math.sin(((i+0.5)/(turns-1.5)) * (Math.PI - theta));
angle = math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) - Math.PI * 0.5;
fctx.arc(x1, y1, wireRadius, angle, Math.PI+angle);
fctx.arc(x2, y2, wireRadius, Math.PI+angle, angle);
fctx.fillStyle = "black";
for(let i = 0; i < (turns-2); i++) {
x1 = originX + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.cos(((i+1.0)/(turns-1.5)) * (Math.PI - theta) + Math.PI);
y1 = originY + (innerRadius - wireRadius) * Math.sin(((i+1.0)/(turns-1.5)) * (Math.PI - theta) + Math.PI);
x2 = originX + (outerRadius + wireRadius) * Math.cos(((i+0.5)/(turns-1.5)) * (Math.PI - theta) + Math.PI);
y2 = originY + (outerRadius + wireRadius) * Math.sin(((i+0.5)/(turns-1.5)) * (Math.PI - theta) + Math.PI);
angle = math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) - Math.PI * 0.5;
fctx.arc(x1, y1, wireRadius, angle, Math.PI+angle);
fctx.arc(x2, y2, wireRadius, Math.PI+angle, angle);
fctx.fillStyle = "black";
function drawBalun(fctx, originX, originY, outerRadius, innerRadius, wireRadius, turns) {
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
function drawDesign() {
const win_width = document.getElementById("inductor-container").clientWidth;
const win_height = document.getElementById("inductor-container").clientHeight;
afront_canvas.width = win_width-12;
afront_canvas.height = win_height-12;
fctx.clearRect(0, 0, win_width, win_height);
const outer_radius = 0.15 * win_height;
var cond_radius = outer_radius * controller.toroid.cond_diameter_meters * 1e3 / controller.toroid.core.A;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
const loopx = win_width/2;
const loopy = win_height/2;
const loop_diameter_mm = controller.toroid.core.A;
const cond_diameter_mm = controller.toroid.cond_diameter_meters * 1000.0;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
const loop_diameter_inches = loop_diameter_mm / 25.4;
const cond_diameter_inches = cond_diameter_mm / 25.4;
let inner_radius = outer_radius * controller.toroid.core.B / controller.toroid.core.A;
let thickness = 2.0 * outer_radius * controller.toroid.core.C / controller.toroid.core.A;
drawInductor(fctx, loopx, loopy, outer_radius, inner_radius, cond_radius, controller.toroid.N, thickness, controller.toroid.mat.color);
//drawTransformer(fctx, loopx, loopy, outer_radius, inner_radius, cond_radius, toroid.N);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
const y_offset = loopy + outer_radius + 20;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
var arrow_size = 10.0;
// Draw inner-diameter arrows: (for using a winding former)
const inner_dia_y = loopy + outer_radius + 40;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
// Draw outer-diameter arrows: (for using a winding former)
const outer_dia_y = loopy + outer_radius + 0;
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
// Write loop inductance:
fctx.font = "12px arial";
fctx.textAlign = "left";
const L = controller.toroid.L * 1.0e+6;
fctx.fillText("L\u1d62 = " + L.toFixed(0).toString() + " \u03bcH", 8, 18);
fctx.fillText("Rdc = " + controller.toroid.Rdc.toFixed(3) + " \u03A9", 8, 32);
fctx.fillText("Vrms = " + controller.toroid.Vrms.toFixed(2) + " V", 8, 46);
//fctx.fillStyle = "lightgrey";
//fctx.fillText("Ceff = " + (toroid.C*1e12).toFixed(1) + " pF", 8, win_height - 28);
//fctx.fillText("SRF = " + (toroid.SRF*1e-6).toFixed(2) + " MHz", 8, win_height - 14);
fctx.fillStyle = "lightgrey";
//fctx.fillStyle = "grey";
fctx.fillText("Ceff \u2248 " + (controller.toroid.C*1e12).toFixed(1) + " pF", 8, win_height - 28);
fctx.fillText("SRF \u2248 " + (controller.toroid.SRF*1e-6).toFixed(2) + " MHz", 8, win_height - 14);
//fctx.fillText("SRF = " + (getSRF()*1e-6).toFixed(1) + " MHz", 8, win_height - 14);
fctx.fillStyle = "black";
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
fctx.textAlign = "center";
2021-10-14 14:22:43 +00:00
fctx.font = "bold 16px courier";
fctx.fillText((40-conductor_diameter_slider.value).toString() + " AWG", loopx, 20);
//fctx.fillText("N = " + controller.toroid.N.toString() + " : Nd = " + (loop_turns_slider.value*100).toFixed(0) + "%", loopx, win_height - 28);
fctx.fillText("Nd = " + (loop_turns_slider.value*100).toFixed(0) + "% : N = " + controller.toroid.N.toString(), loopx, win_height - 28);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
fctx.font = "12px arial";
fctx.fillText("wire = " + (controller.toroid.cond_length_meters*100.0).toFixed(1)+ " cm (" + (3.2808399*controller.toroid.cond_length_meters).toFixed(2)+ "\')", loopx, win_height - 14);
//fctx.fillText("(" + (3.2808399*toroid.cond_length_meters).toFixed(2)+ "\')", loopx, win_height - 14);
fctx.fillText("\u2300 = " + (1e3 * controller.toroid.cond_diameter_meters).toFixed(3) + " mm" , loopx, 34);
fctx.fillText("(" + (39.37007874 * controller.toroid.cond_diameter_meters).toFixed(3) + "\")", loopx, 48);
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
// Top right text:
fctx.textAlign = "right";
2021-11-14 08:11:23 +00:00
var datasheet = controller.toroid.getMaterialDataStrings();
var max_width = 0;
datasheet.forEach((element, index) => {
let text = fctx.measureText(element[0] + ": " + element[1]);
if(text.width > max_width) {
max_width = text.width;
datasheet.forEach((element, index) => {
fctx.textAlign = "left";
fctx.fillText(element[0] + ": ", win_width-18-max_width, 18+(index*14));
fctx.textAlign = "right";
fctx.fillText(element[1], win_width-18, 18+(index*14));
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00
function getMetricPrefix(num) {
if(num >= 1e9) return {val: num*1e-9, pfx:'G'};
if(num >= 1e6) return {val: num*1e-6, pfx:'M'};
if(num >= 1e3) return {val: num*1e-3, pfx:'k'};
if(num < 1e-12) return {val: num*1e15, pfx:'f'};
if(num < 1e-9) return {val: num*1e12, pfx:'p'};
if(num < 1e-6) return {val: num*1e9, pfx:'n'};
if(num < 1e-3) return {val: num*1e6, pfx:'\u03bc'};
if(num < 1.0) return {val: num*1e3, pfx:'m'};
return {val:num, pfx:' '};
2021-10-17 11:56:54 +00:00
2021-10-10 12:59:41 +00:00