guido 2020-10-29 11:42:45 +01:00
rodzic 0bac8e0a5e
commit 482e9f1de5
2 zmienionych plików z 17 dodań i 40 usunięć

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@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ ssb_cap=1; dsp_cap=2;
int keyer_speed = 15;
static unsigned long ditTime ; // No. milliseconds per dit
static unsigned char keyerControl;
static unsigned char keyerState;
static unsigned char keyer_mode = 2; //-> SINGLE
static unsigned char keyer_swap = 0; //-> DI/DAH
static unsigned char practice = false; // Practice mode
static uint8_t keyerControl;
static uint8_t keyerState;
static uint8_t keyer_mode = 2; //-> SINGLE
static uint8_t keyer_swap = 0; //-> DI/DAH
static uint8_t practice = false; // Practice mode
static unsigned long ktimer;
static uint32_t ktimer;
static int Key_state;
int debounce;
@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ enum KSTYPE {IDLE, CHK_DIT, CHK_DAH, KEYED_PREP, KEYED, INTER_ELEMENT }; // Stat
void update_PaddleLatch() // Latch dit and/or dah press, called by keyer routine
if(digitalRead(DIT) == LOW) {
keyerControl |= keyer_swap?DAH_L:DIT_L;
keyerControl |= keyer_swap ? DAH_L : DIT_L;
if(digitalRead(DAH) == LOW) {
keyerControl |= keyer_swap?DIT_L:DAH_L;
keyerControl |= keyer_swap ? DIT_L : DAH_L;
@ -2971,11 +2971,11 @@ const byte fonts[N_FONTS][8] PROGMEM = {
0b00000 },
{ 0b00000, // 8; tbd
{ 0b11100, // 8; rit
0b00000 }
@ -3464,7 +3464,7 @@ int8_t paramAction(uint8_t action, uint8_t id = ALL) // list of parameters
case BACKL: paramAction(action, backlight, 0x84, F("Backlight"), offon_label, 0, 1, false); break;
case IQ_ADJ: paramAction(action, rx_ph_q, 0x85, F("IQ Phase"), NULL, 0, 180, false); break;
#ifdef CAL_IQ
case CALIB: if(dsp_cap != SDR) paramAction(action, cal_iq_dummy, 0x84, F("IQ Test/Cal."), NULL, 0, 0, false); break;
case CALIB: if(dsp_cap != SDR) paramAction(action, cal_iq_dummy, 0x86, F("IQ Test/Cal."), NULL, 0, 0, false); break;
#ifdef DEBUG
case SR: paramAction(action, sr, 0x91, F("Sample rate"), NULL, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, false); break;
@ -3991,6 +3991,7 @@ void setup()
change = true;
prev_bandval = bandval;
vox = false; // disable VOX on start-up for safety
nr = 0; // disable NR on start-up for stability
@ -4023,7 +4024,6 @@ void setup()
#ifdef KEYER
keyerState = IDLE;
keyerControl = IAMBICB; // Or 0 for IAMBICA
//keyer_mode = SINGLE ; // default Keyer wir durch Menue 10.2 später verändert
paramAction(LOAD, KEY_MODE);
paramAction(LOAD, KEY_PIN);
loadWPM(keyer_speed); // Fix speed at 15 WPM
@ -4114,21 +4114,16 @@ void loop()
case KEYED_PREP: // Assert key down, start timing, state shared for dit or dah
//digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn the LED on
Key_state = HIGH;
//lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print('h');
//lcd.noCursor(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print((int16_t)ditTime);
ktimer += millis(); // set ktimer to interval end time
keyerControl &= ~(DIT_L + DAH_L); // clear both paddle latch bits
keyerState = KEYED; // next state
case KEYED: // Wait for timer to expire
if(millis() > ktimer) { // are we at end of key down ?
//digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn the LED off
Key_state = LOW;
//lcd.setCursor(15, 1); lcd.print('l');
ktimer = millis() + ditTime; // inter-element time
keyerState = INTER_ELEMENT; // next state
} else if(keyerControl & IAMBICB) {
@ -4150,25 +4145,6 @@ void loop()
// Simple Iambic mode select. The mode is toggled between A & B every time switch is pressed. Flash LED to indicate new mode.
/* if(LOW == LOW) {
// Give switch time to settle
debounce = 100;
do {
// wait here until switch is released, we debounce to be sure
if(LOW == LOW) {
debounce = 100;
} while (debounce--);
keyerControl ^= IAMBICB; // Toggle Iambic B bit
if(keyerControl & IAMBICB) { // Flash once for A, twice for B
} else {
} */
} else {
#endif //KEYER

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@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Currently, the following functions have been assigned to shortcut buttons (L=lef
| 1.10 S-meter | Type of S-Meter (OFF, dBm, S, S-bar) | |
| 2.1 CW Decoder | Enable/disable CW Decoder (ON, OFF) | |
| 2.2 CW Tone | CW Filter+Side-tone (600, 700) | |
| 2.3 CW Offset | CW RX Offset (use to align with CW Filter Tone) | |
| 2.3 CW Offset | CW RX filter offset alignment (QCX only) | |
| 3.1 VOX | Voice Operated Xmit (ON, OFF) | | |
| 3.2 VOX Level | Audio threshold of VOX (0-255) | |
| 3.3 MOX | Monitor on Xmit (audio unmuted during transmit) | |
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ Currently, the following functions have been assigned to shortcut buttons (L=lef
| 8.3 PA Bias max | KEY_OUT PWM level (0-255) for representing 100% RF output | |
| 8.4 Backlight | Display backlight (ON, OFF) | |
| 8.5 RX Phase Adj | RX I/Q phase offset in degrees (45..135) | |
| 8.6 IQ Test/Cal. | CW-filter alignment (QCX only) | |
| 9.1 Sample rate | for debugging, testing and experimental purpose | |
| 9.2 CPU load | for debugging, testing and experimental purpose | |
| 9.3 Param A | for debugging, testing and experimental purpose | |