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2017-11-14 17:35:17 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2013 IBM Corp.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
* @file
* Topic handling functions.
* Topic syntax matches that of other MQTT servers such as Micro broker.
#include "mqtt/mqtt_topics.h"
#include "os_type.h"
#include "osapi.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "string.h"
char *_strtok_r(char *s, const char *delim, char **last);
char *_strchr(const char *s, int c) {
while (*s != (char)c)
if (!*s++)
return 0;
return (char *)s;
char ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR *_strdup(char *src) {
char *str;
char *p;
int len = 0;
while (src[len])
str = (char *)os_malloc(len + 1);
p = str;
while (*src)
*p++ = *src++;
*p = '\0';
return str;
* Checks that the syntax of a topic string is correct.
* @param aName the topic name string
* @return boolean value indicating whether the topic name is valid
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR Topics_isValidName(char *aName) {
int rc = true;
char *c = NULL;
int length = os_strlen(aName);
char *hashpos = strchr(aName, '#'); /* '#' wildcard can be only at the beginning or the end of a topic */
if (hashpos != NULL) {
char *second = strchr(hashpos + 1, '#');
if ((hashpos != aName && hashpos != aName + (length - 1)) || second != NULL)
rc = false;
/* '#' or '+' only next to a slash separator or end of name */
for (c = "#+"; *c != '\0'; ++c) {
char *pos = strchr(aName, *c);
while (pos != NULL) {
if (pos > aName) { /* check previous char is '/' */
if (*(pos - 1) != '/')
rc = false;
if (*(pos + 1) != '\0') { /* check that subsequent char is '/' */
if (*(pos + 1) != '/')
rc = false;
pos = strchr(pos + 1, *c);
return rc;
* Reverse a string.
* Linux utility function for Linux to enable Windows/Linux portability
* @param astr the character string to reverse
* @return pointer to the reversed string which was reversed in place
char ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR *_strrev(char *astr) {
char *forwards = astr;
int len = os_strlen(astr);
if (len > 1) {
char *backwards = astr + len - 1;
while (forwards < backwards) {
char temp = *forwards;
*forwards++ = *backwards;
*backwards-- = temp;
return astr;
* Does a topic string contain wildcards?
* @param topic the topic name string
* @return boolean value indicating whether the topic contains a wildcard or not
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR Topics_hasWildcards(char *topic) {
return (strchr(topic, '+') != NULL) || (strchr(topic, '#') != NULL);
* Tests whether one topic string matches another where one can contain wildcards.
* @param wildTopic a topic name string that can contain wildcards
* @param topic a topic name string that must not contain wildcards
* @return boolean value indicating whether topic matches wildTopic
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR Topics_matches(char *wildTopic, int wildcards, char *topic) {
int rc = false;
char *last1 = NULL, *last2 = NULL;
char *pwild = NULL, *pmatch = NULL;
if (!wildcards) {
rc = (os_strcmp(wildTopic, topic) == 0);
goto exit;
if (Topics_hasWildcards(topic)) {
//os_printf("Topics_matches: should not be wildcard in topic %s", topic);
goto exit;
if (!Topics_isValidName(wildTopic)) {
//os_printf("Topics_matches: invalid topic name %s", wildTopic);
goto exit;
if (!Topics_isValidName(topic)) {
//os_printf("Topics_matches: invalid topic name %s", topic);
goto exit;
2017-11-24 12:24:38 +00:00
if (strcmp(wildTopic, topic) == 0) {
2017-11-14 17:35:17 +00:00
rc = true;
goto exit;
2017-11-24 12:24:38 +00:00
if (strcmp(wildTopic, MULTI_LEVEL_WILDCARD) == 0) { /* Hash matches anything, but starting with '$'... */
rc = (topic[0] == '$') ? false : true;
goto exit;
2017-11-14 17:35:17 +00:00
if (strcmp(wildTopic, "/#") == 0) { /* Special case for /# matches anything starting with / */
rc = (topic[0] == '/') ? true : false;
goto exit;
/* because strtok will return bill when matching /bill/ or bill in a topic name for the first time,
* we have to check whether the first character is / explicitly.
if ((wildTopic[0] == TOPIC_LEVEL_SEPARATOR[0]) && (topic[0] != TOPIC_LEVEL_SEPARATOR[0]))
goto exit;
if ((wildTopic[0] == SINGLE_LEVEL_WILDCARD[0]) && (topic[0] == TOPIC_LEVEL_SEPARATOR[0]))
goto exit;
/* We only match hash-first topics in reverse, for speed */
if (wildTopic[0] == MULTI_LEVEL_WILDCARD[0]) {
wildTopic = (char *)_strrev(_strdup(wildTopic));
topic = (char *)_strrev(_strdup(topic));
} else {
wildTopic = (char *)_strdup(wildTopic);
topic = (char *)_strdup(topic);
pwild = strtok_r(wildTopic, TOPIC_LEVEL_SEPARATOR, &last1);
pmatch = strtok_r(topic, TOPIC_LEVEL_SEPARATOR, &last2);
/* Step through the subscription, level by level */
while (pwild != NULL) {
/* Have we got # - if so, it matches anything. */
if (strcmp(pwild, MULTI_LEVEL_WILDCARD) == 0) {
rc = true;
/* Nope - check for matches... */
if (pmatch != NULL) {
if (strcmp(pwild, SINGLE_LEVEL_WILDCARD) != 0 && strcmp(pwild, pmatch) != 0)
/* The two levels simply don't match... */
} else
break; /* No more tokens to match against further tokens in the wildcard stream... */
pwild = strtok_r(NULL, TOPIC_LEVEL_SEPARATOR, &last1);
pmatch = strtok_r(NULL, TOPIC_LEVEL_SEPARATOR, &last2);
/* All tokens up to here matched, and we didn't end in #. If there
are any topic tokens remaining, the match is bad, otherwise it was
a good match. */
if (pmatch == NULL && pwild == NULL)
rc = true;
/* Now free the memory allocated in _strdup() */
return rc;
} /* end matches */
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
#if !defined(ARRAY_SIZE)
* Macro to calculate the number of entries in an array
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR test() {
int i;
struct {
char *str;
} tests0[] = {
"#", "jj", "+/a", "adkj/a", "+/a", "adsjk/adakjd/a", "a/+", "a/#", "#/a"};
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(tests0) / sizeof(char *); ++i) {
os_printf("topic %s, isValidName %d\n", tests0[i].str, Topics_isValidName(tests0[i].str));
//assert(Topics_isValidName(tests0[i].str) == 1);
struct {
char *wild;
char *topic;
int result;
} tests1[] = {
"#", "jj", 1}, {
"+/a", "adkj/a", 1}, {
"+/a", "adsjk/adakjd/a", 0}, {
"+/+/a", "adsjk/adakjd/a", 1}, {
"#/a", "adsjk/adakjd/a", 1}, {
"test/#", "test/1", 1}, {
"test/+", "test/1", 1}, {
"+", "test1", 1}, {
"+", "test1/k", 0}, {
"+", "/test1/k", 0}, {
"/+", "test1/k", 0}, {
"+", "/jkj", 0}, {
"/+", "/test1", 1}, {
"+/+", "/test1", 0}, {
"+/+", "test1/k", 1}, {
"/#", "/test1/k", 1}, {
"/#", "test1/k", 0},};
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(tests1); ++i) {
os_printf("wild: %s, topic %s, result %d %d (should)\n", tests1[i].wild, tests1[i].topic,
Topics_matches(_strdup(tests1[i].wild), 1, _strdup(tests1[i].topic)), tests1[i].result);
//assert(Topics_matches(_strdup(tests1[i].wild), _strdup(tests1[i].topic)) == tests1[i].result);
struct {
char *str;
char *result;
} tests2[] = {
"#", "#"}, {
"ab", "ba"}, {
"abc", "cba"}, {
"abcd", "dcba"}, {
"abcde", "edcba"}
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
os_printf("str: %s, _strrev %s\n", tests2[i].str, _strrev(_strdup(tests2[i].str)));
//assert(strcmp(tests2[i].result, _strrev(_strdup(tests2[i].str))) == 0);