/** * \file * Ring Buffer library */ #include "mqtt/ringbuf_mqtt.h" /** * \brief init a RINGBUF object * \param r pointer to a RINGBUF object * \param buf pointer to a byte array * \param size size of buf * \return 0 if successfull, otherwise failed */ I16 ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR RINGBUF_Init(RINGBUF * r, U8 * buf, I32 size) { if (r == NULL || buf == NULL || size < 2) return -1; r->p_o = r->p_r = r->p_w = buf; r->fill_cnt = 0; r->size = size; return 0; } /** * \brief put a character into ring buffer * \param r pointer to a ringbuf object * \param c character to be put * \return 0 if successfull, otherwise failed */ I16 ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR RINGBUF_Put(RINGBUF * r, U8 c) { if (r->fill_cnt >= r->size) return -1; // ring buffer is full, this should be atomic operation r->fill_cnt++; // increase filled slots count, this should be atomic operation *r->p_w++ = c; // put character into buffer if (r->p_w >= r->p_o + r->size) // rollback if write pointer go pass r->p_w = r->p_o; // the physical boundary return 0; } /** * \brief get a character from ring buffer * \param r pointer to a ringbuf object * \param c read character * \return 0 if successfull, otherwise failed */ I16 ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR RINGBUF_Get(RINGBUF * r, U8 * c) { if (r->fill_cnt <= 0) return -1; // ring buffer is empty, this should be atomic operation r->fill_cnt--; // decrease filled slots count *c = *r->p_r++; // get the character out if (r->p_r >= r->p_o + r->size) // rollback if write pointer go pass r->p_r = r->p_o; // the physical boundary return 0; }