/* * hmi.c * * Created: Apr 2021 * Author: Arjan te Marvelde * * This file contains the HMI driver, processing user inputs. * It will also do the logic behind these, and write feedback to the LCD. * * The 4 auxiliary buttons have the following functions: * GP6 - Enter, confirm : Used to select menu items or make choices from a list * GP7 - Escape, cancel : Used to exit a (sub)menu or cancel the current action * GP8 - Left : Used to move left, e.g. to select a digit * GP9 - Right : Used to move right, e.g. to select a digit * * The rotary encoder (GP2, GP3) controls an up/down counter connected to some field. * It may be that the encoder has a bushbutton as well, this can be connected to GP4. * ___ ___ * ___| |___| |___ A * ___ ___ _ * _| |___| |___| B * * Encoder channel A triggers on falling edge. * Depending on B level, count is incremented or decremented. * * The PTT is connected to GP15 and will be active, except when VOX is used. * */ #include #include #include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "hardware/i2c.h" #include "hardware/timer.h" #include "hardware/clocks.h" #include "hardware/gpio.h" #include "lcd.h" #include "hmi.h" #include "dsp.h" #include "si5351.h" #include "relay.h" /* * GPIO assignments */ #define GP_ENC_A 2 #define GP_ENC_B 3 #define GP_AUX_0 6 // Enter, Confirm #define GP_AUX_1 7 // Escape, Cancel #define GP_AUX_2 8 // Left move #define GP_AUX_3 9 // Right move #define GP_PTT 15 #define GP_MASK_IN ((1< mode=USB, freq=14074.0kHz, state=Rx,S9+20dB * | Fast -10dB| --> ..., AGC=Fast, Pre=-10dB * +----------------+ * In this HMI state only tuning is possible, * using Left/Right for digit and ENC for value, Enter to commit change. * Press ESC to enter the submenu states (there is only one sub menu level): * * Submenu Values ENC Enter Escape Left Right * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Mode USB, LSB, AM, CW change commit exit prev next * AGC Fast, Slow, Off change commit exit prev next * Pre +10dB, 0, -10dB, -20dB, -30dB change commit exit prev next * Vox NoVOX, Low, Medium, High change commit exit prev next * * --will be extended-- */ /* State definitions */ #define HMI_S_TUNE 0 #define HMI_S_MODE 1 #define HMI_S_AGC 2 #define HMI_S_PRE 3 #define HMI_S_VOX 4 #define HMI_S_BPF 5 #define HMI_NSTATES 6 /* Event definitions */ #define HMI_E_NOEVENT 0 #define HMI_E_INCREMENT 1 #define HMI_E_DECREMENT 2 #define HMI_E_ENTER 3 #define HMI_E_ESCAPE 4 #define HMI_E_LEFT 5 #define HMI_E_RIGHT 6 #define HMI_E_PTTON 7 #define HMI_E_PTTOFF 8 #define HMI_NEVENTS 9 /* Sub menu option string sets */ #define HMI_NMODE 4 #define HMI_NAGC 3 #define HMI_NPRE 5 #define HMI_NVOX 4 #define HMI_NBPF 5 char hmi_o_menu[HMI_NSTATES][8] = {"Tune","Mode","AGC","Pre","VOX"}; // Indexed by hmi_state char hmi_o_mode[HMI_NMODE][8] = {"USB","LSB","AM","CW"}; // Indexed by hmi_sub[HMI_S_MODE] char hmi_o_agc [HMI_NAGC][8] = {"NoGC","Slow","Fast"}; // Indexed by hmi_sub[HMI_S_AGC] char hmi_o_pre [HMI_NPRE][8] = {"-30dB","-20dB","-10dB","0dB","+10dB"}; // Indexed by hmi_sub[HMI_S_PRE] char hmi_o_vox [HMI_NVOX][8] = {"NoVOX","VOX-L","VOX-M","VOX-H"}; // Indexed by hmi_sub[HMI_S_VOX] char hmi_o_bpf [HMI_NBPF][8] = {"<2.5","2-6","5-12","10-24","20-40"}; // Map option to setting uint8_t hmi_pre[5] = {REL_ATT_30, REL_ATT_20, REL_ATT_10, REL_ATT_00, REL_PRE_10}; uint8_t hmi_bpf[5] = {REL_LPF2, REL_BPF6, REL_BPF12, REL_BPF24, REL_BPF40}; uint8_t hmi_state, hmi_option; // Current state and option selection uint8_t hmi_sub[HMI_NSTATES] = {4,0,0,3,0,2}; // Stored option selection per state bool hmi_update; uint32_t hmi_freq; // Frequency from Tune state uint32_t hmi_step[6] = {10000000, 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100}; // Frequency digit increments #define HMI_MAXFREQ 30000000 #define HMI_MINFREQ 100 #define HMI_MULFREQ 1 // Factor between HMI and actual frequency // Set to 2 for certain types of mixer #define PTT_DEBOUNCE 3 // Nr of cycles for debounce int ptt_state; // Debounce counter bool ptt_active; // Resulting state /* * Some macros */ #ifndef MIN #define MIN(x, y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y)) // Get min value #endif #ifndef MAX #define MAX(x, y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) // Get max value #endif /* * HMI State Machine, * Handle event according to current state * Code needs to be optimized */ void hmi_handler(uint8_t event) { /* Special case for TUNE state */ if (hmi_state == HMI_S_TUNE) { if (event==HMI_E_ENTER) // Commit current value { SI_SETFREQ(0, HMI_MULFREQ*hmi_freq); // Commit frequency } if (event==HMI_E_ESCAPE) // Enter submenus { hmi_sub[hmi_state] = hmi_option; // Store selection (i.e. digit) hmi_state = HMI_S_MODE; // Should remember last one hmi_option = hmi_sub[hmi_state]; // Restore selection of new state } if (event==HMI_E_INCREMENT) { if (hmi_freq < (HMI_MAXFREQ - hmi_step[hmi_option])) // Boundary check hmi_freq += hmi_step[hmi_option]; // Increment selected digit } if (event==HMI_E_DECREMENT) { if (hmi_freq > (hmi_step[hmi_option] + HMI_MINFREQ)) // Boundary check hmi_freq -= hmi_step[hmi_option]; // Decrement selected digit } if (event==HMI_E_RIGHT) { hmi_option = (hmi_option<6)?hmi_option+1:6; // Digit to the right } if (event==HMI_E_LEFT) { hmi_option = (hmi_option>0)?hmi_option-1:0; // Digit to the left } return; // Early bail-out } /* Submenu states */ switch(hmi_state) { case HMI_S_MODE: if (event==HMI_E_INCREMENT) hmi_option = (hmi_option0)?hmi_option-1:0; break; case HMI_S_AGC: if (event==HMI_E_INCREMENT) hmi_option = (hmi_option0)?hmi_option-1:0; break; case HMI_S_PRE: if (event==HMI_E_INCREMENT) hmi_option = (hmi_option0)?hmi_option-1:0; break; case HMI_S_VOX: if (event==HMI_E_INCREMENT) hmi_option = (hmi_option0)?hmi_option-1:0; break; case HMI_S_BPF: if (event==HMI_E_INCREMENT) hmi_option = (hmi_option0)?hmi_option-1:0; break; } /* General actions for submenus */ if (event==HMI_E_ENTER) { hmi_sub[hmi_state] = hmi_option; // Store selected option hmi_update = true; // Mark HMI updated } if (event==HMI_E_ESCAPE) { hmi_state = HMI_S_TUNE; // Leave submenus hmi_option = hmi_sub[hmi_state]; // Restore selection of new state } if (event==HMI_E_RIGHT) { hmi_state = (hmi_state1)?(hmi_state-1):HMI_NSTATES-1; // Change submenu hmi_option = hmi_sub[hmi_state]; // Restore selection of new state } } /* * GPIO IRQ callback routine * Sets the detected event and invokes the HMI state machine */ void hmi_callback(uint gpio, uint32_t events) { uint8_t evt=HMI_E_NOEVENT; switch (gpio) { case GP_ENC_A: // Encoder if (events&GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_FALL) evt = gpio_get(GP_ENC_B)?HMI_E_INCREMENT:HMI_E_DECREMENT; break; case GP_AUX_0: // Enter if (events&GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_FALL) evt = HMI_E_ENTER; break; case GP_AUX_1: // Escape if (events&GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_FALL) evt = HMI_E_ESCAPE; break; case GP_AUX_2: // Previous if (events&GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_FALL) evt = HMI_E_LEFT; break; case GP_AUX_3: // Next if (events&GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_FALL) evt = HMI_E_RIGHT; break; default: return; } hmi_handler(evt); // Invoke state machine } /* * Initialize the User interface */ void hmi_init(void) { /* * Notes on using GPIO interrupts: * The callback handles interrupts for all GPIOs with IRQ enabled. * Level interrupts don't seem to work properly. * For debouncing, the GPIO pins should be pulled-up and connected to gnd with 100nF. * PTT has separate debouncing logic */ // Init input GPIOs gpio_init_mask(GP_MASK_IN); // Enable pull-ups gpio_pull_up(GP_ENC_A); gpio_pull_up(GP_ENC_B); gpio_pull_up(GP_AUX_0); gpio_pull_up(GP_AUX_1); gpio_pull_up(GP_AUX_2); gpio_pull_up(GP_AUX_3); gpio_pull_up(GP_PTT); // Enable interrupt on level low gpio_set_irq_enabled(GP_ENC_A, GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_ALL, true); gpio_set_irq_enabled(GP_AUX_0, GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_ALL, true); gpio_set_irq_enabled(GP_AUX_1, GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_ALL, true); gpio_set_irq_enabled(GP_AUX_2, GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_ALL, true); gpio_set_irq_enabled(GP_AUX_3, GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_ALL, true); gpio_set_irq_enabled(GP_PTT, GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_ALL, false); // Set callback, one for all GPIO, not sure about correctness! gpio_set_irq_enabled_with_callback(GP_ENC_A, GPIO_IRQ_EDGE_ALL, true, hmi_callback); // Initialize LCD and set VFO hmi_state = HMI_S_TUNE; hmi_option = 4; // Active kHz digit hmi_freq = 7074000UL; // Initial frequency SI_SETFREQ(0, HMI_MULFREQ*hmi_freq); // Set freq to 7074 kHz (depends on mixer type) SI_SETPHASE(0, 1); // Set phase to 90deg (depends on mixer type) ptt_state = 0; ptt_active = false; dsp_setmode(hmi_sub[HMI_S_MODE]); dsp_setvox(hmi_sub[HMI_S_VOX]); dsp_setagc(hmi_sub[HMI_S_AGC]); relay_setattn(hmi_pre[hmi_sub[HMI_S_PRE]]); relay_setband(hmi_bpf[hmi_sub[HMI_S_BPF]]); hmi_update = false; } /* * Redraw the display, representing current state * This function is called regularly from the main loop. */ void hmi_evaluate(void) { char s[32]; // Print top line of display sprintf(s, "%s %7.1f %c%3d", hmi_o_mode[hmi_sub[HMI_S_MODE]], (double)hmi_freq/1000.0, (tx_enabled?0x07:0x06), (tx_enabled?0:920)); lcd_writexy(0,0,s); // Print bottom line of dsiplay, depending on state switch (hmi_state) { case HMI_S_TUNE: sprintf(s, "%s %s %s", hmi_o_vox[hmi_sub[HMI_S_VOX]], hmi_o_agc[hmi_sub[HMI_S_AGC]], hmi_o_pre[hmi_sub[HMI_S_PRE]]); lcd_writexy(0,1,s); lcd_curxy(4+(hmi_option>4?6:hmi_option), 0, true); break; case HMI_S_MODE: sprintf(s, "Set Mode: %s ", hmi_o_mode[hmi_option]); lcd_writexy(0,1,s); lcd_curxy(9, 1, false); break; case HMI_S_AGC: sprintf(s, "Set AGC: %s ", hmi_o_agc[hmi_option]); lcd_writexy(0,1,s); lcd_curxy(8, 1, false); break; case HMI_S_PRE: sprintf(s, "Set Pre: %s ", hmi_o_pre[hmi_option]); lcd_writexy(0,1,s); lcd_curxy(8, 1, false); break; case HMI_S_VOX: sprintf(s, "Set VOX: %s ", hmi_o_vox[hmi_option]); lcd_writexy(0,1,s); lcd_curxy(8, 1, false); break; case HMI_S_BPF: sprintf(s, "Band: %d %s ", hmi_option, hmi_o_bpf[hmi_option]); lcd_writexy(0,1,s); lcd_curxy(8, 1, false); default: break; } /* PTT debouncing */ if (hmi_sub[HMI_S_VOX] == 0) // No VOX active { gpio_set_dir(GP_PTT, false); // PTT input if (gpio_get(GP_PTT)) // Get PTT level { if (ptt_state0) // Decrement debounce counter when low ptt_state--; } if (ptt_state == PTT_DEBOUNCE) // Reset PTT when debounced level high ptt_active = false; if (ptt_state == 0) // Set PTT when debounced level low ptt_active = true; } else { ptt_active = false; gpio_set_dir(GP_PTT, true); // PTT output } /* Set parameters corresponding to latest entered option value */ SI_SETFREQ(0, HMI_MULFREQ*hmi_freq); dsp_setmode(hmi_sub[HMI_S_MODE]); dsp_setvox(hmi_sub[HMI_S_VOX]); dsp_setagc(hmi_sub[HMI_S_AGC]); if (hmi_update) { dsp_setmode(hmi_sub[HMI_S_MODE]); dsp_setvox(hmi_sub[HMI_S_VOX]); dsp_setagc(hmi_sub[HMI_S_AGC]); relay_setband(hmi_bpf[hmi_sub[HMI_S_BPF]]); sleep_ms(1); // I2C doesn't work without... relay_setattn(hmi_pre[hmi_sub[HMI_S_PRE]]); hmi_update = false; } }