Added up-to-date PCB photos Changed default volume setting.

guido 2020-04-19 15:17:30 +02:00
rodzic 59cbd497f6
commit a1dfaff3bd
5 zmienionych plików z 6 dodań i 3 usunięć

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@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ inline int16_t ssb(int16_t in)
#define MIC_ATTEN 0 // 0*6dB attenuation (note that the LSB bits are quite noisy)
volatile int8_t mox = 0;
volatile int8_t volume = 8;
volatile int8_t volume = 12;
// This is the ADC ISR, issued with sample-rate via timer1 compb interrupt.
// It performs in real-time the ADC sampling, calculation of SSB phase-differences, calculation of SI5351 frequency registers and send the registers to SI5351 over I2C.

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ This modification consists of a few component changes and wires:
- **To simplify things, 78 components are no longer needed** (and you could omit them on an unbuilt QCX): IC6-10,R11-40,43,55,R59-64,C1,5,8,C9-28,C31,52,53,L1-3,D5,Q7,T1,JP1/DVM/FREQ.
- **SDR receiver**: change R7,10(82k); C4,C7(1nF), remove R11,12,14,15,17,27,29,59,IC10; wire IC2(pin15) to IC10(pin1); C39(R27/R29 side) to IC5(pin1); C40(IC10 side) to IC5(pin7), and disconnect R50(5V side) and R52(5V side) and wire both to IC2(pin21). Note on a QCX Rev5 you need to restore/insert manually the missing R49,50,53,C39 (see schematic). If you want to build-up the original (analog) QCX receiver, you can skip this step and insert a SPDT switch between C21(+ side) and IC9(pin1) for CW and R27(pin2) for SSB (as was done in [original QCX-SSB modification]).
- **SSB transmitter**: change D4,R56 (10k); R58 (.22uF); C32 (10uF), remove C31; wire IC2(pin21) to pin R57(side DVM-pin3); wire IC2(pin20) to DVM(pin2); wire IC2(pin18) to junction D4-C42-R58; install a microphone to tip (+ of electret) and sleeve GND of paddle-jack; PTT-switch to ring and sleeve ([X1M-mic]).
- **Multiband support**: remove C1,5,8,R64,T1; at T1 landing pattern (see [QCX Assembly instruction] T1) install R (1k) over 6-8; R (1k) over 3-4; C (10nF) over 4-8; C30 (30pF); L4 (1uH/16t); replace C25-28,L1-L3 with LPFs for different bands (e.g. [QRPLabs Low Pass Filter kit]).
- **Multiband support**: remove C1,5,8,R64,T1; at T1 landing pattern (see [QCX Assembly instruction] T1) install R (1k) over 6-8; R (1k) over 3-4; C (10nF) over 4-8; change C30 (30pF); L4 (1uH/16t); replace C25-28,L1-L3 with LPFs for different bands (e.g. [QRPLabs Low Pass Filter kit]).
**Firmware**: download [latest released hex file] and install with [standard QCX firmware upload procedure] (see also <sup>[note 1](#note1)</sup>).
@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ Below the layout with components marked in red that needs to be changed; gray co
Below the wires that needs to be installed on the bottom PCB. Note that a circle represents resistor R50/R52 that is in series with the wire and the pad at which the circle is drawn (the resistor is no longer connected to its original neighbour pad and its probably the best to place this wiring and resistor at the components side):
See here the resulting modification (includes PA bias mod <sup>[note 3](#note3)</sup>, does not include LPFs):
## Operation:
Currently, the following functions have been assigned to shortcut buttons (L=left, E=encoder, R=right) and menu-items:

pcb-bottom.png 100644

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pcb-top.png 100644

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