
25 wiersze
915 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package tensorflow.distributed_runtime;
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
option go_package = "";
// Used to serialize and transmit tensorflow::Status payloads through
// grpc::Status `error_details` since grpc::Status lacks payload API.
// TODO(b/204231601): Use GRPC API once supported.
message GrpcPayloadContainer {
map<string, bytes> payloads = 1;
// If included as a payload, this message flags the Status to have lost payloads
// during the GRPC transmission.
// URI: ""
message GrpcPayloadsLost {}
// If included as a payload, this message flags the Status to be a possible
// outcome of a worker restart.
// URI:
// ""
message WorkerPossiblyRestarted {}