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* u2f.h
* Created on: Jan 26, 2016
* Author: pp
#ifndef _U2F_H_
#define _U2F_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#define U2F_EC_POINT_SIZE 32
#define U2F_EC_PUBKEY_SIZE 65
#define U2F_APDU_SIZE 7
// U2F native commands
#define U2F_REGISTER 0x01
#define U2F_AUTHENTICATE 0x02
#define U2F_VERSION 0x03
#define U2F_VENDOR_FIRST 0xc0
#define U2F_VENDOR_LAST 0xff
// U2F_CMD_REGISTER command defines
#define U2F_REGISTER_ID 0x05
#define U2F_REGISTER_HASH_ID 0x00
// U2F Authenticate
struct u2f_request_apdu
uint8_t cla;
uint8_t ins;
uint8_t p1;
uint8_t p2;
uint8_t LC1;
uint8_t LC2;
uint8_t LC3;
uint8_t payload[U2F_MAX_REQUEST_PAYLOAD];
struct u2f_ec_point
uint8_t fmt;
uint8_t x[U2F_EC_POINT_SIZE];
uint8_t y[U2F_EC_POINT_SIZE];
struct u2f_register_request
uint8_t chal[U2F_CHALLENGE_SIZE];
uint8_t app[U2F_APPLICATION_SIZE];
struct u2f_authenticate_request
uint8_t chal[U2F_CHALLENGE_SIZE];
uint8_t app[U2F_APPLICATION_SIZE];
uint8_t khl;
uint8_t kh[U2F_KEY_HANDLE_SIZE];
} ;
void u2f_request(struct u2f_request_apdu* req);
// Command status responses
#define U2F_SW_NO_ERROR 0x9000
#define U2F_SW_WRONG_DATA 0x6984
#define U2F_SW_INS_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x6d00
/* IMPLEMENTATION specific functions that must be implemented by user */
// Key id/handle for the private key for attestation
#define U2F_ATTESTATION_HANDLE ((uint8_t *)"\x00\x00\x00\x00")
// return size of the DER formatted attestation certificate
uint16_t u2f_attestation_cert_size();
// callback for u2f to send back response data
// @buf data to write back
// @len length of buf in bytes
void u2f_response_writeback(uint8_t * buf, uint16_t len);
// callback when u2f finishes and will
// indicate when all buffer data, if any, should be written
void u2f_response_flush();
// callback when u2f starts a new transaction
void u2f_response_start();
// Return 0 if user provides feedback, -1 if not
// This should block as long as it needs to get feedback
// before failing.
int8_t u2f_get_user_feedback();
// callback for u2f to start a sha256 hash
void u2f_sha256_start();
// callback for u2f to add data to started sha256 state
// @buf data to update hash with
// @len length of buf in bytes
void u2f_sha256_update(uint8_t * buf, uint8_t len);
// callback for u2f to havest hash from
// @buf final data to update hash with
// @len length of buf in bytes
void u2f_sha256_finish();
// callback for u2f to compute signature on the previously computed sha256 digest
// @dest atleast 64 bytes to write back signature R and S values
// @handle for the private key to use
// @return -1 for failure, 0 for success
int8_t u2f_ecdsa_sign(uint8_t * dest, uint8_t * handle);
// callback to get a new key handle
// @handle location to write the key handle (should be U2F_KEY_HANDLE_SIZE bytes long)
// @pubkey location to write the public key R & S (64 bytes)
// @return -1 for failure, 0 for success
int8_t u2f_new_keypair(uint8_t * handle, uint8_t * pubkey);
// Load a key into memory or check to see that the handle exists
// @handle the key handle to check
// @len the length of key handle in bytes
// @return -1 if it doesn't exist, 0 for success
int8_t u2f_load_key(uint8_t * handle, uint8_t len);
// method to return pointer to attestation cert
uint8_t * u2f_get_attestation_cert();
// Should increment a 4 byte persistent/atomic counter and return it.
// @return the counter
uint32_t u2f_count();
// method to set the total length of the response for use by underlying layer
// @len the length of U2F response in bytes
void set_response_length(uint16_t len);
#endif /* U2F_H_ */