ArjanteMarvelde 2021-10-13 17:19:07 +02:00
rodzic 2701751e00
commit 9e4cda73a0
3 zmienionych plików z 139 dodań i 68 usunięć

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@ -46,10 +46,10 @@
* ADC is 12 bit, so resolution is by definition 4096
* To eliminate undefined behavior we clip off the upper 4 sample bits.
#define DAC_RANGE 250
#define DAC_RANGE 256
#define DAC_BIAS (DAC_RANGE/2)
#define ADC_RANGE 4096
#define ADC_BIAS (ADC_RANGE/2)
* Callback timeout and inter-core FIFO commands.
@ -62,9 +62,18 @@
#define DSP_RX 2
* AGC reference level is log2(64) = 6, where 64 is the MSB of half DAC_RANGE
* 1/AGC_DECAY and 1/AGC_ATTACK are multipliers before agc_gain value integrator
* These values should ultimately be set by the HMI.
#define AGC_REF 6
#define AGC_DECAY 1024
#define AGC_ATTACK 128
* Low pass filters Fc=3, 7 and 15 kHz (see http://t-filter.engineerjs.com/)
* for sample rates 62.500 , 31.250 or 15.625 kHz , stopband is appr -40dB
* Settings: sample rates 62500, 31250 or 15625 Hz, stopband -40dB, passband ripple 5dB
* Note: 8 bit precision, so divide sum by 256
int16_t lpf3_62[15] = { 3, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 10, 9, 7, 5, 3, 3}; // Pass: 0-3000, Stop: 6000-31250
@ -79,6 +88,12 @@ volatile uint32_t fifo_overrun, fifo_rx, fifo_tx, fifo_xx, fifo_incnt;
volatile bool tx_enabled;
* Some macro's
* See Alpha Max plus Beta Min algorithm for MAG (vector length)
#define ABS(x) ((x)<0?-(x):(x))
#define MAG(i,q) (ABS(i)>ABS(q) ? ABS(i)+((3*ABS(q))>>3) : ABS(q)+((3*ABS(i))>>3))
@ -88,61 +103,85 @@ volatile bool tx_enabled;
volatile uint16_t adc_result[3];
volatile int adc_next; // Remember which ADC the result is from
uint32_t adc_count=0;
uint32_t adc_count=0; // Debugging
void adcfifo_handler(void)
adc_result[adc_next] = adc_fifo_get();
adc_next = adc_hw->cs;
adc_next = (adc_next >> ADC_CS_AINSEL_LSB) & 3; // Only 0, 1 and are valid
adc_result[adc_next] = adc_fifo_get(); // Get result from fifo
adc_next = adc_hw->cs; // Update adc_next with HW CS register
adc_next = (adc_next >> ADC_CS_AINSEL_LSB) & 3; // Shift and Mask: Only 0, 1 and 2 are valid numbers
* CORE1:
* Execute RX branch signal processing, max time to spend is <16us !
* No ADC sample interleaving, take both I and Q channels.
* Execute RX branch signal processing, max time to spend is <16us, i.e. rate is 62.5 kHz
* No ADC sample interleaving, read both I and Q channels.
* The delay is only 2us per conversion, which causes less distortion than interpolation of samples.
volatile int16_t i_s_raw[15], q_s_raw[15]; // Raw I/Q samples minus DC bias
volatile uint16_t peak=0; // Peak detector running value
volatile int16_t agc_gain=0, agc_accu=0; // AGC gain (shift value), log peak level integrator
volatile int16_t i_s[15], q_s[15]; // Filtered I/Q samples
volatile int16_t i_dc, q_dc; // DC bias for I/Q channel
volatile int rx_cnt=0; // Decimation counter
bool rx(void)
int16_t q_sample, i_sample;
int16_t q_sample, i_sample, a_sample;
int32_t q_accu, i_accu;
int16_t qh;
int i;
uint16_t i;
int16_t k;
/*** SAMPLING ***/
i_sample = adc_result[0]; // Take last ADC 0 result
q_sample = adc_result[1]; // Take last ADC 1 result
* Remove DC and store new sample
* IIR filter: dc = a*sample + (1-a)*dc where a = 1/128
* Amplitude of samples should fit inside [-2048, 2047]
q_sample = (q_sample&0x0fff) - ADC_BIAS; // Clip to 12 bits and subtract mid-range
q_dc += (q_sample>>7) - (q_dc>>7); // then IIR running average
q_sample -= q_dc; // and subtract DC
i_sample = (i_sample&0x0fff) - ADC_BIAS; // Same for I sample
i_dc += (i_sample>>7) - (i_dc>>7);
i_sample -= i_dc;
* Shift with AGC feedback from AUDIO GENERATION stage
* This behavior in essence is exponential, complementing the logarithmic peak detector
if (agc_gain > 0)
q_sample <<= agc_gain;
i_sample <<= agc_gain;
else if (agc_gain < 0)
q_sample >>= -agc_gain;
i_sample >>= -agc_gain;
* Shift in I and Q raw samples
* Shift-in I and Q raw samples
for (i=0; i<14; i++)
q_s_raw[i] = q_s_raw[i+1]; // Q raw samples shift register
i_s_raw[i] = i_s_raw[i+1]; // I raw samples shift register
* Remove DC and store new sample
* IIR filter: dc = a*sample + (1-a)*dc where a = 1/128
q_sample = (q_sample&0x0fff) - ADC_BIAS; // Clip and subtract mid-range
q_dc += (q_sample>>7) - (q_dc>>7); // then IIR running average
q_s_raw[14] = q_sample - q_dc; // and subtract DC, store in shift register
i_sample = (i_sample&0x0fff) - ADC_BIAS;
i_dc += (i_sample>>7) - (i_dc>>7);
i_s_raw[14] = i_sample - i_dc;
q_s_raw[14] = q_sample; // Store in shift registers
i_s_raw[14] = i_sample;
* Low pass filter + decimation
rx_cnt = (rx_cnt+1)&3; // Calculate only every fourth sample
if (rx_cnt>0) return true;
if (rx_cnt>0) return (true); // So net sample time is 64us or 15.625 kHz
for (i=0; i<14; i++) // Shift decimated samples
@ -153,50 +192,68 @@ bool rx(void)
i_accu = 0;
for (i=0; i<15; i++) // Low pass FIR filter
q_accu += (int32_t)q_s_raw[i]*lpf3_62[i]; // Fc=3kHz, at 62.5 kHz sampling
i_accu += (int32_t)i_s_raw[i]*lpf3_62[i]; // Fc=3kHz, at 62.5 kHz sampling
q_accu += (int32_t)q_s_raw[i]*lpf3_62[i]; // Fc=3kHz, at 62.5 kHz raw sampling
i_accu += (int32_t)i_s_raw[i]*lpf3_62[i]; // Fc=3kHz, at 62.5 kHz raw sampling
q_s[14] = q_accu >> 8;
i_s[14] = q_accu >> 8;
q_accu >>= 8;
i_accu >>= 8;
q_s[14] = q_accu;
i_s[14] = i_accu;
* From here things get dependent on receive mode.
* We assume USB for now, e.g. supporting FT8
* Classic Hilbert transform 15 taps, 12 bits (see Iowa Hills)
* USB demodulate: I[7] - Qh,
* Qh is Classic Hilbert transform 15 taps, 12 bits (see Iowa Hills calculator)
q_accu = (q_s[0]-q_s[14])*315L + (q_s[2]-q_s[12])*440L + (q_s[4]-q_s[10])*734L + (q_s[6]-q_s[ 8])*2202L;
qh = q_accu >> 12;
qh = q_accu >> 12;
a_sample = i_s[7] - qh;
* SSB demodulate: I[7] - Qh
* Add DAC_BIAS offset, Clip to DAC_RANGE and send to audio DAC output
* AM demodulate: sqrt(sqr(i)+sqr(q))
* Approximated with MAG(i,q)
q_sample = ((i_s[7] - qh)/2)+DAC_BIAS;
q_sample = (q_sample>DAC_RANGE)?DAC_RANGE:((q_sample<0)?0:q_sample);
pwm_set_chan_level(dac_audio, PWM_CHAN_A, q_sample);
// a_sample = MAG(i_s[14], q_s[14]);
* AGC, peak detector
* Sample speed is still 15625 per second
peak = (127*peak + (ABS(a_sample)))>>7; // Running average level detect, a=1/128
k=0; i=peak; // Logarithmic peak detection
if (i&0xff00) {k+=8; i>>=8;} // k=log2(peak), find highest bit set
if (i&0x00f0) {k+=4; i>>=4;}
if (i&0x000c) {k+=2; i>>=2;}
if (i&0x0002) {k+=1;}
agc_accu += (k - AGC_REF); // Add difference with target to integrator (Acc += Xn - R)
if (agc_accu > AGC_ATTACK) // Attack time, gain correction in case of high level
agc_gain--; // Decrease gain
agc_accu -= AGC_ATTACK; // Reset integrator
} else if (agc_accu < -(AGC_DECAY)) // Decay time, gain correction in case of low level
agc_gain++; // Increase gain
agc_accu += AGC_DECAY; // Reset integrator
* Scale and clip output,
* Send to audio DAC output
a_sample += DAC_BIAS; // Add bias level
if (a_sample > DAC_RANGE) // Clip to DAC range
a_sample = DAC_RANGE;
else if (a_sample<0)
a_sample = 0;
pwm_set_chan_level(dac_audio, PWM_CHAN_A, a_sample);
if(m_Peak>m_AttackAve) //if power is rising (use m_AttackRiseAlpha time constant)
m_AttackAve = (1.0-m_AttackRiseAlpha)*m_AttackAve + m_AttackRiseAlpha*m_Peak;
else //else magnitude is falling (use m_AttackFallAlpha time constant)
m_AttackAve = (1.0-m_AttackFallAlpha)*m_AttackAve + m_AttackFallAlpha*m_Peak;
if(m_Peak>m_DecayAve) //if magnitude is rising (use m_DecayRiseAlpha time constant)
m_DecayAve = (1.0-m_DecayRiseAlpha)*m_DecayAve + m_DecayRiseAlpha*m_Peak;
m_HangTimer = 0; //reset hang timer
{ //here if decreasing signal
m_HangTimer++; //just inc and hold current m_DecayAve
else //else decay with m_DecayFallAlpha which is RELEASE_TIMECONST
m_DecayAve = (1.0-m_DecayFallAlpha)*m_DecayAve + m_DecayFallAlpha*m_Peak;
return true;
@ -290,13 +347,13 @@ void dsp_loop()
gpio_set_function(21, GPIO_FUNC_PWM); // GP21 is PWM for Q DAC (Slice 2, Channel B)
dac_iq = pwm_gpio_to_slice_num(20); // Get PWM slice for GP20 (Same for GP21)
pwm_set_clkdiv_int_frac (dac_iq, 1, 0); // clock divide by 1
pwm_set_wrap(dac_iq, DAC_RANGE); // Set cycle length
pwm_set_wrap(dac_iq, DAC_RANGE-1); // Set cycle length
pwm_set_enabled(dac_iq, true); // Set the PWM running
gpio_set_function(22, GPIO_FUNC_PWM); // GP22 is PWM for Audio DAC (Slice 3, Channel A)
dac_audio = pwm_gpio_to_slice_num(22); // Find PWM slice for GP22
pwm_set_clkdiv_int_frac (dac_audio, 1, 0); // clock divide by 1
pwm_set_wrap(dac_audio, DAC_RANGE); // Set cycle length
pwm_set_wrap(dac_audio, DAC_RANGE-1); // Set cycle length
pwm_set_enabled(dac_audio, true); // Set the PWM running
/* Initialize ADCs */
@ -309,7 +366,7 @@ void dsp_loop()
adc_next = 0;
adc_set_round_robin(1+2+4); // Sequence ADC 0-1-2 free running
adc_fifo_setup(true,false,1,false,false); // IRQ for every result (threshold = 1)
adc_fifo_setup(true,false,1,false,false); // IRQ for every result (fifo threshold = 1)
irq_set_exclusive_handler(ADC0_IRQ_FIFO, adcfifo_handler);
irq_set_enabled(ADC0_IRQ_FIFO, true);
@ -359,7 +416,18 @@ bool dsp_callback(struct repeating_timer *t)
* CORE0:
* Initialize dsp context and spawn core1 process
* Initialize dsp context and spawn CORE1 process
* Some CORE1 code parts should not run from Flash, but be loaded in SRAM at boot
* See platform.h for function qualifier macro's
* for example:
* void __not_in_flash_func(funcname)(int arg1, float arg2)
* {
* }
* Need to set BUS_PRIORITY of Core 1 to high
* #include bus_ctrl.h
* bus_ctrl_hw->priority = BUSCTRL_BUS_PRIORITY_PROC1_BITS; // Set Core 1 prio high
void dsp_init()

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@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ void hmi_evaluate(void)
char s[20];
sprintf(s, "%s %7.1f %c%3d", hmi_o_mode[hmi_sub[HMI_S_MODE]], (double)hmi_freq/1000.0, (tx_enabled?126:127),920);
sprintf(s, "%s %7.1f %c%3d", hmi_o_mode[hmi_sub[HMI_S_MODE]], (double)hmi_freq/1000.0, (tx_enabled?'T':'R'),920);
switch (hmi_state)

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@ -53,8 +53,11 @@ MSi: target for mid-band, i.e. Fvco=750MHz
MSN = MSi*Ri*Fout/Fxtal (should be between 24 and 36)
Only use MSi even-integers, i.e. d=[4, 6, 8..126], e=0 and f=100000, and set INT bits in reg 22, 23.
Phase offset MS0 (reg 165) must be 0, MS1 (reg 166) must be equal to MS1 for 90 deg. Set INV bit in reg 17 to add 180 deg.
NOTE: Phase offsets only work when Ri = 1, this means minimum Fout is 4.762MHz at Fvco = 600MHz
Quadrature Phase offsets (i.e. delay):
- Offset for MS0 (reg 165) must be 0 (cosine),
- Offset for MS1 (reg 166) must be equal to divider MS1 for 90 deg (sine),
- Set INV bit (reg 17) to add 180 deg.
NOTE: Phase offsets only work when Ri = 1, this means minimum Fout is 4.762MHz at Fvco = 600MHz. Additional flip/flop dividers are needed to get 80m band frequencies, or Fvco must be tuned below spec.
@ -265,7 +268,7 @@ void si_setmsi(uint8_t i)
data[1] = vfo[0].msi;
i2c_write_blocking(i2c1, I2C_VFO, data, 2, false);
else // Phase is 0 or 180 deg
data[0] = SI_CLK1_PHOFF;
data[1] = 0;