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import com.twitter.util.Time
* A [[TweetStateRecord]] represents an action taken on a tweet and can be used to determine a tweet's state.
* The state is determined by the record with the most recent timestamp. In the absence of any
* record a tweet is considered found, which is to say the tweet has not been through the
* deletion process.
* The [[TweetStateRecord]] type is determined by the lkey of a tweet manhattan record:
* metadata/delete_state -> HardDeleted
* metadata/soft_delete_state -> SoftDeleted
* metadata/undelete_state -> Undeleted
* metadata/force_added_state -> ForceAdded
* See the README in this directory for more details about the state of a tweet.
sealed trait TweetStateRecord {
def tweetId: TweetId
def createdAt: Long
def stateKey: TweetKey.LKey.StateKey
def values: Map[String, Long] = Map("timestamp" -> createdAt)
def name: String
def toTweetMhRecord: TweetManhattanRecord = {
val valByteBuffer = ByteArrayCodec.toByteBuffer(Json.encode(values))
val value = ManhattanValue(valByteBuffer, Some(Time.fromMilliseconds(createdAt)))
TweetManhattanRecord(TweetKey(tweetId, stateKey), value)
object TweetStateRecord {
/** When a soft-deleted or bounce deleted tweet is ultimately hard-deleted by an offline job. */
case class HardDeleted(tweetId: TweetId, createdAt: Long, deletedAt: Long)
extends TweetStateRecord {
// timestamp in the mh backend is the hard deletion timestamp
override def values = Map("timestamp" -> createdAt, "softdelete_timestamp" -> deletedAt)
def stateKey = TweetKey.LKey.HardDeletionStateKey
def name = "hard_deleted"
/** When a tweet is deleted by the user. It can still be undeleted while in the soft deleted state. */
case class SoftDeleted(tweetId: TweetId, createdAt: Long) extends TweetStateRecord {
def stateKey = TweetKey.LKey.SoftDeletionStateKey
def name = "soft_deleted"
/** When a tweet is deleted by go/bouncer for violating Twitter Rules. It MAY NOT be undeleted. */
case class BounceDeleted(tweetId: TweetId, createdAt: Long) extends TweetStateRecord {
def stateKey = TweetKey.LKey.BounceDeletionStateKey
def name = "bounce_deleted"
/** When a tweet is undeleted by an internal system. */
case class Undeleted(tweetId: TweetId, createdAt: Long) extends TweetStateRecord {
def stateKey = TweetKey.LKey.UnDeletionStateKey
def name = "undeleted"
/** When a tweet is created using the forceAdd endpoint. */
case class ForceAdded(tweetId: TweetId, createdAt: Long) extends TweetStateRecord {
def stateKey = TweetKey.LKey.ForceAddedStateKey
def name = "force_added"
def fromTweetMhRecord(record: TweetManhattanRecord): Option[TweetStateRecord] = {
def ts = TimestampDecoder.decode(record, TimestampType.Default).getOrElse(0L)
def sdts = TimestampDecoder.decode(record, TimestampType.SoftDelete).getOrElse(0L)
def tweetId = record.pkey
record.lkey match {
case TweetKey.LKey.HardDeletionStateKey => Some(HardDeleted(tweetId, ts, sdts))
case TweetKey.LKey.SoftDeletionStateKey => Some(SoftDeleted(tweetId, ts))
case TweetKey.LKey.BounceDeletionStateKey => Some(BounceDeleted(tweetId, ts))
case TweetKey.LKey.UnDeletionStateKey => Some(Undeleted(tweetId, ts))
case TweetKey.LKey.ForceAddedStateKey => Some(ForceAdded(tweetId, ts))
case _ => None
def fromTweetMhRecords(records: Seq[TweetManhattanRecord]): Seq[TweetStateRecord] =
def mostRecent(records: Seq[TweetManhattanRecord]): Option[TweetStateRecord] =