kopia lustrzana https://github.com/threeme3/usdx
Minor changes.
@ -76,11 +76,7 @@ ssb_cap=1; dsp_cap=2;
#ifdef KEYER
// Iambic Morse Code Keyer Sketch
// Copyright (c) 2009 Steven T. Elliott
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
// Source: http://openqrp.org/?p=343, Trimmed by Bill Bishop - wrb[at]wrbishop.com
// Iambic Morse Code Keyer Sketch, Contribution by Uli, DL2DBG. Copyright (c) 2009 Steven T. Elliott Source: http://openqrp.org/?p=343, Trimmed by Bill Bishop - wrb[at]wrbishop.com. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
// keyerControl bit definitions
#define DIT_L 0x01 // Dit latch
@ -124,7 +120,7 @@ void loadWPM (int wpm) // Calculate new time constants based on wpm value
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
bool backlight = true;
uint8_t backlight = 8;
//FUSES = { .low = 0xFF, .high = 0xD6, .extended = 0xFD }; // Fuse settings should be these at programming.
@ -1067,17 +1063,17 @@ public:
if(fout > 140000000) d = 4; // for f=140..300MHz; AN619; 4.1.3, this implies integer mode
if(d % 2) d++; // even numbers preferred for divider (AN619 p.4 and p.6)
uint32_t fvcoa = d * fout; // Variable PLLA VCO frequency at integer multiple of fout at around 27MHz*16 = 432MHz
// si5351 spectral purity considerations: https://groups.io/g/QRPLabs/message/42662
ms(MSNA, fvcoa, fxtal);
ms(MSNA, fvcoa, fxtal); // PLLA in fractional mode
//ms(MSNB, fvcoa, fxtal);
ms(MS0, fvcoa, fout, PLLA, 0, i, rdiv);
ms(MS0, fvcoa, fout, PLLA, 0, i, rdiv); // Multisynth stage with integer divider but in frac mode due to phase setting
ms(MS1, fvcoa, fout, PLLA, 0, q, rdiv);
ms(MS2, fvcoa, fout, PLLA, 0, 0, rdiv);
if(iqmsa != ((i-q)*((uint16_t)(fvcoa/fout))/90)){ iqmsa = (i-q)*((uint16_t)(fvcoa/fout))/90; reset(); }
oe(0b00000011); // output enable CLK0, CLK1
#ifdef x
// Gangnam style phase-shift
ms(MSNA, fvcoa, fxtal);
ms(MSNB, fvcoa, fxtal);
#define F_DEV 4
@ -1086,11 +1082,10 @@ public:
ms(MS2, fvcoa, fout, PLLA, 0, 0, rdiv);
ms(MS0, fvcoa, fout, PLLA, 0, 0, rdiv);
delayMicroseconds(1000000UL/F_DEV * 5/4); // Td = 1/(4 * Fdev)
delayMicroseconds(1000000UL/F_DEV * 5/4); // Td = 1/(4 * Fdev) phase-shift https://tj-lab.org/2020/08/27/si5351%e5%8d%98%e4%bd%93%e3%81%a73mhz%e4%bb%a5%e4%b8%8b%e3%81%ae%e7%9b%b4%e4%ba%a4%e4%bf%a1%e5%8f%b7%e3%82%92%e5%87%ba%e5%8a%9b%e3%81%99%e3%82%8b/
ms(MS1, fvcoa, fout, PLLA, 0, 0, rdiv);
oe(0b00000011); // output enable CLK0, CLK1
_fout = fout; // cache
_div = d;
_msa128min512 = fvcoa / fxtal * 128 - 512;
@ -1518,7 +1513,7 @@ inline void _vox(uint8_t trigger)
//#define F_SAMP_TX 4402
#define F_SAMP_TX 4810 //4810 // ADC sample-rate; is best a multiple of _UA and fits exactly in OCR0A = ((F_CPU / 64) / F_SAMP_TX) - 1 , should not exceed CPU utilization
#define F_SAMP_TX 4810 //4810 // ADC sample-rate; is best a multiple of _UA and fits exactly in OCR2A = ((F_CPU / 64) / F_SAMP_TX) - 1 , should not exceed CPU utilization
#define _UA (F_SAMP_TX) //360 // unit angle; integer representation of one full circle turn or 2pi radials or 360 degrees, should be a integer divider of F_SAMP_TX and maximized to have higest precision
//#define MAX_DP (_UA/4) //(_UA/2) // the occupied SSB bandwidth can be further reduced by restricting the maximum phase change (set MAX_DP to _UA/2).
//#define CARRIER_COMPLETELY_OFF_ON_LOW 1 // disable oscillator on low amplitudes, to prevent potential unwanted biasing/leakage through PA circuit
@ -1923,7 +1918,7 @@ inline int16_t process_agc(int16_t in)
return out;
} */
// M0PUB: Experimental new AGC algorithm.
// Contribution by Alan, M0PUB: Experimental new AGC algorithm.
// ASSUMES: Input sample values are constrained to a maximum of +/-4096 to avoid integer overflow in earlier
// calculations.
@ -2902,8 +2897,7 @@ void timer2_stop()
// Feel free to replace it with your own custom radio implementation :-)
char blanks[] = " ";
#define lcd_blanks() lcd.print(blanks);
void inline lcd_blanks(){ lcd.print(F(" ")); }
#define N_FONTS 8
const byte fonts[N_FONTS][8] PROGMEM = {
@ -3357,7 +3351,7 @@ void actionCommon(uint8_t action, uint8_t *ptr, uint8_t size){
for(n = size; n; --n) *ptr++ = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t *)eeprom_addr++);
case SAVE:
for(n = size; n; --n){ eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)eeprom_addr++, *ptr++); wdt_reset(); }
for(n = size; n; --n){ noInterrupts(); eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)eeprom_addr++, *ptr++); interrupts(); }
case SKIP:
eeprom_addr += size;
@ -3512,7 +3506,7 @@ void initPins(){
#ifdef CAT
// CAT support inspired by Charlie Morris, ZL2CTM, source: http://zl2ctm.blogspot.com/2020/06/digital-modes-transceiver.html?m=1
// CAT support inspired by Charlie Morris, ZL2CTM, contribution by Alex, PE1EVX, source: http://zl2ctm.blogspot.com/2020/06/digital-modes-transceiver.html?m=1
// https://www.kenwood.com/i/products/info/amateur/ts_480/pdf/ts_480_pc.pdf
#define CATCMD_SIZE 32
@ -3715,6 +3709,7 @@ void Command_PS1()
void fatal(const __FlashStringHelper* msg, int value = 0, char unit = '\0') {
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print('!'); lcd.print('!');
if(unit != '\0') {
@ -3750,12 +3745,12 @@ void setup()
t1 = micros();
float load_tx = (float)(t1 - t0) * (float)F_SAMP_TX * 100.0 / 1000000.0 * 16000000.0/(float)F_CPU;
uint16_t load_tx = (float)(t1 - t0) * (float)F_SAMP_TX * 100.0 / 1000000.0 * 16000000.0/(float)F_CPU;
// benchmark sdr_rx() ISR
func_ptr = sdr_rx;
rx_state = 0;
float load_rx[8];
float load_rx_avg = 0;
uint16_t load_rx[8];
uint16_t load_rx_avg = 0;
uint16_t i;
for(i = 0; i != 8; i++){
rx_state = i;
@ -3855,21 +3850,19 @@ void setup()
// Measure CPU loads
if(!(load_tx <= 100.0)){
fatal(F("!!CPU_tx"), load_tx, '%');
if(!(load_tx <= 100)){
fatal(F("CPU_tx"), load_tx, '%');
if(!(load_rx_avg <= 100.0)){
fatal(F("!!CPU_rx"), load_rx_avg, '%');
// and specify individual timings for each of the eight alternating processing functions:
for(i = 0; i != 8; i++){
if(!(load_rx[i] <= 100.0))
fatal(F("!!CPU_rx"), load_rx[i], '%');
if(!(load_rx_avg <= 100)){
fatal(F("CPU_rx"), load_rx_avg, '%');
/*for(i = 0; i != 8; i++){
if(!(load_rx[i] <= 100)){ // and specify individual timings for each of the eight alternating processing functions
//fatal(F("CPU_rx"), load_rx[i], '%');
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(F("!!CPU_rx")); lcd.print(i); lcd.print('='); lcd.print(load_rx[i]); lcd.print('%'); lcd_blanks();
// Measure VDD (+5V); should be ~5V
si5351.SendRegister(SI_CLK_OE, 0b11111111); // Mute QSD: CLK2_EN=CLK1_EN,CLK0_EN=0
@ -3879,13 +3872,13 @@ void setup()
float vdd = 2.0 * (float)analogRead(AUDIO2) * 5.0 / 1024.0;
digitalWrite(RX, HIGH);
if(!(vdd > 4.8 && vdd < 5.2)){
fatal(F("!!V5.0"), vdd, 'V');
fatal(F("V5.0"), vdd, 'V');
// Measure VEE (+3.3V); should be ~3.3V
float vee = (float)analogRead(SCL) * 5.0 / 1024.0;
if(!(vee > 3.2 && vee < 3.8)){
fatal(F("!!V3.3"), vee, 'V');
fatal(F("V3.3"), vee, 'V');
// Measure AVCC via AREF and using internal 1.1V reference fed to ADC; should be ~5V
@ -3896,7 +3889,7 @@ void setup()
for(; bit_is_set(ADCSRA, ADSC););
float avcc = 1.1 * 1023.0 / ADC;
if(!(avcc > 4.6 && avcc < 5.2)){
fatal(F("!!Vavcc"), avcc, 'V');
fatal(F("Vavcc"), avcc, 'V');
// Report no SSB capability
@ -3906,24 +3899,24 @@ void setup()
// Test microphone polarity
/*if((ssb_cap) && (!digitalRead(DAH))){
fatal(F("!!MIC in rev.pol"));
fatal(F("MIC in rev.pol"));
// Measure DVM bias; should be ~VAREF/2
float dvm = (float)analogRead(DVM) * 5.0 / 1024.0;
if((ssb_cap) && !(dvm > 1.8 && dvm < 3.2)){
fatal(F("!!Vadc2"), dvm, 'V');
fatal(F("Vadc2"), dvm, 'V');
// Measure AUDIO1, AUDIO2 bias; should be ~VAREF/2
if(dsp_cap == SDR){
float audio1 = (float)analogRead(AUDIO1) * 5.0 / 1024.0;
if(!(audio1 > 1.8 && audio1 < 3.2)){
fatal(F("!!Vadc0"), audio1, 'V');
fatal(F("Vadc0"), audio1, 'V');
float audio2 = (float)analogRead(AUDIO2) * 5.0 / 1024.0;
if(!(audio2 > 1.8 && audio2 < 3.2)){
fatal(F("!!Vadc1"), audio2, 'V');
fatal(F("Vadc1"), audio2, 'V');
@ -3950,7 +3943,7 @@ void setup()
for(int j = 3; j != 8; j++) if(si5351.RecvRegister(SI_SYNTH_PLL_A + j) != si5351.pll_regs[j]) i2c_error++;
fatal(F("!!BER_i2c"), i2c_error, ' ');
fatal(F("BER_i2c"), i2c_error, ' ');
@ -4025,6 +4018,7 @@ void setup()
uint8_t vox_tx = 0;
@ -4467,40 +4461,37 @@ void loop()
code definitions and re-use for comb, integrator, dc decoupling, arctan
in func_ptr for different mode types
refactor main()
agc based on rms256, agc/smeter after filter
noisefree integrator (rx audio out) in lower range
raised cosine tx amp for cw, 4ms tau seems enough: http://fermi.la.asu.edu/w9cf/articles/click/index.html
auto paddle
cw tx message/cw encoder
32 bin fft
dynamic range cw
att extended agc
single ATT
configurable F_CPU
CW-L mode
VOX integration in main loop
undersampling, IF-offset
K2/TS480 CAT control
faster RX-TX switch to support CW
qcx API demo code
unwanted VOX feedback in DSP mode
move last bit of arrays into flash? https://www.microchip.com/webdoc/AVRLibcReferenceManual/FAQ_1faq_rom_array.html
remove floats
u-law in RX path?: http://dystopiancode.blogspot.com/2012/02/pcm-law-and-u-law-companding-algorithms.html
Arduino library?
1. RX bias offset correction by measurement avg, 2. charge decoupling cap. by resetting to 0V and setting 5V for a certain amount of (charge) time
AGC amplitude sense behind filter, controlling gain before filter
add 1K (500R?) to GND at TTL RF output to keep zero-level below BS170 threshold
additional PWM output for potential BOOST conversion
SWR measurement?
CW decoder amp thrshld restriction and noise reduction (use of certain pause amounts)
squelch gating
More buttons, context specific items on LCD
Wider SSB passband (useful for FT8)
Amp keying, band-data output
more buttons
s-meter offset vs DC bal.
keyer with interrupt-driven timers (to reduce jitter)
Analyse assembly:
/home/guido/Downloads/arduino-1.8.10/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-g++ -S -g -Os -w -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -Wno-error=narrowing -MMD -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10810 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -I/home/guido/Downloads/arduino-1.8.10/hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino -I/home/guido/Downloads/arduino-1.8.10/hardware/arduino/avr/variants/standard /tmp/arduino_build_483134/sketch/QCX-SSB.ino.cpp -o /tmp/arduino_build_483134/sketch/QCX-SSB.ino.cpp.txt
@ -4511,19 +4502,8 @@ Q- I+ Q+ I- Q- I+ Q+ I-
90 deg.shift div/2@S1(pin2)
s-meter offset vs DC bal.
auto ATT
RIT, VFO-B, undersampling, IF-offset
keyer dash-dot
tiny-click removal, DC offset correction
atmega328p signature: https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=341799.15 https://www.eevblog.com/forum/microcontrollers/bootloader-on-smd-atmega328p-au/msg268938/#msg268938 https://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/undocumented-signature-row-contents
VOX running with F_ADC_CONV/2 or F_SAMP_PWM/2 (to remove geiger)
keyer with interrupt-driven timers (to reduce jitter)
Reference in New Issue